There should be incentives for youth who farm. Our farms are decreasing and if youth got involved in farming then our farms might increase.
Why abolish standardized testing and common core? why not just fix the problems and go on with our lives. Could getting rid of these hurt the U.S. ...
Currently, the age for becoming an adult in the U.S is 18. When you are 18 you are usually still a senior in highschool and your brain is not yet f...
schools start too early for students to properly learn
i think that tutors should get payed by schools to help students who are struggling in school because tutors are really helpful.
September 26, 2016 Dear Next President, Imagine if you or someone in your family / friend gets racist rude comments, harsh treatmen...
The reason why students should try and learn the most they can in school
Sexual assault, drugs, and guns are very prominent in the most unexpected places. Schools. These dangerous situations are going to destroy America'...
The cost of college is outrageous.
School lunches need to improve.
I think that the country should have more bike lanes.
Teachers have been assigning homework to students for as long as the school system has been around. It is assumed that this helps kids learn, but i...
Affordable Education.
Budget cuts are forcing schools to make tough decisions about where to use financial resources. One of them is cutting art programs from schools. B...
Every day in America kids are being served tasteless, unhealthy, cheap lunches. These kids are the future. Will we feed them with necessary food a...
In the United States, the sex education we have for adolescents can be remodified to be ideal and more effective than the one we have today.
This letter addresses the need for the government to help students get help with their mental health disorders.
Less and less schools are enforcing cursive handwriting for elementary aged children, and cursive is disappearing from our country at an alarming r...
Education in America is facing many problems today, one solution to some of these problems is having later school start times
For the good of the United States's future, the education system needs some change. Here are some ideas about what changes could be implemented and...
In today's world there are many people who are not able to pursue a higher education due to the expensive cost of college.
Standardized tests do not accurately display students’ knowledge.
Education is important to everyone. Most people, however, can't afford to go to a good school or college purely because they lack the funds to att...
It needs to be more equal and fair
Americas health is important to its future
Most immigrants want to pursue higher education but can't because they are affected by various factors
Concerns for our future
The concern of obesity is one that touches us all.
Redos and Retakes on homework and tests are hurting to students that are going to college.
I belive the next president needs to address the cost of public universities.
Women in the U.S.A have the option of being educated,however some women around the world don't.
Programs in high school will help high school students discover what career path is right for them, decrease the average student debt, and help stu...
Dear President,
Class sizes are getting too big, and are hurting student's education. The students aren't able to concentrate or get enough time with their teache...
All people in our country deserve a good education. More than one tenth of our country is made up of immigrants who can not afford a proper educati...
My letter is about student loans, the cost of college, and why something needs to be done to reduce this expense.
Some problems, solutions, and suggestions to benefit the people of the United States of America.
This letter is about the education system in the United States.
It's about time students and parents know the behind-the-scenes of sex ed.
Many infants have been born into this world with HIV/AIDS, these infants are unable to defend themselves because it has been transmitted from their...
The foster system has many faults. If done well, it can do a lot of good. But if done poorly or not managed, can be a living hell for all people in...
The Common Core has been in place for three years, but it is not making our students any smarter.
Food is taken for granted, but do we really have that right?
I think the education in this country can improve. Spending more money, upgrading our standards, and simply spreading the idea that education is im...
With increasing terrorists attacks, the question arises, should we use drones to fight with us?
Animal agriculture is negatively affecting our planet and our health, along with killing billions of animals a year. I believe you can help.
GMOs are genetically modified organisms. They are highly toxic and detrimental to the human health. This letter analyzes how GMOs are not beneficia...
The American education system is set up in a way that not only taxes individuals in terms of time, stress, and social ability, but in adulthood, al...
The thoughts of a current highschool junior about the status of education in this country.
This is a letter about helping the homeless and food waste in America to prevent starvation and to decrease the homeless population. However, I wil...
The words "under God" should remain in the Pledge to display our country's Christian history.
The U.S. military offers many things when joining the military.
Regarding my support for the Pace Promise nationwide for students.
The Patriot Act is a piece of legislation passed in response to the 9/11 terror attacks on the United States. The act gives government officials a ...
The issue of education is important it help us to build opinion and have points of view on things in life, also it help who wants learn something a...
How we can improve education in America.
Throughout the years, many things have improved. It's time that education takes a part in that as well.
Education is really important, which means you need enough sleep to get through the day.
There are many people who aren't allowed to join or fight for the armed forces or become a commercial pilot or even work as a EMS, or other emergen...
Cost less money to go places, and helps you with life problems.
It's no secret that there is a huge gender gap in STEM-related jobs, one being computer science. There needs to be more promotion for women and gir...
The education system has been setup to perpetuate the lie that there's only one institutionalized route to a better lifestyle.
Uniforms may seem like a small contribution to America, but the possible gains of requiring uniforms in schools in America are surprising.
How is your education? Is it bad, or is it good? In many towns across America, education is poor, and it is hurting students learning abilities. Wi...
Mental health is a serious condition, but is commonly overlooked by American society and public officials. It is the responsibility of the next pre...
Where would one be in life without the access to a great education to pave the path of the future ahead of them? This is a reality to many all over...
America's education system is going downhill, and we need to do something about it.
The real nightmare all students have to face and why we should put an end to it.
Medical debt is a major issue in the United States. It has made some people to go bankrupt and lose their homes.
Too many standardized tests are being put on students, and it stresses out not only that student but their teacher and quite possibly their school....
Summary: We need to fix school lunches and improve our standardized tests.
we need to learn to love.
The next US President needs to enhance America’s schooling system by assuring a good, high quality, efficient, balanced education for everyone; gra...
Islamophobia has been a problem in our country for years and I think we need to be more educated about the Islam religion.
Government Entitlement Programs are being taken advantage of by the wrong people. It is great to have in many ways for the people who are physicall...
A letter to the next president of the united states.
Healthcare in America.
Men should have more respect for women and should raise their sons to have respect too.
The most important issues to me are Insurance rates and how difficult it is for people to get health care. Everyone should be able to get the help ...
If a woman chooses to get an abortion, it is none of your business. You should have no opinion on what a woman chooses to do with her body. But if ...
Poverty in Small towns, is often over looked. The next president, really needs to take into consideration how that can be positively changed.
We want a future with less STD’s, fewer unwanted pregnancies and abortions, and a better understanding and acceptance of sexuality.
Rising tuition costs threaten the American Dream
Essentially, the government needs to fund education to a greater extent, as states do it with a bias.
College tuition expensive should be lower and build a better education system.
Students in school need to start learning subjects that they can take on in the future.
A letter from Journae Jones.
Our education system needs change.
The Biggest Problem within Schools
People love athletes, but are they good role models for kids?
Bilingual Education is underappreciated throughout the country.
Increase the cyber security of our country.
Getting an average of 6 hours of sleep during the night does not provide enough energy to endure the school day.
Schools should switch their starting hour from an early start like 7:00 A.M. to a later start like 10:00 A.M., so that students can have more sleep...
The education system in the United States must be reform in order for children to compete at a competitive level. The next President of the United ...
Lowering cost of College tuition
What would you rather have school all year with frequent breaks, better test scores, and higher taxes or vacation time, summer jobs, and better hea...
This letter explains why standardized testing is bad for our education.
Learning without debt
Thousands of Americans don't have the right to die with dignity when they have a severe illness. It is time for a change.