Pokémon Go is a great game played by millions. With millions of people playing this awesome game, dangers are bound to come with it.
My letter is about making this country better and reuniting it.
Coal was our power source for many of years why would we change it. If it isn't broken why would we fix it.
Legalization of medical marijuana and voting against gun control.
Reinstate voting privileges for ex-convicts who have proven to have changed their lives for the better.
Rasicm and rape issues in America.
I thought college opened up more financial possibilities, but it is starting to look like it's digging us a larger hole than we need to be in.
What the President should consider before choosing to shut down coal mines.
Letter to the next president about addressing coal mines and gun control.
A letter detailing the issue of the lack of funding for the arts programs in public schools. It explains the benefits of the arts, as well as the d...
Gun control and transgender bathroom
I think we should have more time for extra-curricular activities.
Drug abuse is getting worse and worse.
Here in North Dakota, I have concerns about the oil pipeline and coal fired plant around the town in live in.
Are you aware that nearly half of Americans are living with a disease that can be cured or reversed with the help of stem cell research?
This letter talks about issues that involve gun laws and shutting down coal mines.
My letter focuses on equality for all races, genders, and sexual orientations.
This letter is about the Dakota Access Pipeline.
Black lives are very short because police are very currupt
This country needs uniformity in its laws. By Abby C.
Some of the issues in America are abortions and coal-fired powerplants
Homelessness is getting worse and we need to make it better
This is about wars because some people in the world are dying because other states are thinking about attacking but people in The Unite State of Am...
starting school at a later time for health benefits.
Issues with the future of our country.
animal abuse is not something people just do and think oh it's okay, It needs to be stopped.
The polar bears are dying. We must defend their future.
Terrorism is a major problem in the US.
Zika is spreading into America.
My letter is about the facts of the gender pay gap and the cost of college.
We need to think about abortion. Abortion is murder.
Workers are rejected by several people based on their attire and/or race.
Police brutality is affecting the nation.
The issue in my letter is about World Hunger.
Illegal immigration has been a problem in the US for a while now, it is affecting our economy and breaking our laws.
what can we Americans do to help lower green House Gasses
We need to help homeless veterans.
Colleges are charging too much for students to attend. It is to high for a lot of students and loans lead to debt.
Changing the MLDA to 18 could prevent many drinking related problems.
Do guns need to be banned? Or should we just get stricter rules?
Our national debt is gradually becoming a larger problem in this country, and it needs to be turned around.
Zoos are a major problem today and need to be monitored and looked at more closely. There are many issues that involve zoos that are not being look...
In this article you will read why guns should not be taken away from the public.
College Costs and Security
Homelessness is getting worse by the minute!
The President should increase the research on Cancer, to save lives and help the economy
Our education systems need to recognize our best and brightest and to meet their needs. By Claire B.
Illegal immigration is a threat to our national security and the safety of our country’s citizens.
Raising the minimum wage is a big argument in the U.S. Parents are struggling to support their kids and there is something people can do about it.
The side of those involved with the building of the Dakota Access Pipeline.
Legalize marijuana for medical and recreational use in all states.
Coal plants are being shut down because they produce too many gases. I'm here to stop that.
Educating the U.S citizens about events around the world.
Alcohol is very dangerous to the human body.
Don't take away our right to keep ourselves safe. Keep firearms in civilians' hands.
This letter is about the Second Amendment and the right to protect ourselves, along with a second-hand perspective of an immigrant.
This letter is about how to save the pandas and research about them.
We need to keep our power plants running until we have an alternative source.
The price of college is rising to fast and government is still making budget cuts. And many students that want to go cant afford it without scholar...
We need to stop shootings for good, and help innocent people who are victims of this problem.
Coal mines and gun control
This letter consists of information that involves the gender pay gap and our country's debt.
In this letter, a concerned 8th grader talks about the voting age, and how the voting age could change.
Addresses the issues of war and coal. If these issues can be fixed, the U.S. will become a better place.
Abortions are killing babies that haven't been born yet.
Alexis Davis, a member of the Turtle Mountain Chippewa in North Dakota, calls upon the next president to help preserve her tribe's culture and land...
Issues for president
Veterans and people in the military save our freedoms everyday, but when we are back home are we giving back enough to them. Some veterans come bac...
Gun control can change the world if it comes into view.
Illigal immigration is a big issue in the US, help us put a stop to this nonsense.
National Debt As Known By A Millennial
A students future might depend on how much sleep they get. If school started as little as 30 minutes earlier, grades would improve, car crashes wou...
Skateboarding should be in gym class.
Books are being banned for terrible reasons, and something needs to be done about it!
There should be more free surgeries given out to the uninsured.
Bring down the drinking age.
Are the cops the real problem in the Black Lives Matter issue or is the black community also at fault?
To find a cure for people who have had strokes.
and not just in politics. The Earth's climate is changing for the worse and we need to do something.
How euthanasia is effecting the United States.
Animal testing is a serious problem that isn't really being talked about. It should be taken more serious and needs to be stopped duo to how many a...
In North Dakota, coal and oil are important parts of our lives. We need them for the time being.
Adoption: a gratifying alternative to abortion.
The military risk so much to fight for out country and they deserve more time home.
College costs way too much. It's time that we did something about it.
The USA is facing threat of a nuclear war and we need to prevent this from happening.
Coal Power Plants
Gun control is the protection of the use of guns and it needs to be changed.
Teenagers don't get enough sleep.
Feminism affects every woman in the world.
This letter is about how the next president should stop terrorism and decrease college tuition.
Coal power is not only efficient, but it is becoming clean.
Hunger is killing more and more people everyday
Abortion in our world today isn't taken seriously enough. It is not a birth control, and isn't morally correct. These are my views on abortion as w...
We need more Pokemon stops and Gyms!
Concert tickets cost to much for some fans.
Bullying has become more and more of an issue in the United States.
One of the main controversial issues in America is abortion. Another issue facing the states is the amount of homeless people. If these two issues ...