The safest choice for both genders is a gender neutral bathroom.
Discrimination is a huge problem that needs to be addressed. With the help of the government, discrimination could end.
Our country is being manipulated, one way or another, by money, media or even retirement. It happens all of the time, even if it can be seen or not...
What are the misconceptions made about bisexuals and how do people feel about them? Is there anything we can do about this?
Gay Marriage is legal.
The amount of safe places or homeless shelters dedicated to those who identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, etc., is very low. These chi...
We should not stop people from being themselves or make them feel like they cannot be who they want to be.
Conversion camps need to be made illegal in the US due to their abusive practices.
Why homosexuality and Gay Marriage is okay.
LGBTQ Rights
Legalization of gay marriage in all 50 states
From bathroom laws to explicit hate, transgender people, and people of other varied gender identities, are under constant fire from much of the Uni...
This is about rights and equality.
America still has a problem with racial and sexual orientation discrimination.
Children should not be treated differently, no matter the sex of their parent.
An essay exploring what it's like growing up as a queer student in school in America.
Fix the problem and help the LGBT community
The American people have been far too critical to each others lives and choices.
LGBTQs are being disrespected and treated differently.
A look Into The Transgender Issue
In the world today not everyone has the same equality; some don't have equality; we want to make a change to that problem.
LGBT people are treated unfairly by employers, they experience employment discrimination, and they lack federal employment protection.
LGBT adoption is when a same-sex couple adopts a child. If every LGBT couple who wanted to were allowed to adopt, then so many children would have ...
This letter has been written to provide evidence for why gay marriage should be legalized.
Everyone deserves to be treated with equality and respect.
Gay marriage was a really big problem until now. Let's not change it.
Bullying is a major problem in America, especially in LGBTQ communities
The discrimination of a large group of people based on their gender identity.
Gay marriage is not a right
Persuasive letter with reasons to protect LGBTQ rights
State laws that mandate teaching negative information about sexuality and gender orientations within sex education should be abolished for the safe...
A short letter on the LGBTQ community's rights.
LGBT couples should not be denied the right to adopt a child because of their sexual orientation.
Many people today are discriminated against because of their sexuality. Because of this, many students may develop depression and/or suicidal thoug...
People shouldn't be treated different everyone should be treated equal.
I think there are very many issues that should be reviewed on transgender rights.
No one has the right to change or attempt to change anyone's sexuality. The next step that will lead our country to progress to new heights is by b...
Families and people in the Lgbt community should be treated just as "normal" people.
Thousands of children are in an orphanage and are up for adoption for years and years and most heterosexual couples have there own child . In that ...
I have multiple issues about making sure everyone having equal rights in America.
People should be able to be themselves and love whoever they want.
The fact that our brains operate a little different than they way most people's do, does not make us any less human. We love, hurt, laugh and do ev...
All around the world, especially in America, transgenders have to struggle everyday to live in a trans-hating world.
All people should be treated the same regardless of their sexuality.
Dear Donald Trump, The LGBT community has been given the very basic right to marry, but there is still so much more to be done. This letter highlig...
A letter about issues that LGBTQ people are facing, and support.
I believe all LGBTQ citizens deserve the same rights as all others. Also no one should be threatened for speaking about what they believe in.
My issue is straight conversion therapy.
Long have the voices of the LGBT community been silenced in this country. This marginalized group that has just as much say as the next, in actuali...
The LGBTQ+ community has always had a hard time. Especially the transgender community. This letter explains why we need to enforce protection laws ...
Be who you are. Love who you wish.
Homophobia and transphobia need to stop for the betterment of our society.
I am for gay marriage.
This is about Gay Marriage, and Gay Rights
We need to work together to help give the LGBTQ Alliance more rights.
The LGBTQ community faces large problems that you need to fix.
Transgender Equality in America
It's time to stop hate against someone who if different because of who they identify as or who they want to love.
While equality is something that we stand for in this country it is not actually represented. People of different races, genders, and LGBT people a...
Why gay adoption SHOULD be legalized in ALL 50 states!
Discrimination which comes in many forms is widespread and has continued for so long. ...
From shootings, to the legalization of same sex marriage, to the barricading of this community's happiness and more, the LGBT+ Community does not g...
What about all the gay marriages? Are they still going to be allowed?
This is a plan I know will work to get more rights for lgbt+ people in this nation or even the whole world
People of the LGBT community deserve to be treated like humans and deserve equal rights.
74% of transgender teens have reported being sexually harassed and 84% of LGBT teens have been verbally harassed.
It is unfair that certain people are discriminated against, and I believe that should change.
Despite the victories of the LGBTQ+ community, there is still much hate against the community. Homosexuals and transgenders are often persecuted in...
Some issues like police brutality, terrorism, etc. can really be a bigger issue if our president doesn't fix them.
My name is Janeen Harlow, I am a 14 year old 9th grade student from Northview High School in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I was like to discuss with you...
More than half of the states in the United States exclude the LGBT community in their anti-discrimination laws. This needs to change.
The LGBT+ community is currently one of the most discriminated demographics in the world.
I have some possible causes and solutions to talk about along with some problems concerning the LGBTQ community.
Love is love, no matter what form. But even then, people still wish to stop the freedom for people to love whoever they wish.
Our youth are taught about sexual activity, but never sexuality itself. We need to let our youth understand sexuality and gender, how to respect it...
Homophobia is affecting many people around the country. Kids feel unsafe at school, equality is still a big issue and no one is really doing anythi...
LGBTQ rights
Transgender people deserve equal rights.
Every day a student is bullied, a person is fired from their job, or even kicked out of their home. Why you may ask? For the sole reason of being ...
A letter about gay acceptance
This is about gay rights
Many gay and lesbians are being bullied in and outside of public places.
I support transgender bathroom policies.
The talk on the issue of transgender bathrooms and why our nation needs them for more human equality.
This letter is about transgender bathroom policies at schools.
This letter explains a few challenges that people of trans experience have to face and my opinion on some of the issues.
Stop LGBT+ harassment !
"Haha, GAAAYY!" How many times do you hear that in a day? Echoing down school halls, ringing out on streets, but do you pay any mind to it? Everyon...
My letter is about how many people commit suicide
I believe that everyone should have the right to marry their loved one.
A letter to the future president about same-sex marriage remaining legal.
People of every sexual orientation: bisexual, straight, gay, lesbian, transgender came together to show support and pride by marching in the Pride ...
Many members of the LGBTQ+ community everywhere feel like they are not welcome in this country and this article says why.
Good morning, my name is Sophia and I'd like to congratulate you on becoming the president. In more serious terms I'd like to share my thoughts abo...
My letter is about LGBT community rights and equality. I believe everyone has the right to be equal and be treated the same no matter what their se...
It is not fair how the LGBT community gets affected by the lack of acceptance inside this country.
Transgender people need to be able to use the restroom that they identify as. We need to be more mature and accepting of everyone.
Persuasive Letter the next president protect LGBTQ Rights.
People in the LGBT community need more rights and to be discriminated less.