A letter to the next president on why Firearms are important.
While equality is something that we stand for in this country it is not actually represented. People of different races, genders, and LGBT people a...
Please help the homeless people in our community!
Every day a student is bullied, a person is fired from their job, or even kicked out of their home. Why you may ask? For the sole reason of being ...
This is a five paragraph letter concerning the rights and policy of transgender people and using the restroom they identify with.
The amount of people who get away with sexual assault facing minimal charges is baffling and disgusting. Nobody should ever be scared to not be abl...
Discrimination against LGBT+ needs to stop.
Gay Marriage is legal.
Sexual assault needs to stop
We need to protect LGBTQ+ youth from bullying
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender's should be given the same amount of respect as straight people because as Americans, we are all equal and ...
Unisex restrooms for the disabled and transgender
College female students, freshman, seniors and everyone in between are plagued with this issue everyday.
I have written this to discuss the issue of sexual assault, and the aid and justice (or lack thereof) that is given to the victims.
the bathroom policy
All around the world, especially in America, transgenders have to struggle everyday to live in a trans-hating world.
I'm covering the topic of Sex trafficking in the U.S. I provide a recent story on it as well as a former sex slave herself talking about her experi...
¨Every single American - Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender- Every single American deserves to be treated equally in the eyes of the law and in th...
I care about LGBT people, and I care about their rights.
The American people have been far too critical to each others lives and choices.
LGBT discrimination is a major problem.
A list on why Donald Trump has no business being POTUS.
The next president must be open minded about the LGBTQ community and must be accepting to all races thier choice of lifestyle and how they are .
Abortion is a sensitive topic and women should reserve the right to make this decision for themselves.
The growing issue about transgender people using the bathroom needs to be resolved soon.
Dear next president, you’ve got a lot of work to do. With America’s economy suffering, crime rates increasing, and government facing constant criti...
It is 2016 we should no longer be supporting and promoting rape culture.
Gay Adoption rights belong up with the high problems in our nation because L.G.B.T+ people matter too and should be able to be parents.
LGBT Rights and why you should try and help the lgbt community.
In your power, you must work to end discrimination and inequality against women, world race, religion, and LGBTQ American’s.
To abolish the marriage of gays.
This letter has been written to provide evidence for why gay marriage should be legalized.
LGBTQ Rights
We all deserve equal rights and protection.
For every thousand reported rapes in the United States, only six rapists actually spend time in prison. In many of these cases, the victims are bla...
The ever growing epidemic of sexual assault on college campuses. What are we doing wrong?
Rape culture is used to describe a society which blames rape victims for their assault and normalizes male sexual violence through pop culture and ...
The LGBTQ+ community needs to recieve the same rights as everyone else.
I am aware that there are more issues and definitely more important ones but this is important to me. The LGBTQ+ community needs attention. There ...
I believe that people of the LGBT community deserve as much equality as anyone else does, and there are some changes needed to be made.
This is what I think should be thought about.
I believe the Bathroom Laws, such as House Bill 2 which forces people to use the restroom that is of their biological gender, should be repealed! N...
We need to stop the persecution of the LGBTQ community from the government and the people of this country.
People of the LGBT community deserve to be treated like humans and deserve equal rights.
Sexual Assault victims are getting the short end of the stick.
The LGBT community has been getting more hate and it needs to be stopped.
A letter about gay acceptance
This must be fixed.
Human/Sex trafficking is a big issue in the world and I want our future president to help do something about it.
There are so many problems regarding LGBTQ people. People all across the nation are being hurt, bullied, abused, and even killed based on their se...
LGBT is a misunderstood and disregarded community. LGBTQIA+ is a huge spectrum, which stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans*, questioning...
"We cannot all succeed when half of us are held back." -Malala Yousafzai
These are my thoughts on what are the most important issues to me that I hope Trump is able to fix while in office. He was in no way my preferred c...
People that are part of the LGBT+ community are discriminated against for being themselves, but they should be given the same rights as everyone el...
Campus Sexual Assault
Even though the LGBT community has rights, but they're not being respected
The LGBTQ community is not well represented or protected and needs to be supported more by the government and the United States.
This is a letter addressing the pressing problem that is bisexual invisibility. Rejection, mental disorders, and possible health problems that go ...
Everyone deserves the same marriage rights.
Every day innocent people are being discriminated against all over the world, and it needs to stop!
Even though same-sex marriage has been legalized, there is still strong opposition. The US needs to come together to guarantee their safety.
The US needs to evaluate and change rape culture.
LGBTQ rights
An American gets raped every two minutes. 34% of sexual assault and rape victims are under the age of 12. 66% of sexual assault and rape victims ag...
Transgender people should have the right to use a bathroom according to their gender identity.
Forbidding people from adopting because of who they are is wrong.
Dealing with the negative stigmas associated with victims of sexual assault.
People of every sexual orientation: bisexual, straight, gay, lesbian, transgender came together to show support and pride by marching in the Pride ...
LGBT people are treated unfairly by employers, they experience employment discrimination, and they lack federal employment protection.
I think that gay marriage should continue to be legal.
Transgender Rights, Drugs, & Racial Profiling. Education is the one thing that can unite us all.
Thirty-two percent of the abused children had attempted suicide, and 43% had thought about suicide since they were sexually abused.” Imagine a you...
Many members of the LGBTQ+ community everywhere feel like they are not welcome in this country and this article says why.
From shootings, to the legalization of same sex marriage, to the barricading of this community's happiness and more, the LGBT+ Community does not g...
I'm addressing the issue of sexual assault on women.
Everyone deserves to be treated with equality and respect.
Bullying is a major problem in America, especially in LGBTQ communities
My letter is about LGBT youth and the problems they face with suicide and homelessness due to coming out and not being accepted by their own family.
LGBTQ Rights and the discrimination we still face.
Our country is being manipulated, one way or another, by money, media or even retirement. It happens all of the time, even if it can be seen or not...
Legalization of gay marriage in all 50 states
The media influences the way we view things and forces us into a mold that many can't conform with.
Lately, sexual assaulters have been getting less and less time in jail, or they have not gotten acceptable punishments for their crime
It doesn't matter what you look like or who you like, every deserves equal rights
LGBT people are being discriminated and bullied for who they're and it's not okay
The LGBT community is still living with restrictions that heterosexual couples have the rights to.
We should not stop people from being themselves or make them feel like they cannot be who they want to be.
The poem and essay in this piece show why transgender people should have the same rights as any American citizen.
The struggle for equal rights has not yet ended. Discrimination against youth based on sexual orientation and gender identity in schools is one of ...
What are the misconceptions made about bisexuals and how do people feel about them? Is there anything we can do about this?
From bathroom laws to explicit hate, transgender people, and people of other varied gender identities, are under constant fire from much of the Uni...
Everyone should have the right to marry whoever they want.
LGBT are OF the people. The constitution is FOR the people. Members of this community are not fully protected. When will this become a reality?
Hate crimes and discrimination against the LGBTQ+ community.
Religious companies should have the right to deny same sex couples' rights if it goes against their first amendment right.
The amount of sexual abuse on college campuses, and in general, is overwhelmingly large and is overlooked.
Transgender rights
Sexual assault is a very big problem in our world right know, and laws around them need to be more defined
The amount of safe places or homeless shelters dedicated to those who identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, etc., is very low. These chi...