Families and people in the Lgbt community should be treated just as "normal" people.
Why the president should let same-sex marriages be legal.
Have you ever wanted to go to a Pride Festival somewhere but you are too scared you will get judged? Do you want to follow in your favorite celebri...
I'm going to talk about why LGBTQ+ equality is extremely important to our country.
Fighting For Loving Parents
About LGBTQ+ rights and freedom
The growing issue about transgender people using the bathroom needs to be resolved soon.
Religious freedom laws are being passed in states across the country and are harming those of the LGBT community and otherwise.
People need to realize that people will love who they love, and that they can't interfere with that.
Why homosexuality and Gay Marriage is okay.
All people should be treated the same regardless of their sexuality.
Using the bathroom should not start a war.
Examples of discrimination against Lgbt people in the United states will be shared and so will some ways to start fixing the problem
People in the LGBTQ+ community aren't always being treated as equals and we need to fix that.
It is unfair that certain people are discriminated against, and I believe that should change.
Everyone should have the right to marry whoever they want.
LGBT people are constantly discriminated against all over the world, whether that be within the society of a certain place or whether that be the d...
Persuasive letter with reasons to protect LGBTQ rights
I believe that people of the LGBT community deserve as much equality as anyone else does, and there are some changes needed to be made.
Racial discrimination can decrease the ability of African Americans, Latinos, Hispanics, and other minorities to achieve many “things,” such as a g...
Dear Donald Trump, The LGBT community has been given the very basic right to marry, but there is still so much more to be done. This letter highlig...
Discrimination against transgenders is an issue which must be stopped in order to continue to prosper together as a nation
Transgender people need to be able to use the restroom that they identify as. We need to be more mature and accepting of everyone.
America needs to address discriminating against the rights of LGBT people.
Discrimination is a huge problem that needs to be addressed. With the help of the government, discrimination could end.
In this letter, I assert that more states should pass transgender bathrooms policies.
Transgender people deserve equal rights.
Those in the SAGA (Sexuality and Gender Acceptance) community are being denied employment rights and we need to fix it.
Same-sex marriage is problem that everyone doesn't see and that media makes look good
The issue of the transgender bathroom policy have recently been brought up and there are many different views on the subject
The LGBTQ+ community needs to recieve the same rights as everyone else.
Hate crimes and discrimination against the LGBTQ+ community.
In America, people are being treated unfairly based on their race, religion, and sexuality. We need to make sure there is equality for everyone.
This letter is about transgender bathroom policies at schools.
Love is Love I hope our next president won't ruin that...
A bisexual student's thoughts on the lacking of LGBT+ representation in the media, why it is an issue, and how to solve said issue.
Many gay and lesbians are being bullied in and outside of public places.
A look Into The Transgender Issue
Gay marriage was legalized in 2015 but people who identify as LGBT+ are still subjected to discrimination and harassment every day. LGBT rights are...
There is a new topic waiting to become a law, as well as one of the main points the new president needs to work on once they get to office. The nee...
The fact that our brains operate a little different than they way most people's do, does not make us any less human. We love, hurt, laugh and do ev...
I support transgender bathroom policies.
Dear next president, you’ve got a lot of work to do. With America’s economy suffering, crime rates increasing, and government facing constant criti...
Legalization of gay marriage in all 50 states
In many states it is illegal for LGBT couples to adopt. Many people (including myself) think that this needs to change. Let's take this to congress...
LGBT should have equal rights.
Transgender people should have the right to use a bathroom according to their gender identity.
Why do we discriminate against people who as free as us, this needs to stop. We say all men are equal, but we need to start treating everyone like ...
We need to assure that every student, no matter gender, sex, orientation, race, religion, or other, is safe and accepted.
In your power, you must work to end discrimination and inequality against women, world race, religion, and LGBTQ American’s.
Legalization of same sex marriage cannot be the last step we cannot end the issue when there are so many other problems about it out there. We dese...
Many members of the LGBTQ+ community everywhere feel like they are not welcome in this country and this article says why.
my letter is about insurance not covering the transgender sex change surgery or anything to do with the transgender transition because they look at...
A letter to the future president about same-sex marriage remaining legal.
Should Transgender people be allowed to use the bathroom that corresponds to the gender they identify with or the gender that they were born?
LGBT people are being discriminated and bullied for who they're and it's not okay
LGBT discrimination is a major problem.
The LGBTQ community faces large problems that you need to fix.
It's time to stop hate against someone who if different because of who they identify as or who they want to love.
How LGBT people should be treated in my opinion.
While equality is something that we stand for in this country it is not actually represented. People of different races, genders, and LGBT people a...
People are getting discriminated for loving who they want to and expressing themselves as different. Some people don't accept others because they f...
Although marriage equality is legal, the LGBT+ community is still being discriminated. No matter what views there are, there is the fact that we ar...
This is about gay rights
LGBT people need more rights in the United States for protection.
Homophobia and transphobia need to stop for the betterment of our society.
Transgender people should have the right to use the restroom they identify with.
A letter about the progress made to benefit the LGBTQ+ community during President Obama's leadership and about the progress still needed to be made...
I have multiple issues about making sure everyone having equal rights in America.
Basic human rights have been denied to too many people for too long.
We all deserve equal rights and protection.
Gay Adoption rights belong up with the high problems in our nation because L.G.B.T+ people matter too and should be able to be parents.
This is about rights and equality.
Someones Race, who someone loves are both things that bring out contradicting statements. The way woman are treated as if their no is a prefe...
I like to address some issues I feel are important. Mostly for the younger people since they will be taking over the generation of adults soon. I f...
People who identify as a different gender than the one they were born as shouldn’t be a target for judgment.
As a member of the LGBT community of America, I have watched this country grow and shape into something slightly less threatening, but the prospect...
Transgender rights
Why gay adoption SHOULD be legalized in ALL 50 states!
People say transgenders shouldn't be allowed in the bathroom matching the gender they identify with, which isn't fair. You should be free to use th...
Every day innocent people are being discriminated against all over the world, and it needs to stop!
Transgender Equality in America
Persuasive letter to the next President advocating the preservation of LGBT rights in America, and extending these liberties to LGBT members locate...
If America truly is the home of the free, then why do nearly a fourth of (working) LGBTQ people feel scared to be true to themselves?
My letter is about LGBT youth and the problems they face with suicide and homelessness due to coming out and not being accepted by their own family.
We should not stop people from being themselves or make them feel like they cannot be who they want to be.
People are being treated differently for race, gender and sexuality each and everyday. Some people are scared to accept people for who they truly a...
In 29 states in the U.S. you can legally get fired for being gay. An end needs to be put to employment discrimination.
Gay marriage should be legal, marrying the one you love is your own choice and people should have the freedom to marry who they love. Same-sex marr...
LGBT Adoption is a controversial topic that has been debated time an time again.
The people of the gay community need your help. We have our rights, that is true, but we seek your aid in guaranteeing our safety inside and outsid...
I am aware that there are more issues and definitely more important ones but this is important to me. The LGBTQ+ community needs attention. There ...
The LGBTQ+ community deserves equal treatment.
Gay Americans are still the target of hate crimes.
America still has a problem with racial and sexual orientation discrimination.
People of the LGBT community deserve to be treated like humans and deserve equal rights.
We need to work together to help give the LGBTQ Alliance more rights.
People of the LGBTQ community need to be treated just like me and you, after all they are humans too.
The LGBTQ+ community has always had a hard time. Especially the transgender community. This letter explains why we need to enforce protection laws ...