NASA hasn't had a groundbreaking achievement in over 50 years. It's time to change that.
ISIS has been causing a lot of damage around the world and I think we should stop them before they get ahead.
Veterans who risked their lives for our country should not be left homeless, nor should they feel unprotected.
Laws should be changed so LGBT soldiers are not discriminated against.
Raise awareness for stolen valor.
The budget of the Department of Defense is far larger than what this country can support, this author proposes a reduction of the budget and an all...
A personal account on how Agent Orange affected my grandfather.
Our veterans shouldn't have to live fearful, distressing lives. Lets bring more awareness to this issue.
Pro athletes making more money than veteran soldiers
In my letter, I address the need of domestic aid and how our nation should cut down on foreign aid
My letter is one that argues that the United States should withdraw a fraction of the funds from third world countries and focus more of it into ca...
In the United States today, threats of terrorism have grown too great and drastic measures must be put in place to stop it.
What resources are available once veterans come home?
Making military servers serve for longer than there supposed to.
Allowing women into combat is something we need to achieve to get closer to equality between the genders.
Four issues that are causing a falling out with Russia and how to fix them.
I am writing this letter to you because I have taken an interest in the United State’s relationship with foreign countries.
A theory of how the United States Military should be run.
Homelessness of Veterans
On the issue of military retirement, our soldiers matter!
The military risk so much to fight for out country and they deserve more time home.
How to help and view people in poverty around the world. People around the world that live in poverty are looked at completely differently, they ar...
Our military is in need of assistance on the field, do YOU think so too? No? I'll convince you otherwise....
Women and men are getting raped/ sexually assualted overseas
I would like to tell you a little bit of what I think about the senates debate to require women to sign up for the draft.
Cut the Military's budget and bring our soldiers home from the needless conflicts we started.
ISIS is responsible for far too many terrorist attacks and human rights violations, and must be halted.
PTSD is too common in soldiers today. How will the new president help these soldiers?
Do You Think Your American Soldiers Are Financially Stable?
My stance on two major issues that the future president needs
We're spending more on our military budget than the next 7 countries combined. Here is how we can stop it.
The veteran part of the federal budget needs to be increased, and quick.
Trying to Help countries get more support and more financial help. Trying to prove the fact that all countries need Foreign Aid
Overall, I hope you find importance in building the strong American identity that we are currently in need of. To make America strong once again we...
The next president should influence foreign policies to help women in other countries.
The military funding should be higher so we can defend and defeat other military and other terrorist groups.
2016 letter to President
This letter was created to express concern over the proposals for immigration in the United States and reasons why you, as the future President of ...
A letter dedicated to the lives we have lost in US waters and the concern in the lack of safety.
The United States military - far too large for far too long.
My paper is about how veterans are homeless and trying to get back on their feet.
Is the military members treated fair enough. Shouldn't military be paid more than entertainers? lowest paid pro athletes in the Nba are paid more t...
This letter is about the topic of immigration in the U.S.
We do not need further military spending.
Our military needs to know how to organize military funding and train troops better.
Homelessness on the rise?
Celebrities are paid millions of dollars each year while military men and women are sacrificing their lives getting paid very little compared to th...
What are "YOU" going to do about proper care for our veterans?
My letter is about terrorists and how they must be stopped before more damage is done to our country. We need to do whatever we can to prevent inno...
Veterans are not receiving the benefits that they need, or deserve.
It is a shame that the people that protected us, aren’t being protected. Today 8.6 percent of United States veterans are homeless, and our country ...
This letter is requesting your consideration on the reduction of the military spending or considered and well-thought out spending.
Discussion on the struggle veterans face when returning home
Military Intervention in Syria is a bad idea
Mr. Trump wants to increase military spending even with the issues of education and poverty in America needing to be solved.
A plea for better government funding for military personnel.
The U.S. military offers many things when joining the military.
Dear Future President, I am writing you tod...
Did I name this right? I think I did. Oh well if I got it wrong don't hate. My letter is about basically the relationship we have with other nati...
A Discussion of Taking Care of Our Vets When They Return Home...
Recent studies have shown that 1 in 5 people who returned home from wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were diagnosed with some type of post-deployment s...
Veterans make up a large part of the homeless population and are not getting the help they deserve from the government and military. In honor of my...
Dear Next President, veterans in our country, have been unsupported after they have fought for our country. Many face problems every day, such as m...
In recent years the United States military has received limitations in spending in multiple departments of the military making it weaker, putting h...
My opinions on what Mr. Trump should tweak about his policies.
The different ways that Immigration can be dealt with in the United States.
The United States of America does not need to raise its Minimum Wage to $15.00 dollars and hour, It will only hurt us more!
The letter ask about how are you going to keep our military safe.
The United States' budget needs to be reevaluated.
Dear next president( Donald Trump)
The problem with permanent change of station (PCS) in the military.
There are several issues among the immigration system in the United States.
This letter was created to address our next presidents plan to fight ISIS and the specifics of said plans.
I ask you to reframe the Syrian refugee crisis from a political burden to a test of principles, which carries with it serious implications for our ...
Stolen Valor is an issue that needs stricter laws.
Our veterans are not being treated right.
This letter was written to address the current problem that is the Islamic State (ISIS), a group bent on terrorism out of the middle east, and ask ...
In this letter, I'm writing about how our military troops are fighting for oil not our freedom.
17% percent of the homeless population used to be in the military. This is a really big problem and we might not have very many people in the milit...
Can we fix our domestic policies?
The amount of homeless veterans in the U.S. is incredibly high it has reached a total of over 45,000. The majority of homeless veterans usually hav...
Developing Adequate Rights and Care for United States Army Veterans
Veterans have been dishonorably discharged for undiagnosed PTSD. Meaning they will not receive the rest of their payment and health care they right...
My letter is about how our next President of the United States deals with the Islamic State (ISIS).
When you board a plane, you hear it on repeat, “ case of an emergency, put your own mask on first before you help others,” so why doesn’t this...
The usage of drones overseas should be continued. They keep US military personnel safe, kill fewer civilians than any other military weapon, and ar...
Homeless veterans need to be brought in off the streets so that they can be safe.
We need to help homeless veterans.
Imagine all the People living in Peace... -John Lennon
Homeless veterans is a big issue, that is important. Please support our veterans.
Our country must solve the issue regarding the many veterans who have defended our country that are left without the homes and support they deserve.
Many people in the military are not being funded as much as they should be for the sacrifices they are making for others and their country.
Donald Trump plans to build up our military by increasing the size of each branch and investing in new and more advanced technology. Is this the be...
The U.S government has not funded as much as they should into NASA and if they had, our space program would be way more advanced and what NASA is w...
Military Funding is way too high! We need to lower it.
Red, White, and Blue.
Save the new generations of working class Americans from unimaginable debt by sucking up our pride and guns to benefit the people whose tax dollars...
What can you do to serve those who serve us?
The health care our county provides our veterans must be more efficient, preventing excessive waiting times and obstacles that currently exist.