Concealed handgun law is important by giving citizens protection.
Immigration is helping our society become better and better.
Illegal immigrants don't deserve the same rights as legal Americans
Drug abuse is really dangerous and happens every day. We can change the life of millions of teenagers finding a way to help them stop doing drugs.
Gun control laws are worsening our citizen's ability to fight back.
Vaccinations can protect and save your child's lives.
Marijuana can be used medically, it's better than alcohol and cigarettes, and it would give us a boost in our economy.
Drug abuse is hurting our society by causing poverty, health problems, and crime.
Abortion should be kept legal in our country to give women the right to do what they want with their bodies.
Concealed handguns keep many people from getting hurt or killed and without them the world would be a horrific place.
Why the war in Afghanistan isn't necessary.
Everyone should be treated equally, once we can realize that, we can accomplish a lot.
Free college is going to negatively impact our economy.
People should be able to be themselves and love whoever they want.
The pay gap between women and man should be abolished.
When researchers have money to do research on diseases many people lives are saved. But the problem is, not all researchers have the money to do re...
Free college would cause a lot of conflict for American Citizens
people who recycle help the environment to become cleaner.
Immigration is causing a lot of problems for our country.
We should not make college tuition free!
Gun laws are causing more violence instead of stopping it.
College should be free because it would benefit everyone.
The veterans that served our country deserve the best of care
People should get a taste of freedom.
Men and women are treated differently in many ways.
Bullying is affecting our country in an unacceptable way.
Illegal Immigrants should be deported home, if they want to come back they should come back as legals and apply for a green card.
Obamacare provides Health insurance and Medicare to the ones who cannot afford it.
Why college should be free and how it would benefit everyone.
Concealed handguns lead to accidental injuries and death do to irresponsible use.
Illegal immigration is causing problems for the United States.
Everyone deserves the same marriage rights.
People not getting enough education, causing them to have no jobs and money.
Immigrants should have a chance at a free healthy life.
Our government is thinking of getting rid of immigrants, but immigrants help our economy.
Everyone should have the right to marry whoever they want.
Gender pay gap is a real and serious matter and here's how
Drug abuse is dangerous and is doing bad things to our society.
Drugs should be recognized as a medicine to treat people that suffered from cancer and other sickness.
Your policies should include legality of abortion for the safety of the women’s health, the future of the female, and for undesired pregnancies of ...
As a country, we need work together to close the gender pay gap.
People are changing to renewable resources to pollute the world less
Abortions should be legal to eliminate backstreet abortions, to provide a situation to solve an unwanted pregnancy (due to incest or rape) and to p...
Gun Laws should be more strict.
alternative energies/fuels are more effective and cleaner than fossil fuels and non renewable energy/fuels
Reasoning and statistics on why we should not raise the current minimum wage.
Not everyone knows the entire truth to Black Lives Matter.
If the schools allowed more funding for technology... the world would be a better place.
Immigration helps our nation in ways that nothing else can.
Vaccinations protect children from illnesses.
The government is giving too many tests that students and teachers can take.
People are abusing drugs everyday which is a problem in our country.
LGBTQs are being disrespected and treated differently.
Police issues cause a lot of problems in the U.S.A
Drugs are causing people to become addicted to take more drugs
We need to help put a stop to pollution, global warming, and deforestation before it is to late.
African american lives are ending because of police brutality.
American veterans are struggling due to the lack of health and financial care.
Getting vaccinations for your children is an important thing. It's up to you to decide whether or not to help your child!
Unemployment rates are increasing because not enough people are going to college.
Women are getting paid less than men for the same amount of work.
There is violence toward black lives in many major cities in the US.
Some problems involving the police.
The federal and state governments are giving students more tests then they can handle.
Drug abuse users are coming more frequently than usual in the United States.
How would America change for the greater good if we abolished all Concealed Handgun Laws.
Free college education is mandatory for our nation, because many citizens cannot afford the pricey costs of colleges.
Women are being paid less than men for the same amount of work.
Illegal Immigrants don't deserve equal rights because they're slowly making the US a worse country
Students need technology in their school to be ready for the real world.
Drugs are doing bad things to our society.
Marijuana is safer than you think.
Drug abuse is dangerous because it causes health issues and poverty. We can stop drug abuse by making the consequences harder.
STAAR tests should not be given to students because of the stress it causes, and it does not test on what students study during the school year.
Animal Cruelty is a big problem in the United States and needs to be stopped.
The reasons why we are against the War in Afghanistan
Abortion should continue to be legal for the safety of women, the future of girls, and rape victims with unwanted pregnancies
The federal government should fund technology in the classroom.
Standardized testing should not be the way to evaluate whether a student should move on or not.
People in America are overdosing on drugs everyday which is a serious problem in our country.
Allowing Immigrants to the US will benefit us and them.
Illegal Immigrants need to be deported out of USA and go home
Illegal immigration is causing a lot of US citizens jobs and putting us in debt
Medical research is becoming more corrupt and unethical, and funding should be cut until they fix these flaws.
We need to help put a stop to pollution, deforestation, global warming.
Police Brutality is rising by the minute.
Students are in debt and are worried because they can"t pay it.
Bullying is bigger than what we think it is.
Standardized testing is putting students all over the United States under rigorous pressure.
Standardized tests are damaging students' childhood and learning, and are causing too much stress.
Students are constantly in debt and constantly worried about their financial status because of college tuition.
We should use drugs as medical treatment to cure patients in both physical and psychological.