I believe in the Second Amendment and believe that we should keep it.
My paper covers how lax gun control affects the U.S. in negative ways and how we can take steps to fix them.
My ideology when it comes to the implication of gun control. Change the people don't control their actions, because as soon as a crack in the syste...
Gun control is unnecessary.
I wrote a letter to the next president regarding gun control issues in the United States.
My take on police brutality
New gun control laws are going against our second amendment. By taking away guns the government is creating more crime. Save our right to bear arms.
Gun control is too lax and needs to be tightened.
Police brutality is a major crisis throughout the world along with racism that needs to be recognized and controlled in order to have a successful ...
There are too few restrictions on guns in the United States, especially in comparison to other countries. Background checks need to be implemented ...
Lack of gun safety has changed the world.
As a rising issue in America Gun Control needs to be reviewed and implemented into our society to keep people safe and prevent unnecessary violence.
Racism is a problem.
This letter is on the topic of police brutality, and the killing of our families. This is America and i don't feel safe when i should. So Mr/Mrs. P...
To many people die in gun related deaths. This needs to stop, so we need to enforce stricter gun control laws.
Racial profiling and black injustice is becoming more common. In order for us to achieve equal rights, we need fight the law because the law is not...
Guns are ruining our country... Mental problems and gun dispersal are the key factors to address the problem of Gun violence.
These are some facts that the liberal media has gotten wrong about the issue with our 2nd amendment right.
Racism is a very important topic everyone needs to understand. It can influence others lives and start war and conflicts. Everyone needs to try to ...
This letter is debunking gun control and showing how we can prevent gun violence without it.
Letter on Gun Control
Concerns about gun violence and some facts to make you think about this problem we have and make some changes to it.
gun control should not be a thing because people use guns to defend themselves.
To be armed, or not to be armed; that is the question.
A letter about gun control and background checks
This letter is adressing the issues and impacts because of gun control laws within schools.
Gun violence has to stop!
Racial is a serious problem and needs a solution all across America.
We need to be careful on who is able to own guns.
Discusses the controversial issue of gun control and why American citizens should be able to keep their right to own firearms.
Gun Control should be enforced and protected more than it is.
There is a big gun problem in America but with some procautions, gun violence can be reduced with out taking away peoples guns.
Safety and the Second Amendment
People today are blaming guns for the cause of their child’s death in shootings around the world; however, that is not the case. It is the people w...
Securing Americas borders is a very serious problem that we have today, not from incoming immigrants but from outgoing jobs. It is something that g...
The issues that firearms have developed throughout the years, neglecting safety from many Americans and the position of having an increase gun con...
Guns should not be banned.
gun violence should be a law
Today gun violence is a very serious issue in the United States. What is there to do about such a big dilemma? Is gun control the answer or is ther...
Background checks should be revised to be more effective
Gun violence is a major issue in the United States, that we need to solve. Stricter gun control laws will decrease the amount of gun violence in th...
I hope that these thing racial discrimination, gun control, abortion can all be fixed in the next fue years
Guns and the 2nd Amendment have become a controversial topic in our country and we need to figure out how to deal with it before even more people a...
I believe that the next president should address the next problem of Gun Control
The purpose of the police is to keep citizens safe, but many police officers are harming innocent families because of racial bias.
This letter to the next president is about gun violence and gun control. And how this issue can be resovled.
Please aware, we are increasing the crime rate if we do not take appropriate actions toward the issue of gun control.
As citizens living in America, one of the most concerning and deadly problems we face is gun violence. This issue has been brought up through and ...
To the next president.
Police Brutality across the United States of America is out of control and it is mainly targeting Black lives. As a nation, we need to stop these ...
My letter is about why there should be an extensive background check on people who try to purchase any kind of gun.
This letter contains reasons why we should stop gun violence.
Gun control in the United States is at a minimum, and we need to create more laws to strengthen our country.
What is euthanasia, and the controversy behind it referring to humans.
Guns should not be used for killing for no apparent reason. Use them wisely, people have lives too.
The right for us to own our own guns played a major role in establishing the United States, and we cannot let the loss of this crucial freedom be t...
Gun Control is getting out of hand....
Gun violence is one of the most serious issues in the USA right now.
Racism is spreading to schools, which is giving people of color a smaller chance of succeeding in their future.
Only the true facts about gun violence and its effects on people.
In recent years there has been much chatter about revoking firearms from citizens due to gun violence, however there is a much simpler solution.
My personal views on gun control and what I believe is the best course for America on this issue.
This letter to the future president addresses his/her responsibility on fighting the War on Terrorism
this is a letter about gun rights
My letter is to the next president, and is over the gun control issue, and how assault weapons need to have another look.
Gun Control laws should be more strict.
My letter to the next president.
Gun laws should not be changed
I am going to be talking about how to be safe with guns! You can be safe with a gun by currying a gun with liesons and with a holster .You should ...
Racial discrimination is still around, 52 years after the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed to stop it, and it is becoming part of the actions of...
Gun control should be strengthened because of the deaths that are caused by dangerous people getting a hold of guns
The government should increase gun control to save thousands of lives.
Innocent lives are being lost every day and we need you help.
Concealed handguns keep many people from getting hurt or killed and without them the world would be a horrific place.
The global economy is making national borders irrelevant. America will soon be at the mercy of foreign powers.
We should not ban guns completely, we should instead make them harder to gain access to.
As president, I hope you can make reforms to the growing discrimination in America . Also, please reevaluate the gun laws we have due to how access...
An end to Gun Violence.
I'm tired of hearing about innocent people getting shot and killed for no reason whatsoever. We need to control our guns.
This letter mostly talks about how to better gun control.
We can't loose our guns.
What I am going to be talking about is gun control. Gun control is really getting out of hand because people are getting injured and killed for no ...
We need to stop all the killing and try to stop people from carrying guns and stop all the crimes that involve guns.
The United States needs stronger gun control regulations.
I think that gun control should be changed by having a more strict background checks and to change how easy it is to get guns
My name is Nathan Welsh and 15 years old also, I’m from Grand Rapids Michigan. I am not for gun control but against it, although not as much as to ...
Are you labeled a threat for owning a gun?
Gun control is the idea that guns and gun related sales should be regulated by the government
Gun violence is undoubtedly an epidemic in the United States. When the Second Amendment was written, the weapon of choice was a single-shot musket....
Why should we establish new laws for gun control?
We believe the next president needs to address the issue of gun control.
In this text, you will be introduced to my opinion on the 2016 presidential election.
Letter to the next president
This is why gun laws should be stricter
We should be able to protect ourselves with guns, if we are cautious with them. Some people just don't need them.
Whoever the next president may be, gun control should be on their mind.
Without this simple thing, our country will be in ruins.
Do guns need to be banned? Or should we just get stricter rules?
A letter about the need for gun control in order to increase public safety.