The increasing college debt is becoming more and more stressful for students
I think that the costs of college are too high and something needs to be done to change this. Student debt needs to end now.
Tuition is another pressure on students.
College tuition should not be expensive.
College is getting too expensive and I think the price should be lowered.
There needs to be something done about the college debt student are in after they finish school.
College tuition is more expensive then ever and is leaving students with debt.
College is too expensive. If we want our future generations to be college graduates, then we need to change that.
With my letter I want to bring a new problem to our new president with a fair solution.
The cost of college is rising and colleges and states aren't doing much about it. The trillion dollar student debt is growing fast.
As a seventeen year old female, who is about to go to college this coming fall, I, along with many of my classmates, am worried about the growing s...
The government should help pay for colleges because the overwhelming majority of students struggle financially.
If the price of college tuition was lowered, more students would be able to further their education
The decline of funding for education has become a serious problem in America.
this letter is about all the different ways that college can effect the lives of seniors all across the united states and how you can fix the probl...
Why college tuition should be lowered in price. Its outrageous!
The cost for out of state college tuition and in state college tuition is to expensive.
Students across America are facing a tragic reality these days. Our dreams are being crushed and our bank accounts are at an all time low. I want t...
Are college students money machines? Do they go to college for education or to pay off their college tuition debts? Is going to a good college real...
Lower the cost of college.
State funded higher education is a costly gamble.
Graduate's huge college tuition debt...yep it's a thing.
Schools across the nation are experiencing dramatic cuts in funding and students, teachers and our nation are directly affect. It is the president'...
This article is abut how college cost can hold this country back from becoming smarter.
Free college will not provide the benefits needed to make the investment worthwhile.
Poor Latino families can no longer afford college especially when the cost of college is dramatically increasing.
There is no correlation between intelligence and wealth, so why make college only available to the wealthy?
My views on some topics that the future president should cover.
The college tuition and loan problem is spiraling out of control.
Not everyone learns the same. Still, public school systems do not teach in comprehensive, engaging, and creative ways. I believe that there should ...
The cost of college is too high for some families to pay and they struggle to give their children a proper education.
Though lowering the cost of college tuition may be costly, it is a worthy investment in the future prosperity of our country.
College costs stress out families and put them in a tough financial situation.
College tuition costs more than it should and we should do something about it.
Why should someone be prevented from going to college if they are just as capable of doing the work as everyone else?
Colleges charge their students money every credit per hour. For example Western Michigan University is charging the students in the business colleg...
Hispanics don't have enough resources to go to college.
This is a letter to whoever becomes the President in which I discuss the issue of the cost to attend colleges and universities.
Our education isn't the best in the world. It affects our lives in many different ways. However, with the right idea we can make it a better opport...
Programs in high school will help high school students discover what career path is right for them, decrease the average student debt, and help stu...
College debt and how it is effecting the youth of America.
College costs in America need to be reduced.
College debt, financial aid for the middle class
For the good of the United States's future, the education system needs some change. Here are some ideas about what changes could be implemented and...
A letter to the next president presenting ideas of drug abuse and its affects on our citizens, community, and country as a whole.
The cost of college tuition is a huge problem, and it's leave many in post-graduate difficulties.
I believe that college tuition needs to be lowered or even free.
College is expensive to all who want to attend it.
This letter is about how the next president should stop terrorism and decrease college tuition.
How the cuts to school funding affect the average student.
This essay is about how expensive college is and if it's actually worth paying for, or in other cases why people can't afford to go.
How will we pay for college?
Government should give a subsidy for college tuition
I created a letter about my concern for the amount of debt college students attain by the time they graduate and how it affects them and their futu...
Help students get into college
The government needs to distribute more grants/scholarships for college education.
My letter adresses college tuition for students and talks about how expensive it is for families to pay for education.
My letter to the next president about free college education.
With the greater need for higher education and the pressure on many students to attend college to be successful, the expenses for a higher educatio...
Without college the American Dream is not accessible. As many Americans find college out of their price range the American Dream is being locked aw...
The future of kids today will be impacted by who the next President is.
Student loans are sky-rocketing these days, to the point where it's getting nearly impossible to go to college. What do we do?
Between the years of 2011-12 and 2016-17 college tuition went up 9% in public 4 year colleges. Does the tuition really need to cost more?
In this letter, I will be talking about the increasing of college tuition and how it needs to be stopped quickly.
Free College Tuition will be detrimental to our country. We will propel our economy further into debt and create a lower quality education.
My name is Jessica M., I am a freshman in high school, and I will be going to college in the near future. Money is going to be a concern that I wil...
Poor education is a huge issue that is important to me. Are you willing, Future President, to make a change?
The price of a college education
Persuasive letter to the next President to lower college tuition
The cost of college has increased so much over the years that the new prices are causing students to go into debt, have to change their choice coll...
A letter to the future president about the cost of college.
I feel that college now should not cost so much to get an education.
The debts could one day be a problem for us to tackle...
The cost of college is a major issue for many teens applying to college. It affects their present lives as well as their future.
The cost of college tuition a main political issue that will impact me the most in the near future. College tuition rates are higher than ever and ...
Struggles of a disabled single parent and their child when said child leaves for college.
Concerns for our future
Since I started school I was told, that in the future, I should to go to a good college and get a well paying job. However, with the cost of colleg...
The high cost of a college tuition is an issue for students across the country. College is priced as a luxury, but is viewed as a necessity. Perhap...
College cost needs to go down now otherwise how can we future adults make a good living?
I hope you focus on college tuitions because there many students who are in debt because of the expensive prices.
With college tuition being so high, the struggle to afford a college education is as big as ever
Do their plans benefit us as a country?
These days, student loans are quite high, total in the US is near 1 trillion dollars worth of just students repaying there College Tuition they hav...
College tuition has often been a border between people attending college or not. We want our new president to encourage college education and work ...
College tuition is too expensive. We need to lower the tuition cost so more students could attend college and get a degree.
In this letter, I will be highlighting my concerns about the higher cost of education and why there should be a change in this issue so all humans ...
Student debt has been on the rise for year now.
College Tuition should be decreasing in price so more people have the opportunities to get a degree.
College is essential for anyone who wants to get and maintain a job... or at least a good job. However, college isn't affordable for everyone who w...
This letter is about the cost of college tuition and how big of an issue it is for this generation. Therefore, this is an issue that must be dealt ...
Many claim the college tuition price is far to high. This is a lame excuse, as many of those people's parents will be paying for their college anyw...
The amount of money it takes to pay all your college expenses are unbelievable high. Those with low wages also deserve a college education but the ...
The costs of college tuition is rapidly increasing causing a college degree to become harder to achieve.
College Tuition is on the rise and we need to do something about it.
The ever growing epidemic of sexual assault on college campuses. What are we doing wrong?
College debt has increased immensely over the past few years and nothing has been done to stop it.
As difficult as it is for poor people to start and finish college, the current school system only drives them further into failure. We need everyon...
College athletes earn money for their school. Also, they have to still do schooling and pay for their schooling, so they should be paid.
Cheaper prices