This letter is about immigration in the U.S
I am concerned about a lot of things in our country, but what frightens me the most is seeing that police officers or young African Americans were ...
I’m 13 and I know how important the 2nd Amendment is.
Change immigration policies to give hope where hope has been lost
Frustrated that America's working class can't seem to raise their wages despite having an all-time high employment rate? Angry that the Baby Boome...
Let immigrants be a part of the American dream.
I think that the president should allow illegal immigrants to stay in the U.S. A.
Dear Mr. / Madam President : I have seen a lot of letters to you about how removing guns will stop gun violence. I am writing to disagree with...
I think that the president should let illegal immigrant become U.S citizens.
Issues of immigration have become much more persistent and prominent over the last decade, specifically in this election cycle, and are, in part, d...
One of my biggest fears is guns and I think that it's also a common fear in society these days.
I think that the president should let illegal immigrants become U.S citizens.
In America today one of the most common ways of death is firearms related incidents. This letter addresses what I believe to be a solution and at t...
The Reality of Immigration
Immigration a super big problem in the US.
Why is the topic of illegal immigration so touchy? Why are people afraid to voice their opinions about this relevant topic?
I think that the president should let illegal immigrants became U.S citizens.
A short letter about immigration.
Mexican Immigration to the US
Immigration is a difficult topic to discuss and has been a central focus of the 2016 presidential campaign.
Firearms have been too frequent as a cause of death. Those that fall victim under the crimes committed by those in possession of firearms are only ...
I think that tent should allow illegal immigrants to stay in the U.S.
There is a gun show loophole in the US, and criminals can take advantage of it.
I think that the president should let illegal immigrants become U.S. citizens.
A short video by two students about immigration.
This video demonstrates the real life struggles that many immigrants have before coming to the United States and how they aren't a detriment to thi...
I think that the president should let illegal immigrants become US citizens
We could stop Gun violence together.
The main idea of my letter is asking the question, when and where will the president put the wall or the fence?
It talks about what the situation is and why it's important.
Immigration problems
Do you believe in the second amendment?
Gun control is no longer a question of if, but how much. A hard-line approach to the matter that incorporates the ideologies of both of the nation'...
Something has to be done about the lack of gun control in our community, our nation!
Can you help the children at the border?
I think that the president should let illegal immigrants become u.s citizens.
We need to stop gun violence because hundreds of people die every year of gun violence and people don't want to be killed.
Gun Control is not killing people, it is about controlling the gun.
Dear Future President, I am writing this letter to inform you about a topic that we are currently fighting, Immigration. I have currently thought o...
Our Immigration, Our Strength
Gun Control is a problem in America, they lead to shooting and suicides.
Immigrants are unfairly viewed in a negative way.
Different cases of racism grip the world right now, how are the parents of America raising their children to think?
Abortion, immigration, the economy, nuclear weapons, and gun rights
Gun control is a very complicated issue because although gun violence is a huge problem, banning guns might not be the fix.
talk about loopholes
Deportation is splitting apart families.
Immigration matters because immigrants help all Americans.
The Letter to Next President is about an issue that The President of The United States of America should know and be aware of which is Immigration!
The role of immigrants and naturalization process reform.
As a high school student who comes from hard-working, undocumented people, I am concerned about the solutions that 2016 candidates running for Pre...
It is about the violence in the city that people go to far to kill someone with a gun.
This letter to the future president is about the second ammendment, gun control.
Liberty is vital to the American promise and should be protected. I find liberty to invlude social mobility, security, and free will. We must educa...
Immigrants put so much effort to stay in America and make a living providing for their U.S. born children, but when one parent is deported, the oth...
Immigration and the issue of diversity.
Immigrants need help with getting a better life.
Prevent illegal immigrants from taking American's jobs.
Immigrants are constantly being looked down upon, but why is that so? They come to this country to fight any obstacle than comes up in order for th...
I think that the president should let illegal immigrants stay in the U.S
Americans should not close off our country. Rather we should be more open to newcomers because they benefit our society.
my thoughts of the U.S
I want to express my issues and thoughts on our gun rights
Immigration is seen as an issue in this country when that's how this country was born. I find it unfair to judge all undocumented immigrants based ...
Its time for less gun control for more protection in house
People young and old flee from their countries for fear that the gangs will kill them. Also people are coming to United States to have a better li...
I think that the president should should let immigrants become U.S. citizens.
I think that the president should not deport illegal immigrants become U.S citizens.
The stereotypes people have against immigrants.
Dear Future President of the United States,
In this essay I chose to address issues on Immigration and Climate change for the new President of 2016
Immigrants are not treated right in the United States.
Concerns about the our country's policy on immigration.
Immigration and overpopulation is a major issue in our country in that needs a solution.
The immigration system has been a big hassle over the past few decades. The amount of undocumented immigrants in America has tripled since the 1990...
Why do you want to separate families?
Police Brutality/Black Lives Matter and Gun Control are major problems throughout the U.S. and something needs to change.
Children are coming to United States because in their own country they are suffering violence; they need receive help to get a better a life and a ...
Some problems, solutions, and suggestions to benefit the people of the United States of America.
Together we can save lives and stop criminals. We must vote to enact more gun control laws.
Dear Future President, How you thought about, what will happen if you an immigrant family, or at least the damage deportation is causing fami...
I feel that immigration should be a top issue in the country because it affects kids and the parents that remains in the U.S.
Will there be new immigration laws
Keeping our gun rights.
Many americans have been wounded and killed due to police brutality, they do not have an actual excuse to why they had right to do this action
Thank you for the opportunity to write you! In my ELD class we were asked to choose something that we would like changed in our country and that...
This letter entails my opinion on the way immigration should be handled. It voices my concerns about deportation and the devastating effect it has ...
Thank you for the opportunity to write you! I am currently in the 6th grade, attending Magnolia Science Academy 8 in Bell, California. I am writing...
Immigrants have sacrificed for freedom
Gun control is a huge issue in today's society and it needs to be addressed as soon as possible.
This letter addresses the need for stricter gun control in the US to ensure the safety American citizens deserve.
I think that the president should allow immigrants who are here illegally to become U.S. citizens.
I am talking about two problems that I believe the upcoming president should address which are immigration and homelessness.
People have the right to defend themselves and we need to preserve the Second Amendment to ensure we can.
Illegal immigration is an issue in the United States for many reasons. Changes need to be made before more damage is done to our country's economy.
Guns should be carefully taken care of.
All countries have to work together to gain success in the future; working together is better.
Wanting to live the American dream.
Strengthen our borders