My letter focuses on equality for all races, genders, and sexual orientations.
We need to empower women who think of themselves as lower than others, and create confidence in them so they can achieve their full potential.
The United States needs to implement more rehabilitation services for inmates and individuals in the criminal justice system.
LGBT Rights are being discussed in different manners and both candidates have different views on this opinion, so read my letter to find out why th...
Women make an exceptionally less amount of money than men and that is not acceptable.
Basically, my letter is about the fact that police and the authorities are treating the Black community really bad. They don’t support them, and wh...
This letter challenges the future president to break down gender barriers, and to help women in their journey for equality.
Sexism has been going on for far too long. Don't you think its time we put a stop to it?
LGBT adoption is when a same-sex couple adopts a child. If every LGBT couple who wanted to were allowed to adopt, then so many children would have ...
Anti-illegal immigration, Pro legal immigration.
Police brutality is a major crisis throughout the world along with racism that needs to be recognized and controlled in order to have a successful ...
How will you improve and maintain proper health care for the women of America? What are the future improvements and changes you will make as presi...
Let's erase stereotypes to allow equality for all
Unconstitutional regulations on abortion are making women unable to exercise their right to choose. These regulations are unconstitutional.
Abortion is a sensitive topic and women should reserve the right to make this decision for themselves.
Something needs to be done.
Here in this letter, I will discuss why I feel abortions should stay legal and also include the counterclaim as well.
Everyone in our country deserves to be treated equally.
Discrimination and Racism are big issues in the U.S. Why do we have such a hard time accepting others?
Native American problems have long been overlooked by society, something that is extremely prevalent today due to the problems with the Dakota Acce...
Affirmative action gives people a false sense of diversity. In an attempt to achieve equality, universities have only created more unfair circumsta...
With support and opinions of the women's rights movement on the rise one important problem is pregnancy discrimination in the workforce. One in eve...
There must be changes to how we view sexual assaults in the United States to end the rampant rape culture influencing American society. ​​
Your policies should include legality of abortion for the safety of the women’s health, the future of the female, and for undesired pregnancies of ...
A problem that has plagued the human race for years is the lack of trust and respect we have for one another.
The wage gap is a prime issue for women equality, but did you ever think about BOTH of the genders?
People all around the world are discriminated against for their sexuality, ethnicity, religion and all sorts of differences.
The gender wage gap is an issue that has plagued our society - and we need to fix it today. In order to achieve full equality, men and women must h...
People of all types deserve Equal rights
Women's Right to be treated equally.
Taking the words from a child who hasn't had the chance to live is inhumane. This essay goes through a pro-choice argument on the issue of abortion...
We are starting new as a country with a new leader and I feel as though it is vital that we don't loose track of what is important, the people.
People of the LGBT community deserve to be treated like humans and deserve equal rights.
The topic of abortion has caused numerous debates throughout history, and is still in debate today. It seems as if you are either supportive of it,...
Due to the changing world Sex Education in schools needs to be expanded and reformed to keep all teenagers safe.
Abortion should be a woman's choice
Gender equality is still a major problem in the United States and around the world. Women and girls are still fighting for equal rights and the ch...
I ask...
By Aya Kanan
Defunding Planned Parenthood would not only affect a woman's choice to abort, but it would affect the many other educational programs that Planned ...
This letter encourages the fundamentals of choice and allowing women the right to choose abortion over an unwanted pregnancy. To many, this is a ve...
Dear Future President...
The American justice system should be restructured to prioritize crimes in order of seriousness, and have pre-determined jail times for each crime.
I am a sixteen-year-old high school student in Louisiana. Personally, I think that the lack of women's equality is an issue that needs to be addres...
Racism and Environmental, 2016 letter to president
Women should be able to make their own decision about whether or not to have a child.
the inequality of males being paid higher than females and why this needs to change.
America needs to step in to help Dalits over in India who are suffering from discrimination due to India's caste system.
On the topic of changing names and my thoughts on the practice.
Sexual assault/harassment, an issue that it's affecting our community without we even knowing what's happening. And we can change these issue toget...
It isn't the 1950's anymore. LGBT people need to be treated fairly, and so do people of every background. After all, we are one nation under god, i...
Women should be paid equally. This is about the way women are objectified and the way women have/are being treated around the work place.
Tampons are a necessity, but they continue to be taxed as a luxury in most states. This harms homeless women and unfairly taxes women for unstoppab...
Planned Parenthood is more than a place for reproductive health. It's a place for freedom.
Roe v. Wade should be defended by whoever takes the Oval Office.
This letter addresses the faults of prohibiting abortion and how it would negatively affect our nation; regarding safety concerns, women's autonomy...
This is why there should be equality between men and women
Women are treated unequally, and that needs to change, plain and simple. In our country, women have to cope with sexism everyday; this issue needs ...
Women across America face wage discrimination and this has to stop. Equal pay for equal work must be considered a human right in order for society ...
America is a country where we are allowed to make our own desicions. So why are women getting opinions about what's right or wrong?
This letter is just an overview of where I stand in my beliefs of what our labor and business field should look like. Lower taxes will encourage bu...
Unequal pay rates and how they effect the working women in the U.S.A.
The justice system has jailed many criminals since the first opening case, but is our own people in the court house being biased towards the minori...
Women's rights especially equal pay is important.
Women of all races should be paid as much as men.
Equal rights; women aren't equal to men and the media making it look like celebrities are higher than us but really we are equal.
Not your body? Not your choice.
Equal Pay Women’s rights!
We need to destroy the unfair discrimination against women in the workplace.
Our minds should be focused on education not profits for test companies
There is too much racism in America, and this needs to come to an end. As the president you can help to resolve this issue.
There should be equality between men and women.
Gender inequality is a big problem that affects many people in many ways. It's time we change that.
The next president should influence foreign policies to help women in other countries.
Every day, women across the country are being treated unequally. They are being paid less than a man for doing the same amount of work- and this is...
Persuasive Letter to the next President preserving the rights of African Americans in every way possible.
The LGBTQ+ community has always had a hard time. Especially the transgender community. This letter explains why we need to enforce protection laws ...
In America, people are being treated unfairly based on their race, religion, and sexuality. We need to make sure there is equality for everyone.
Undocumented immigrants who have contributed to our country should have the right to gain citizenship.
Reasons why abortion should remain legal.
Women should be allowed on the frontline if they prove that they can handle it.
There are many people who really need it and can't get it. I am having a hard time understanding why the United States spends so much money to hel...
Unless you're the one laying on a bed for hours while your body writhes in pain as you push an 8 pound baby out of your vagina, then you don't get ...
The motion to outlaw abortion and defund planned parenthood because of religious beliefs is unconstitutional and intolerant.
Letter to the President about equal rights on how women and men should be treated the same.
The amount of times people are killed because of stereotypes related to race is shocking. These killings not only affect the lives of those lost, b...
Raising the questions for minority history in classrooms.
Women's wage gap in America today needs to end.
Women do not have the same rights as men when it comes to jobs. This is an ongoing problem that needs to be stopped.
Abortion is a very controversial topic. This paper discusses positives and pro choice opinions while also stating facts and showing how abortion is...
Its time to step up for ourselves.
Hear us now! Hear our words! why does college tuition have to stop us from succeeding?
Do you believe that there are still people who discriminate based upon skin color. This has to be changed because people are being persecuted becau...
Gay marriage was legalized in 2015 but people who identify as LGBT+ are still subjected to discrimination and harassment every day. LGBT rights are...
In my letter to the future president I discuss a woman's right to have an abortion and ways we can reduce the need.
The president should be kind to everyone.
Within our corrupt society today, many girls are pressured into fitting in with the social norms while benefitting others. Young girls are getting ...
Equality has been an issue forever, and it's time to change that for the better of all in the US and everywhere else.
Women's rights and the problems American women face as a whole. Looks into Why we have some of these problems. Focuses on Wage Gap, Sexual assault/...
Abortion should continue to be safe and legal for all women across America.