Colleges in this country are too expensive for most of those applying. Providing more financial aid options across the United States, as well as s...
College female students, freshman, seniors and everyone in between are plagued with this issue everyday.
Why college should not be free.
Student debt has been on the rise for year now.
Funding for Public Education
My letter is about the facts of the gender pay gap and the cost of college.
I am concerned about the high cost of college tuition and housing.
rape needs to stop
The price increase of college tuition is getting out of hand and the consequences are fallacious.
Students should be provided with more ways to pay for college because the tuition is too high, loans and debt brings nothing but stress upon studen...
How will we pay for college?
My letter is basically about how students are having a hard time not only paying off college bills but also how when students take out loans and th...
Students in the United States want to go to college to succeed in their lives, their communities, and their futures, and they want to achieve their...
The cost of going to college is too high, we need to work to make it more affordable for everyone.
Proposing the idea of a class for high school students that will help reduce College debt.
Everyone wants to get a higher education.
The colossal issue of student debt affects America's youth.
The price of college is rising to fast and government is still making budget cuts. And many students that want to go cant afford it without scholar...
College cost needs to go down now otherwise how can we future adults make a good living?
Nowadays, college tuition is way too expensive. Students are paying off loans for decades after they graduate. This is a huge problem in our societ...
How free schooling won't work for the US.
Why are so many people in debt? How much do they owe in student loans? What can be done to help them? Find out how this can be put to an end!
Anyone in the United States should be able to go to college and not worry about how they are going to pay for the tuition and the debt they will be...
This nation is struggling with the cost of education. We need to change this or kids wont go to college and this nation will now evolve and create ...
The cost of college is rising fast, what can you do to help?
College athletes should be paid for what they bring to their universities. For all of the blood, sweat, and tears that they shed for the school, th...
classes unneeded for future
College is essential for anyone who wants to get and maintain a job... or at least a good job. However, college isn't affordable for everyone who w...
How to fix student loans and make sure everyone gets healthcare
This paper is going to talk about college tuition and how it should be cheaper.
The cost of education is more than it is worth
Here I will write about College Expenses to our next president.
College tuition fees need to be DROPPED!
Many other countries have strong programs that allow students to get education beyond high school. America needs reform to advance in education.
If college was free, the value of degrees won't be the same at the value as they are now.
I am trying to get the president to notice the prices for college is ridiculous.
College tuition needs to be lowered for people who have the strong drive for success but not always the money.
There needs to be something done about the college debt student are in after they finish school.
A college degree is a necessity to survive in today's world, but why does it cost so much to receive one?
What we need to do in order to make college education more affordable and accessible to everyone
All people in our country deserve a good education. More than one tenth of our country is made up of immigrants who can not afford a proper educati...
This letter is about how the future president should help make public college tuition free.
College Costs
College education is becoming far out of reach for many individuals and families.
This is a letter to the next president about how many people can't afford to go to college in this day in age.
November 4th, 2016 Dear Future President, have you ever had a problem with money and had a hard time not being stressed? Well, imagine that as ...
College tuition prices are too high.
Education Funding would help the people who want to go to school.
Many people can't afford a college education. This effects the economy and the person's lifestyle negatively. College should be free for everyone. ...
You should consider decreasing the college tuition for students who want to attend college.
I think people shouldn't pay student loan because its to much. Also its a long 30 years payment plan. Third it's stopping people to go to college ...
I want the future president of America to make education affordable for all.
The amount of student debt is growing rapidly and students are finding it harder and harder to pay it back.
Rape is everywhere so why would it not be at college.
It's a letter. But not just any ordinary letter. It's a letter to the president.
The cost of college tuition a main political issue that will impact me the most in the near future. College tuition rates are higher than ever and ...
College Tuitions are too high for the low-income students.
The price college tuition is rising and it is becoming increasingly hard for students to handle.
The exorbitant cost of a college education is not something that we can keep living with.
Not everybody has the money to put their kids into college, or no one wants to be paying of there debt for 20 or more years. Also stress and anxiet...
The government needs to distribute more grants/scholarships for college education.
Every year the price to go to a university rises but most lower and middle class income homes can't afford the tuition. There needs to be a comprom...
How much is too much? Higher education costs putting your family under a financial strain.
Why should someone be prevented from going to college if they are just as capable of doing the work as everyone else?
College tuition keeps rising, making it difficult for students to afford to further their education.
Student debt is too high
College tuition prices are incredibly high in the United States. The next president needs to do something about this to continue to give all studen...
Student debt has affected many college graduates for decades, and it could affect future college graduates of the U.S. if this situation isn't hand...
What I want to say to the future president
Many students can not afford to pursue higher educations because of raised college tuition.
Imagine being in trial for a crime and being found guilty, despite the substantial evidence pointing towards your innocence. This is the feeling th...
The next president needs to help students find a way to pay student loan debt.
Some people have so much debt from college that they can’t even afford a house even with a high paying job. We will tell you what tuition is, why t...
College tuition is too high. Some students don’t go to college because of the cost and student loans aren't time friendly.
College tuition needs to be lowered so student's aren't swimming in their own debt
Practical ideas to help cut the cost of rising college tuition.
Education is important for everyone. Not just the rich or the poor, but for everyone.
As a seventeen year old female, who is about to go to college this coming fall, I, along with many of my classmates, am worried about the growing s...
College tuition is increasing, leaving students unsure of their educational and vocational future.
I feel that college now should not cost so much to get an education.
College tuition cost needs to be lowered for the success of this Nation to grow
I believe that college should be affordable and debt free for everyone.
I want the future president to focus on making schools affordable and equal.
The cost of college is outrageous.
After 4 years of working hard in high school, I deserve to go to the college of my choice regardless of my family's economic standing.
We need a solution to crippling student loan debt.
The issue on college prices needs to be resolved because of rising student loan debt, the future generations success with their careers, and the li...
College tuition has tripled over the past three decades, so we need to find new ways to make college affordable for low-income families.
College tuition needs to be affordable for all students.
My hopes for the economy, and topics on abortion and women's rights.
There is no correlation between intelligence and wealth, so why make college only available to the wealthy?
During the previous years in the US there have been more shootings and bombings, racial discrimination, conflicts between authorities and other peo...
Between the years of 2011-12 and 2016-17 college tuition went up 9% in public 4 year colleges. Does the tuition really need to cost more?
College Costs are too high for the average family
College Costs and Security
Unless we lower the price of college, high school students won't be able to pay off the debt.
In the United States, colleges are getting increasingly more expensive by year. By the time students graduate college, their dept is crippling. I t...
Government should give a subsidy for college tuition
How college tuition effects students and taxpayers, and potential ways in which to solve the problem.
It is up to you, Future President, to lower the increasing rise of college tuition.