We need to stop gun violence because hundreds of people die every year of gun violence and people don't want to be killed.
The difference in pay for the caretakers of our youth
This is my opinion on saving our oceans from its dangers.
Schools have specific dress codes that are always directed to girls and it automatically sexualizes them.
There aren't enough gun prevention laws and regulating gun control needs to be bigger in our country
My issue is gun violence in the U.S.
Do not disregard our civil rights.
Why guns should be allowed...
Education systems need to be catered to the career path the student plans to take in order to give them the information and knowledge they require ...
Get guns out of here.
I am concerned because there have been many innocent people killed this may be because of possible untrained police officers.
Bullying needs to come to an end
In this text I am writing to the next president why they shouldn't ban guns in the U.S.
Is college for everyone? The education system needs work and people need to speak out and voice their thoughts.
Dear future President of the United States of America.
Improved gun control and regulations are necessary, but should not be banned.
Our education system does not promote healthy lifestyles in teenagers. The time for change is NOW
Gun control
This letter is directed to whomever the next president shall be, and states that when in office they should help eliminate and or not make standard...
Many states are falling behind when it comes to education.
A letter to the next president of the united states.
Gun control is difficult to enforce.
The issues of gun control and reasons why I find it to be complete nonsense.
Standardized testing should not be the way to evaluate whether a student should move on or not.
Gun Control
A letter about gun violence in The United States
How we can be one of the greatest countries on earth, yet face this rare dilemma? Beyond me. Murder.
gun violence should be a law
We need to stop blaming the guns for mass shootings, and start putting our focus on the maniacs that are doing these hostile crimes.
After school programs should be allowed in the USA.
should gun rules change or stay the same?
Safety and the Second Amendment
Gun problems in the USA need to stop.
I am writing about how we should have less strict gun control laws
Save the new generations of working class Americans from unimaginable debt by sucking up our pride and guns to benefit the people whose tax dollars...
My personal views on gun control and what I believe is the best course for America on this issue.
Gun Control should be enforced and protected more than it is.
Too much homework is counterproductive on students, the overall workload shouldn't be more than 2 hours of work a night.
This letter is about the cost of college tuition and how big of an issue it is for this generation. Therefore, this is an issue that must be dealt ...
Though gun violence has taken a toll on our day to day lives, expanding our gun laws may not be the resolution.
How would you feel if you were rejected from a college in favor of someone less qualified? This is a reality for many Americans, and is something t...
There are too few restrictions on guns in the United States, especially in comparison to other countries. Background checks need to be implemented ...
“6 in 10, in a student body of 1,100, are failing to meet grade-level standards” (Simon). I want to bring to your attention a standard that is curr...
Guns don't kill people , people kill people
We shouldn't have standardized testing because of all the problems that it is causing. Here are ways that we can fix those problems.
If the cost keeps rising then college will become inaccessible to most students.
Education is very important to all citizens, and it is important that everyone has a chance to succeed, regardless of income and race.
I am a student at Northview High school in Grand Rapids MI, my name is Payne L., I am 14 years old. I am wondering when we are going to get better ...
Why should we establish new laws for gun control?
My letter is to inform you that in small town northeast Iowa high school education is not free.
Post high school education in America should increase.
My take on police brutality
Guns are very big in America, but not always for the right reason.
Everyone thinks we need gun control but we already have laws in place to do this.
Why I think schools should have later start times
This is my letter to the next POTUS. I believe that we need to reinforce the safety of this nation. Gun Rights are a major topic currently and they...
Illegal Immigration has affected me in several ways
Gun Violence is a huge problem in the United States of America. People die each day from a firearm and needs to be stopped.
Half of the cash that is taken from my paycheck is in the name of healthcare.
Things need to change in the schools
The country needs the laws to limit the uses of guns.
We do not need uniforms to express equality.
An article about how we need more gun control laws, and reasons why we need them.
According to the National Center for Education Statistics, the United States is ranked as 14 in education in the world and 7,000 students drop out ...
Gun control can easily be handled with the help of our president. The involvement of the president is very important to the lives in the US. The de...
With the greater need for higher education and the pressure on many students to attend college to be successful, the expenses for a higher educatio...
Letter to the next president about addressing coal mines and gun control.
Free Education!
This letter addresses the need for stricter gun control in the US to ensure the safety American citizens deserve.
My subject is about making more gun laws and stricter background checks.
High school needs to prepare students for the real world, not just college.
Although a college degree is almost required to be successful in today's day and age, many youth cannot afford the cost or will be saddled with hug...
This letter to our next president is about a big problem in this country. Gun violence. This is a really big problem in the U.S because mass shooti...
A letter by Jose pagan discussing the issue of gun violence.
The next president should make college prices cheaper
All the guns floating around in the hands of almost every citizen of the U.S. is doing nothing good for our country, all it's doing is killing us.
We need more laws to ensure guns don't end up in the wrong hands.
Rape education should be brought into middle schools and high schools. We need to teach kids how to prevent being raped and how to deal with it. 13...
Gun are getting out of control,this is what i have to say
Only talking about sexual intercourse itself and staying abstinent is not enough. It does not teach teens about so many other countless subjects wi...
Gun Control will be extraordinary to us. It will help our future become a better and safer place.
I believe that college should be affordable and debt free for everyone.
We need to find better food options that kids will like and give bigger servings that will fill them up.
How we need to keep our gun rights.
Homework stresses people out.
For students who are not of the minimum age but are intelligent far beyond their age, I firmly believe they should be offered a better opportunity ...
This letter is with regards to a worldwide issue...Gun Violence. I will be discussing things such as, gun violence statistics, ways to prevent gun ...
Gun control is a good thing but you have to draw the line somewhere.
I have buried twelve of my bestest friends. I am only 15 years old. Gang violence is out of control and it has to stop. This is my plea to save the...
Gun control in the United States is at a minimum, and we need to create more laws to strengthen our country.
Gun Control is something that must be handled immediately
Guns, drugs are bad, social security, and jobs are good
Today, one of the most important things is education. It is key to success, lets you live a happy life, helps you do what you love to do, and it co...
The thoughts of a current highschool junior about the status of education in this country.
The words "under God" should remain in the Pledge to display our country's Christian history.
Students take so many state tests that it stresses them out and makes it hard for them to be children.
This letter speaks about issues such as gun control, foreign relations and privacy specifically with emails.
This is a letter to the next president
Background checks should be used to determine whether a person gets to own a firearm or not.