The LGBTQ community has been subject to harassment for too long.
Why don't we let people be who they really are? We are all equal.
I'm writing about how everyone needs to be treated equally.
This letter is to talk about the issues of the LGBT community. This artical will include a second hand biography. Additonaly, this will discusse h...
LGBT people are treated unfairly by employers, they experience employment discrimination, and they lack federal employment protection.
What are the misconceptions made about bisexuals and how do people feel about them? Is there anything we can do about this?
My letter focuses on equality for all races, genders, and sexual orientations.
Slowly but surely our country is becoming more accepting of many types of people and though we are called the melting pot, we do not have nearly en...
Gay Rights
It is not fair that more than 45,00 churches refuse to marry gays. Gay and lesbian marriage should be recognized as a valid marriage. Churches shou...
A letter about gay acceptance
All people should be treated the same regardless of their sexuality.
This letter is about the struggles of teens in the LGBT community and how social and domestic support is important for their development in their t...
LGBT discrimination is a major problem.
The LGBTQ community should have the same rights as everyone else.
Someones Race, who someone loves are both things that bring out contradicting statements. The way woman are treated as if their no is a prefe...
I believe LGBT communities should have the same rights as heterosexual couples/people.
Persuasive letter with reasons to protect LGBTQ rights
LGBTQ rights
The LGBTQ+ community is a widely mistreated and misunderstood community.
America needs to address discriminating against the rights of LGBT people.
This paper is about discrimination towards the LGBTQ+ community and how to stop it.
To abolish the marriage of gays.
LBGT people don't have the freedom for being who they are and who they choose to be.
A look Into The Transgender Issue
Discrimination which comes in many forms is widespread and has continued for so long. ...
Everyone deserves to be treated with equality and respect.
I think that equal rights are very important. This country focuses too much on differences. In my opinion, everyone should be treated the same, reg...
More than half of the states in the United States exclude the LGBT community in their anti-discrimination laws. This needs to change.
This is a five paragraph letter concerning the rights and policy of transgender people and using the restroom they identify with.
The LGBT+ community is currently one of the most discriminated demographics in the world.
The LGBTQ should still have the same rights as all of us because they are still human, just like us.
LGBT couples should not be denied the right to adopt a child because of their sexual orientation.
Our country is being manipulated, one way or another, by money, media or even retirement. It happens all of the time, even if it can be seen or not...
Everyone should be treated equally--no matter his or her orientation.
There is a new topic waiting to become a law, as well as one of the main points the new president needs to work on once they get to office. The nee...
Our youth are taught about sexual activity, but never sexuality itself. We need to let our youth understand sexuality and gender, how to respect it...
Gay marriage is not a right
People are being treated differently for race, gender and sexuality each and everyday. Some people are scared to accept people for who they truly a...
Have you ever wanted to go to a Pride Festival somewhere but you are too scared you will get judged? Do you want to follow in your favorite celebri...
My letter is about gay rights. Mostly the important bits and pieces of why gay families, should also be accepted in other countries.
Be who you are. Love who you wish.
We should not stop people from being themselves or make them feel like they cannot be who they want to be.
We need to assure that every student, no matter gender, sex, orientation, race, religion, or other, is safe and accepted.
Even though same-sex marriage has been legalized, there is still strong opposition. The US needs to come together to guarantee their safety.
People of every sexual orientation: bisexual, straight, gay, lesbian, transgender came together to show support and pride by marching in the Pride ...
Even in this day and age there are still a lot of negative feelings towards being LGBT. A bill prohibiting discrimination against citizens who are ...
People shouldn't be treated different everyone should be treated equal.
The United States has faced much discrimination in all forms, but the one I would particularly like to talk about in this letter is one that has ju...
Transgender people deserve equal rights.
Women aren’t being treated equally. Gay and lesbians are committing suicide from bad treatment.
Gay marriage should stay because love overrides gender.
In 29 states in the U.S. you can legally get fired for being gay. An end needs to be put to employment discrimination.
All around the world, especially in America, transgenders have to struggle everyday to live in a trans-hating world.
Despite the victories of the LGBTQ+ community, there is still much hate against the community. Homosexuals and transgenders are often persecuted in...
The next President will likely appoint between one and four Justices to the Supreme Court. This will determine the direction of the country for dec...
People shouldn't be treated differently because of their sexuality.
Gay Americans are still the target of hate crimes.
The separation of church and state is too small and needs to change
This country needs to address the treatment of transgender individuals.
Transgender people are treated like their lives don't matter. Lets fix it.
The people of the gay community need your help. We have our rights, that is true, but we seek your aid in guaranteeing our safety inside and outsid...
LGBT are OF the people. The constitution is FOR the people. Members of this community are not fully protected. When will this become a reality?
Dear Hillary Clinton,
We need to stop the persecution of the LGBTQ community from the government and the people of this country.
As a member of the LGBT community of America, I have watched this country grow and shape into something slightly less threatening, but the prospect...
Transgender people should have the right to use a bathroom according to their gender identity.
A letter on LGBT representation in the media.
LGBTQ+ people are still normal people. Before we know it our society will be fully corrupt if we don't figure out ways to fix this problem.
Legalization of gay marriage in all 50 states
Transgender Equality in America
Gay marriage was a really big problem until now. Let's not change it.
The growing issue about transgender people using the bathroom needs to be resolved soon.
Dear Future President...
LGBTQ citizens/couples don't have the right to adopt children in most states.
I believe the Bathroom Laws, such as House Bill 2 which forces people to use the restroom that is of their biological gender, should be repealed! N...
Toxic-Masculinity is one of the worst attitudes plaguing our country and here's why.
This is my letter on this issue of discrimination against the LGBTq community.
Everyone deserves human rights, even LGBTQA+ individuals.
People in the LGBTQ+ community aren't always being treated as equals and we need to fix that.
The talk on the issue of transgender bathrooms and why our nation needs them for more human equality.
The amount of safe places or homeless shelters dedicated to those who identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, etc., is very low. These chi...
Many gay and lesbians are being bullied in and outside of public places.
LGBT Rights are being discussed in different manners and both candidates have different views on this opinion, so read my letter to find out why th...
Transgender rights
The LGBT community is just people, who deserve no lesser treatment than should be given to everyone else.
The discrimination and bigotry transgender people experience is harmful and resolvable.
Everyone is created equal so they should be treated equal with the same rights
It's time to stop hate against someone who if different because of who they identify as or who they want to love.
Homosexual people should be allowed to marry and adopt kids.
Legalization of same sex marriage cannot be the last step we cannot end the issue when there are so many other problems about it out there. We dese...
The rights of the LGBT community and defending their equality.
The discrimination of a large group of people based on their gender identity.
The LGBTQ community has been pushed around long enough.
A teens opinion on the how America today treats the LGBT community
The standard dress codes that are enforced by over half of the U.S public schools are unfair to both genders and LGBTQ students alike.
I'm going to talk about why LGBTQ+ equality is extremely important to our country.
Equal Rights for LBGTQ
I think there are very many issues that should be reviewed on transgender rights.