The War on Terror has ripped countries apart. That's why so many refugees coming here. And the death penalty could get a little better. We need ...
This letter explains my concerns for political correctness in this country
Is it really fair to kill criminals when some are proven innocent? If we kill them are we really any more morally correct than those who committed...
Letter from an exchange student.
I'm writing about death penalty sentence because people who get it might have not done the crime.
Why the death penalty should be illegal.
This is a broken system and is cruel to those sentenced and to their families.
there is no reason for hate groups such as KKK it is racist and they gangs needs to stop well KKK needs to stop that is basically a hate group so y...
A letter to the next president about the issue if immigration and illegals in the United States.
President, I believe that, if we focus on the health benefit more, we could be much more happier, understanding, and healthier to who we as indivi...
My letter is about the death penalty on why we should not have it.
Why standardized testing is hurting America's education
The flawed system of capital punishment in our country should be abolished because the price of one's life isn't necessary to punish someone for mu...
The death penalty has become a controversial issue in the United States. I believe that this outdated practice should be abolished forever.
This letter is about the non effective and economically draining death penalty system and how it needs to be reformed.
These are my thoughts on immigration and what you should do about it.
Why the death penalty should be more common
To the next president.
The Death Penalty
heath and the age of a president
Dear Future President, My name is Melina. I am an eighth grade student at a school in the suburbs of Cleveland, Ohio. The United States still us...
I think the Death Penalty should be abolished.
The qualities, traits, and actions that our next president must demonstrate and possess, and how they can be a great leader in today's society.
Discusses the pros and cons of the death penalty and why it should be abolished in the United States.
About that... I would like for you to put a stop to the death penalty.
Homework in the U.S is at an all-time high and is affecting kids across the country both physically and mentally, it's time to slow it down.
Racial is a serious problem and needs a solution all across America.
My name is Elizabeth Whitehurst. I am a Junior at St. Thomas More High School. Hopefully, this letter will answer any questions about the death pen...
How Donald Trumps views on Muslims are corrupt
Donald Trump plans to build up our military by increasing the size of each branch and investing in new and more advanced technology. Is this the be...
The death penalty is unfair, unconstitutional, and ineffective. This needs to change.
The lack of the death penalty and increasing crime rate are issues that need attention. Crime rates in the last ten years have decreased, but not ...
This letter is about the Death Penalty and the allowance of Guns in Classrooms
Death Penalty
Immigration is important, and needs to be talked about to find a fair solution for everyone.
This is a letter addressing student loans being a burden to those who are in a lot of debt.Causing students of today to not even want to go college...
Do you think Everyone should have HealthCare? Or, should only certain people have it. I am going to explain why Everyone should be able to have Hea...
This is a letter to the president describing the issue of the US economy.
I am a junior at Science Leadership Academy @ Beeber. As an insider from the African American community, these are my views on police brutality. ...
Many states have banned the Death Penalty, which takes away from the justice system. Why? read on...
A Judicial Necessity
opinions on terrorism from a 16 year old
This letter is about what I would like the president to try and fix with his power.
In the U.S., Obamacare has greatly decreased the number of Americans without affordable healthcare and insurance. We need to continue the ACA, ...
Our new president is going to have many problems to try to face and fix. They are also going to need to have the characteristics to be able to do t...
Please bring back justice the death penalty.
The death penalty is a flawed system and should not be used in the United States.
Dear future president, Good-evening President Good job at becoming president and thanks for your getting that far and reaching the job, you partici...
Is the death penalty necessary?
A letter to the next president about immigration
Capital Punishment needs to be legal in all 50 states.
How to help and view people in poverty around the world. People around the world that live in poverty are looked at completely differently, they ar...
The Death Penalty can harm the guilty as well as the innocent. End the Death Penalty.
looking at the problems of our mental health facilities, how we treat our mentally diseased Americans.
I suggest that we not make mistakes like Britain. They left the EU because of a mistake. Don't let Texas do the same. #NoTexit
Minimizing the power of the Electoral College
What the qualities of a president should be and what s/he should be concerned about.
In our society, the harshest form of punishment is the death penalty, given as a capital punishment. But, it is immoral, expensive, and discriminat...
My letter is about the Death Penalty, and I believe that it needs to be reformed.
There are many important issues involving our country currently. So why don't we work together and solve these issues one at a time.
Pollution is a serious worldwide problem!
The death penalty is worse than life in prison, because it isn't economically sound.
Too many families are not able to meet their basic needs, month after month. College students are in debt for too many years. Please understand thi...
Our founding fathers had the right idea.
America used to be the nation where many countries look up to for admiration so why should we be change it so that it's no longer appealing to othe...
Death Penalty issue
Terrorism has affected the United States and we have to work together towards ending it.
Our future president needs many qualities to help the country run smoothly and efficiently.
"What purpose does the death penalty serve in a blossoming society?"
This contains two of the topics I believe the next president should address during their presidency.
The us has been "getting rid of" criminals since 1864. But now the death penalty is used to "get rid of people" who are thought to be criminals.
The importance of color is displayed poorly in our country.
You, the next president, need these characteristics to be a great president!
This letter outlines the complexity of the death penalty in the U.S and why it may not be as simple as it seems it should be.
I think the death penalty should abolished in all states because its a waste of money and a waste of time that doesn't serve justice for the victim...
The qualities that the future President should have.
Veterans who risked their lives for our country should not be left homeless, nor should they feel unprotected.
The next president should be concerned with police brutality and terrorism.
What a president should be and what qualities and characteristics they should have to be the right leader for America
If schools were to start later in the morning students would improve in school in so many ways.
Our debates no longer allow the people to know the candidates' plan when they have this country. We need to stop their bickering so the people can ...
If everyone has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, why do we still practice the death penalty.
Why the death penalty should be abolished.
The next president, whoever it is, should just chillax and do the job.
Why I think you're unfit to be president.
I feel very strongly that the death penalty should be illegal. This is a letter to the presidential candidates trying to persuade them into vetoing...
We need common sense gun laws and all around stricter gun laws to solve gun violence.
Minimum wage
The death penalty needs to be eliminated.
Executing criminals that convicted the most violent crimes should not be put to death; Therefore it should not be a form of punishment. ...
Letter directed to the next President of the US about lowering cost of college education.
The issues that really matter in the 2016 presidential election.
A list on why Donald Trump has no business being POTUS.
Obama care is changing today's society. It is causing people to complain, and it's separating our country.
This letter talks about what characteristics and traits a leader such as a president should have when in charge of something as important as a coun...
The letter is about how the future president should focus on terrorism and its effects on people.