In this letter, I assert that gun violence is a huge crisis in the U.S. Young teenagers (mostly African Americans), are meeting untimely deaths due...
By changing our state of mind, we can save others from theirs.
Thirty-two percent of the abused children had attempted suicide, and 43% had thought about suicide since they were sexually abused.” Imagine a you...
Both Woman and Men can be victimized by domestic violence.
Bullying is one the major thing that teens confront. Bullying can cause lead to depression, anxiety, and many more negative things.
The internet is not as safe as you would think.
Dear Future President,
Bullies bully because they were bullied
What will the future president do in the high percentages of suicides in teenagers?
Bullying needs to be abolished in schools.
Bullying has become more and more of an issue in the United States.
Suicide is a growing problem for teens
Are students failing the system? Or is the system failing our students? What would happen if we salvaged what is left of a "happy" student? Or even...
Cyber Bullying is a situation that happens all over the world and it must be stopped.
Do you listen to other people? Are you going to follow other people and do what the say, or be yourself. Bullying and cyber bullying is a big issu...
Bullying is a problem in schools and need to be stop.
People lose lives everyday to suicide, we need to take a stand.
In most schools, bullying is a big problem. We do not want bullying in our schools and we want to stop it. So why does bullying exist? Let stomp ou...
Depression affects teens all over the world. Teens have problems because of this, and it effects their daily lives. We need to find more solutions ...
Should bullying be stopped? In my opinion it should be stopped. Bullying is a major part of society and causes lots of damage to others.
Fix the problem and help the LGBT community
This is about people committing suicide and this is a growing problem I want fixed so if you are interested read the paragraphs.
My story is about bullying and the how there are 3 different types of bullying: verbal, social, and physical. Bullying can be stopped by talking to...
Choose every moment inlife wisely, don't fall into a dark path. Shine light for others who can't find hope. Listen to those who need to talk, don't...
Bullying is a major problem in America, especially in LGBTQ communities
Make Teenager's Lives Great Again
This letter is about how bullying affects people. It needs to stop.
LGBTQ+ people are still normal people. Before we know it our society will be fully corrupt if we don't figure out ways to fix this problem.
I'm writing about bullying and its devastating effects.
This letter talks about what people do to themselves when they get bullied and how bullying could be stopped.
Cyber bullying is an uprising problem in the U.S. Let's stand up and make a change.
Help kids stand up to bullies.
Bullying that can lead to suicide or self harm is a serious topic that needs to be stopped.
Suicide is a serious issue that America has today. Suicide prevention is very necessary if we want this problem to get better. The help of our pres...
Bullying is a huge problem in schools across America. Let's be the generation to end school bullying.
"Haha, GAAAYY!" How many times do you hear that in a day? Echoing down school halls, ringing out on streets, but do you pay any mind to it? Everyon...
Suicide is something that isn't looked at in the US as a big problem. It cannot go unnoticed. We as a community need to step up and fix this problem.
Abortion rights should stay legal for the following reasons. Abortion could make lives better for teenage mothers, rape victims, and mothers who ca...
This letter is on the issue of bullying in the United States and what I feel we can do to stop this.
Dear Donald Trump, The LGBT community has been given the very basic right to marry, but there is still so much more to be done. This letter highlig...
I’d like to address a problem that is a very important issue to me; it also is affecting many others.There is no federal law against cyberbullying ...
Bullying has been a problem for a long time and it still is now.
No More Guns for Hands
This letter asks the next president to promote the importance of raising awareness and increasing knowledge of mental health on a national stage.
We need to stop bullying around the world for good because people are getting hurt world wide
Cyberbullying is a big problem, and sometimes it can lead to suicidal thoughts and depression.
Students are hard workers and tend to work to push themselves beyond their limits. Sometimes going past their limit proves to be worse for a studen...
Something the president can do to prevent Adolescents from getting bullied. Is to tell teachers to communicate more with the kids that have experie...
What can you do to serve those who serve us?
Are you a bully, or are you a victim? Help the world say neither.Make your mark and take a stand. Be a hero...
This letter is about cyberbullying.
As technology and the use of electronic devices advances, the greater the risk for cyberbullying. Many teens and children face the act of cyberbull...
Dear Future President, Can you remember a time of being bullied and asking your parent or an adult for help? I think bullying should be removed in...
Bullying has become one of the most common things for young individuals throughout their school years and is one of the most devastating things in ...
This is a letter that talks about problems of Bullying and how to prevent it.
Bullying is a very bad thing that needs to be fixed, but with the help of you, Mr./Mrs.President, you can help.
This is why I want to try to stop suicide people have been bullying and cyberbullying kids to we’re they want to hurt them self.
Schools should enact policies to help prevent, and hopefully end, bullying.
Teen depression does not receive as much attention as it should. Notice how "press" is capitalized in the title. This is done so we advertise depre...
This letter outlines the issues amongst the homeless population throughout the US.
It tells of things we need to do to help people prevent bullying to themselves and those around them
Bullying needs to come to an end
Bullying is a problem in the U.S.A. In a lot of schools bullying is increasing.
Bullying in and out of schools
Let us focus on a future of peace. Making everyone feel great with their own individuality.
I have an issue with bullying.
While the problem may seem small now, euthanasia is a major issue in the United States.
In this letter, both the good and bad of required uniforms are stated. By writing this I hope to persuade our future president that school uniforms...
Use your WORDS, not FISTS
Many people are turning to suicide as the only option, and that must be changed.
There are ways we can end bullying and the President can help.
As the use of electronic devices advances, the more cases of cyber bullying will occur.
Bullying is bigger than what people think.
Discrimination which comes in many forms is widespread and has continued for so long. ...
Under Pressure
My letter contains information about my opinion concerning physical and mental abuse to women and children.
Without college the American Dream is not accessible. As many Americans find college out of their price range the American Dream is being locked aw...
My letter is about bullying and why we need to stop it. Many teens have taken their lives because of it.
Gun control/violence
This letter is a message to the future POTUS urging him or her to take action against Islamophobia.
This letter is about the issue of suicide among teens that is caused by abuse and bullying.
Cyberbullying is looked over, over rated, and seen as not harmful to some. But Cyberbullying is the cause of approximately 30% of all suicides in y...
Suicide,Depression,Bullying is a big issue that Americans have today.Suicide prevention is very necessary if we want this problem to get better. Th...
Bullying is an extremely prevalent issue in our society, which is causing children of all ages to lose hope and faith in society. This issue is som...
My "Fighting Cyber Bulling" report is about the conflicts and issues with cyber bulling and how we could stop it.
Suicide is on the rise.
This letter will give you some facts about workplace bullying and how it affects the employees and how we can stop it.
This letter talks about bullying
Stop Bullying from our lifes
My letter is about preventing suicide.
Hello, my name is Sydney Leat and I'm a student at Bernal Intermediate School. I’m writing to address the issue of bullying. It’s everywhere and we...
Everyday, people are being killed by unatural reasons, those being by the hands of another human being. Why isn't change happening to a world where...
We need to protect LGBTQ+ youth from bullying
Problems facing public schools in the United States Today
LGBTQ+ adults and kids are getting bullied because of who they are and who they choose to love, and it needs to stop.
There is no reason that Bullying and College Cost has risen in the past couple years.
Online threats encase the world-wide web like they’re viruses. They can seriously make someone suffer due to the feeling of anxiety and concern if ...