My letter is about what "Police Brutality" looks like.
Discrimination and racism has been used as a weapon for fear. I believe we stop racism and care for all races.
Something needs to be done about police brutality.
Racial inequality is a problem that needs resolving in America. We can't have a country that is plagued with this especially while we are going thr...
Police on civilian crime is increasing dramatically. If we can't trust the ones that are supposed to protect us , who do we trust?
Teach our police forces right from wrong. Racism and misconduct/brutality in our police forces cannot be tolerated; we should make attempts to solv...
This letter is about police brutality. It shows my opinion of the subject.
A letter asking the president to take action in regards to the acts of racial (and ethical) discrimination, ranging from violence to verbal abuse.
Why we need to reevaluate gun laws in America.
All around the world, especially in America, transgenders have to struggle everyday to live in a trans-hating world.
Many people are still experiencing discrimination.
America calls itself the “home of diversity and opportunities.” Known as a nation of diversity, it is important that we advocate for everyone in th...
In this letter, I’d like to go ahead and look at those rights of females in my country, our country, the USA.
People in the LGBTQ+ community aren't always being treated as equals and we need to fix that.
A letter by Roy Acevedo
Dear Madame/Mr. President: Whether or not we would like to believe this, blacks and other people of color are still facing embedded racism and sec...
Why are police officers killing black African-Americans?
Police need to stop abusing They're power
We need to review the death penalty.
Gun control is a very important topic right now
In this letter I would like to talk about the very relevant topic of Black Lives Matter, and how it is important for people of color to be treated ...
A letter to the future president by Arielle Moore.
In this letter, it is about police brutality and mental illnesses. I would like to thank you for your time.
Violence against people of color from police is an incredible problem that needs and deserves attention.
The gender wage gap is an issue that can no longer be ignored. Women lose a significant amount of money as years go by with the 23 cent deficit the...
It is very obvious our police now need different training, and less lethal ways to deal with people.
I want the president to make these cops to act like cops and not like the kkk
Racial Injustice is a negative, and unfair thing which can break America if not resolved. If this continues this country will go against everything...
This letter is about how violence throughout the nation is quickly spreading. This rapid spread of violence needs to be changed for future generati...
There are human rights everyone is born with, yet many people live their lives without them because of the color of their skin. Everyone deserves t...
Dear President...
This is what I'd like my next president to do!
Are we really free to love whomever we like?
We need to address the problem of police brutality.
No matter what skin tone you have, you should be equal to everyone else.
In this letter I write about police brutality, the Black Lives Matter movement, and racial inequality towards black americans. I provide solutions ...
Ever since humans were formed racism has been a problem. Throughout the years many people have tried so hard to stop this but despite their efforts...
No one should be treated differently just because they are not from here and are here illegally. Believe me just here Martin Luther King Jr´s famou...
With these solutions, we win the battle to ending police brutality and racial stereotypes.
Police brutality on black people should be forced to an end
Racism is still a big problem going on in this country and it needs to be addressed.
52% of Hispanics have experienced discrimination. Our country is recognized for diversity, which we are proud of, so why do we treat the people tha...
Police Brutality
This letter is about the discrimination Mexican immigrants face in America.
Police are abusing unarmed civilians, especially those of color, and it needs to end. Now.
All citizens should be treated equally.
Dear Next President, My name is Melvin Carter a high school student from Philadelphia. I believe there is a serious problem with police brutal...
Guns are ruining our country... Mental problems and gun dispersal are the key factors to address the problem of Gun violence.
Police brutality needs to stop.
We need to fight police brutality.
This letter is for our next President, in order to change our economy for the better.
This letter talks about the issue of police brutality and how it should be solved.
America has undergone many phases of racial inequity. Many Americans like to believe racism is all in the past. However, it is crucial that we ackn...
Police brutality needs to stop. Now.
On police brutality and why it needs to stop and how to stop it.
Police are doing the opposite of their job by endangering innocent lives.
People of all types deserve Equal rights
America is supposed to be the “free country” yet many American citizens are not really free.
The focus of my letter is going to be about the police brutality, which I think is a violation of people's right.
A major problem in the United States today is Police Brutality. As you have seen on the news and social media, innocent African Americans are bein...
In the case of police brutality, authorities need to stop taking advantage of their badge.
Here you will find the issues, I think are important to perhaps others and myself that should be handled fast.
Racism is ruining the feeling of equality in the USA.
Topic: Police brutality/ violence
Police Brutality is an issue in todays society
Dear Next President,
Far too many people, especially those of color, are dying or becoming severely injured because of the police.
This is a letter to the next president.
My letter is about police brutality. It's a very big issue and I think the president needs to address this issue.
a letter by. kaitlyn feurtado
In my letter to the next President, I argue that gun violence and police brutality is never the right answer.
One of the greatest problems that divides our nation today needs to be addressed first and foremost when our new president comes to office.
My take on police brutality
Dear Future President,
Many races in the United States, black, Hispanics, Asians and other groups of people have faced discrimination based on the way they look.
A plea for the next President to take the rise of anti-Semitism in the nation seriously.
As president, I hope you can make reforms to the growing discrimination in America . Also, please reevaluate the gun laws we have due to how access...
Racism in policing
America still has a problem with racial and sexual orientation discrimination.
" No matter your social status or how powerful you feel you are, we are all equal. We came here by birth and will leave in death."
this is a letter to the next president concerning the amount of black people being killed by police.
We don't need a Wall of Separation, we need a Gate of Progression.
Many people are judged not by the continent of their character but by the color of their skin and it creates problems when people want to do things...
It's about crooked cops and how most of us see the killings yet we don't take action.
Just because of one’s ethnicity, sexuality, characteristics, genetics, or ideas we forget that they are just as human as us.
Discrimination has become one of America's biggest problems today.
The oppression of the LGBTQ society is a growing problem in America
In America discrimination is a big problem. There are many types of discrimination but two main types of discrimination are gender discrimination a...
The policemen are here to protect the people, NOT to kill them!
Blacks and latinos are persecuted and thrown in jail at a rate way higher than whites in this country
In this letter to the next president I address the possible issues with unisex bathrooms and the safety of everyone.
Police brutality has been an issue that has been addressed and still not resolved. It has received media attention in recent years yet it continues...
Police Brutality is getting out of hand
Some people are contradicting the movement Black Lives Matter with "All lives matter" which is not the issue at hand.
A little bit about possible solutions to police brutality.
We believe that the media is not helping the situation when it comes to reporting stories involving police brutality.
This letter is on the topic of police brutality, and the killing of our families. This is America and i don't feel safe when i should. So Mr/Mrs. P...
My letter focuses on equality for all races, genders, and sexual orientations.
Many people are being brutally beaten by police officers because of their race or just because the officer wants to. Police officers are abusing th...