I have buried twelve of my bestest friends. I am only 15 years old. Gang violence is out of control and it has to stop. This is my plea to save the...
gun control should not be a thing because people use guns to defend themselves.
The fact of the matter is, teens and children do not feel safe in the USA.
People are supposed to be against gun control, but they're actually not.
Could the gun laws be changed or even rewrote? The gun laws are slipping and it's time they get changed.
I think we need to keep the gun laws we have, but make them stricter or enforce them better.
Dear Future President,
The Second Amendment was written for a reason. Taking away our guns in unnecessary and unlawful.
Why we should have the right to bare arms in the US legally
Hopefully this letter to the President will have an impact on their priorities and make gun violence a first.
Gun violence needs to be stopped
It's time to address the elephant in the room of Gun Control. Approximately 136 mass shootings have occurred in 2016 alone and it is time that some...
With all of the gun violence occurring in our nation, something must be done to prevent the loss of innocent lives. We need to take a fresh look at...
We are living in a dangerous world due to terrorism
Gun control needs some changes.
Gun control and the ways it'd effect our society
No gun control!! we need are gun because what if someone has a gun and try to shot me and we do not have a gun.
Why should we keep guns? This is why.
America needs stricter gun laws.
Gun ownership should be more restricted so that they do not become dangerous in the wrong hands.
Guns are one reason to why people are dying.
Misused firearms
The issue of gun control is important because if we have more stricter rules of checking background, it will be more safe for everyone in the cou...
Gun Control
Dear President, You should stop gun violence because they are killing innocent people for no reason. According to the Smart gun laws.org it incre...
Gun control affects many people as guns affect many people. There is too much gun violence in the US, and this letter will discuss the effects of g...
I think that you as president should make laws and regulations against gun use and gun violence.
If we had some way of keeping guns from people who are willing to pull the trigger on someone innocent, we could keep the people of America safe.
A letter to the future President involving the idea of gun control. These dangerous weapons affect many communities.
How we should keep guns out of the wrong hands, along with a better screening process to keep guns in the right minds. The statistics of how many c...
Firearms in America are a very split topic and cause a lot of debate over the issue in this country. In this article, I am going to discuss these v...
Guns. Guns have been a part of our culture since this country was formed. We were given the right to own these guns when the U.S Constitution was m...
Concealed handguns keep many people from getting hurt or killed and without them the world would be a horrific place.
Gun control will destroy America
This letter asks what will be done about gun laws and shows argumentative points to both sides.
My letter to the president about the amount of gun laws and what you should do to help the laws be successful
Citizens in America need to be able to carry around guns.
Please do not let me end up dead. Millions of children are being killed around the globe each year and there needs to be an end put to it. Everywhe...
Gun control/violence
This letter is about the presidential candidates opinions about gun control laws. Included is my opinion on the matter.
Why Is The Basic Firearm Viewed Only For Murder? Follow the Document Provided and find where you stand.
Do the facts show that people are safer without others having guns? What are some other options than banning guns?
Gun violence is something that could be easily helped if high capacity magazines were banned.
This is an essay on what should be changed about gun laws.
My peers and I have our lives ahead of us and we shouldn't be worried about the fear that guns in our society today inflict on us. Gun violence has...
In this text, you will be introduced to my opinion on the 2016 presidential election.
You may believe in gun control. You may believe in the right to bear arms. There is a way we can have both.
Gun control is unnecessary.
Dangerous people should not be allowed to own a gun.Police should be better about protecting all people
Gun violence is a problem in the United States and should be looked at by our future president.
Gun violence has become more and more common in America, please stop people from purchasing guns so we can stop gun violence.
Right to bear arms
Its not right for people to ruin gun rights because of shootings around our country. Also people complaining about hunters shooting defenseless ani...
We need to get rid of all gun control laws.
This is my opinion on gun control
How to solve this growing problem.
The problem connected with guns is that there is not very strict security, because when people sell a gun they have to see what kind of person they...
This letter to the future president addresses his/her responsibility on fighting the War on Terrorism
Stricter gun control laws won't help.
Gun control is the protection of the use of guns and it needs to be changed.
Gun Violence is one of the most serious issues plaguing our country
I think that gun control should be changed by having a more strict background checks and to change how easy it is to get guns
I think that everyone in the U.S should allowed to have guns on them.
Gun control and transgender bathroom
Guns should not be used for killing for no apparent reason. Use them wisely, people have lives too.
There is a big gun problem in America but with some procautions, gun violence can be reduced with out taking away peoples guns.
I feel the movement on gun control is a futile effort.
gun violence should be a law
Gun control is a very complicated issue because although gun violence is a huge problem, banning guns might not be the fix.
To stop gun violence.
My letter is about the importance of gun policy.
Facts, Reports and statistics aren't the only thing involved with gun control.
Gun violence is a huge issue in America, and I would like to help put an end to it.
A few changes that can drastically improve America.
A letter to our future president on what he/she should do to better our nation, improve our security, and how people feel around they're own neighb...
Dear Mr. President. I am here to talk about “Gun control” "Some people think that it should stay the same I think that it should also stay the ...
Why gun control is more logical.
I wrote a letter to the next president regarding gun control issues in the United States.
One of my biggest fears is guns and I think that it's also a common fear in society these days.
What a president should be and how they should act as they look at education, gun control, and minor group decisions.
The matter of gun safety has been a growing problem for to long. We need to fix it.
The topic of gun control has been very controversial for a lot of time. This letter shows the importance of addressing this topic
Concealed handgun law is important by giving citizens protection.
Gun Control is strict enough as it is and it doesn't need to be even more strict, it should stay how it is.
The process on background check must become more rigorous.
The need to control the gun usage in America is a vital issue that continues to be ignored.
The Right to Bear Arms is what makes us feel safe.
Gun Control is a Big Issue that Needs to be Solved in the U.S.
Gun production in America and other countries. Mental testing that should be required upon all who seek a weapon. The types of weaponry that should...
should gun rules change or stay the same?
Guns are causing too much violence today. Guns should be only be only to protect people, not to cause violence. Lets put a stop to this and make gu...
We need to stop gun violence because hundreds of people die every year of gun violence and people don't want to be killed.
Gun control laws in the U.S need some refinement
Firearms have been too frequent as a cause of death. Those that fall victim under the crimes committed by those in possession of firearms are only ...
Improved gun control and regulations are necessary, but should not be banned.