My name is Dylan I'm at West Seattle High and I want to talk about Police Brutality.
This letter for the next President is about what I feel about Racism and what should be done with it.
Racial profiling is a terrible thing in the United States and it needs to be stopped.
Teach our police forces right from wrong. Racism and misconduct/brutality in our police forces cannot be tolerated; we should make attempts to solv...
How police brutality is causing harm to us and it can affect more innocent people.
Police brutality has gotten way out of hand over the past few years.
Police brutality is when a cop does something to an other person for no reason.
Dear Next President, My name is Melvin Carter a high school student from Philadelphia. I believe there is a serious problem with police brutal...
Police brutality is the use of excessive and/or unnecessary force by police when dealing with civilians. “Excessive use of force” means a force wel...
Police on civilian crime is increasing dramatically. If we can't trust the ones that are supposed to protect us , who do we trust?
Police Brutality is destroying the lives of people in the world who didn't do anything.
The U.S.A was created for freedom not for violence.
We need to do something about the lack of police training
I talk about the problems we are facing today with police brutality and African Americans.
A piece asking for an end to police brutality and the tension between police and civilians.
This letter is about police brutality and the use of excessive and/or unnecessary force by police when dealing with civilians.
A letter by Michael Calderon
Don't mistreat people just by their appearance.
A great poem about this topic
Prisoners being released early from prison for violent or harmful offenses is a serious problem in our justice system, especially when many people ...
I'm tired of hearing about innocent people getting shot and killed for no reason whatsoever. We need to control our guns.
The justice system has jailed many criminals since the first opening case, but is our own people in the court house being biased towards the minori...
Police vs. Blacks
There is many problems but I am here to focus on one, on police brutality. Police need to know that the first thing to do is not to shoot. They ass...
So many people have been killed by police on and off duty, while police are faced with little to no punishment.
Police Brutality is a problem and no one is trying to stop it
I am a junior at Science Leadership Academy @ Beeber. As an insider from the African American community, these are my views on police brutality. ...
Should the average person of color fear for their life, or are they blowing this out of proportion?
Police brutality is a huge issue and must come to a solution. The United States are encountering more cases each year.
Dear, President Although I am only 13 years old, I observed that racial profiling has become a great issue in our country. Yes, racial profiling ...
I think police brutality is a problem.
The American people need to come together as one to eliminate racial profiling as a whole.
The punishments for marital rape are not as harsh as the punishments for rape itself. The government has took the time to make it a law that raping...
A little bit about possible solutions to police brutality.
20% of all incarcerated people are in for drug offenses, most of which are non-violent
A friend of mine “an honest man” was driving his Silverado with rims the police stopped him told him to get out of the truck and shot at him.
Police Brutality can be signified in many different ways. The most common form of police brutality is physical force. Even though policeman have th...
Almost 200 Black people were killed by the police only in the year 2016. This needs to stop.
The affects of Police Brutality and Racial Inequality upon African-Americans.
Why are police officers killing black African-Americans?
My letter is about how police brutality is getting out of hand and how prisons are starting to get overcrowded.
A major problem in the United States today is Police Brutality. As you have seen on the news and social media, innocent African Americans are bein...
When is the hatred going to stop
The issue at hand is very apparent in the United States. Many issues have been risen with recent police shootings. These police shootings involve p...
The problem that needs to be stopped.
Police Brutality
a poem dedicated to justice for all
Police brutality is out of control. You are supposed to be our role model and our leader, what are you going to do, and are you going to be ready f...
Police brutality is bad for this country.
A nationwide issue that can no longer be tolerated.
Some people are contradicting the movement Black Lives Matter with "All lives matter" which is not the issue at hand.
There are too many situations where police act before they should and they need to be able to make the right judgements.
To fix these race issues, we need to start in our households, teach our families that everyone deserves to be treated as an equal. We cannot ignor...
Is police brutality a major problem in the United States?
Something needs to be done. The topic of police brutality certainly needs to be discussed and changed to better protect the people and the police o...
I think that there are big flaws in our police systems that need to be addressed.
I feel very strongly about the illegalization of racial profiling. It will bring Americans together, and make America a more sturdy nation.
Ways to help stop police brutality and its effects.
Black people in America are treated like trash and you as the next President need to make an effort to change how people in our country are being t...
In recent years there have been many cases of unnecessary force used by the police against Black people. Nowadays, it seems that the situation is g...
I hope that by the year 2020 Racial Profiling is not an issue anymore.
I am writing this letter to inform you of the social injustices the people are facing daily through the fear of police brutality.
Inequality needs to stop! There is no reason to discriminate against anyone based on their gender, race, or religion. Our current young generation...
Racism is still alive today as seen in recent examples of police brutality and the Black Lives Matter movement.
Our heroes are killing our people.
This police brutality needs to be stopped in this country. But what shoud we do about this?
Letter to our future President
You are tired of hearing their protests, but you don’t understand their reasons. You ask them to voice their grief with respect while their brother...
Police Brutality has gone far enough.
The problems I think that need to be solved
Letter To Next President
my name is Jaylen i am a 14 year old male and i am going to tell you about police brutality on minorities.
Police Brutality has gone viral over social media and the news. This problem is happening everyday and it needs to be stopped.
Recent police killings of African-Americans have sparked many protests around the country, as well as some attacks on officers.
Police Brutality has been a big issue to this day. Many innocent people have had their lives taken away because of police brutality. It needs to co...
Our Foster Care System needs reform. The life of liberty and luxury is taken for granted. There are children in the United States who have never ...
Let's put racial profiling to rest for good.
Oppression against minorities and social changes that must be made.
With these solutions, we win the battle to ending police brutality and racial stereotypes.
Racism is a problem.
Unnecessary police brutality has been a major issue in the United States. My letter focuses on problems that have occurred and reasons why things n...
An urgent letter examining the many cracks in the once rigid structure of the criminal justice system.
Racial Profiling is a problem that needs to be solved
Police brutality is a big and glowing problem in the United States. We need a third party organization to watch over the Police Department.
This letter is about the issue of police brutality. It gives reasons on why this issue is so important right now and how to fix it.
According to the Huffington Post, at least 194 African American lives were taken at the hands of police officers so far this year. ALL Lives Matter.
Police brutality needs to stop. Now.
Racial Injustice has been a hot and controversial topic lately, get the scoop- and the facts, on this important topic.
a letter by. kaitlyn feurtado
Police Brutality needs to stop. People are being hurt, shot, and killed.
How should America deal with police brutality?
Many people are being brutally beaten by police officers because of their race or just because the officer wants to. Police officers are abusing th...
As children we look up to police officers, but as adults, we fear them...
I'm 17 years of age 5'9 African American and Today I come to tell you that I want Police Brutality to stop!!!! The year isn’t over yet, and police...
The death penalty is unfair, unconstitutional, and ineffective. This needs to change.
Police Brutality has risen in the past decade; whats going on?
Police brutality of African Americans needs to stop.