I wrote about the fact that there is a very large amount of poverty in the United States and it is only getting bigger. I wrote about the many ways...
How is the U.S. a "Rich Country" when its own people are starving or barely even have enough money to live off of.
Getting everyone an education is the first step to reducing the poverty levels in the United States.
Poverty is serious issue that doesn't affect all of us, but it affects our Nation.
Why are homeless people treated so badly, We are all human and should be treated equally.
My view on poverty, and the great ripple effect that it causes.
There are 43 million people living in poverty in our country. This is a serious problem. If the United States is suppose to be one of the greatest ...
Income Inequality is a big issue that many people face, especially the poor.
Poverty needs to change around the country, people in poverty need to have better opportunities and better jobs
Limit the welfare period and the workforce will improve in no time.
Poverty is getting out of hand and if our government continues to do nothing about it our country will downfall.
There are way more problems America should be paying more attention to. We need to take these issues seriously, while we still have time.
Poor Latino families can no longer afford college especially when the cost of college is dramatically increasing.
As a citizen of the United States, it sincerely concerns me that college tuition is very high and very unreasonable.
I think that the most important thing we can do is to save the lives of those who are in poverty who can’t afford basic resources.
Homeless people around my community is increasing and over crowding the streets.
This letter is about poverty in America and how we need to realize there is more to someone's story than what we see.
Income inequality can lead to devastating consequences, such as homelessness, if the imbalanced income system isn't fixed properly.
A look at the connection between immigration and poverty.
Why is poverty such a big issue? When we have so many people who claim to be helping?
The amount of homeless people is rising and they are thought to be horrible people.
Lets put World Hunger to a stop!
The U.S. minimum wage is currently set at $7.25. Employees working at minimum wage are not able to support their families and are in poverty.
People treat homeless people wrong and i want to stop it!
Income inequality is a major problem in the United States.
End World Hunger Now
Taxes are scewed to benefit the wealthy
Poverty in one of the richest countries in the world isn't something to overlook.
The greatest problem facing our country is poverty.
The is a big problem in the US, and only you can help us.
Wait for it...Wait for it...Bam, and Global Warming has just ruined everything.
In summary race and gender pay equality is something that must change and be implemented into our society, for years this has been an issue and has...
No one should be insidiously wealthy and over fed when they're are people starving and homeless.
The minimum wage should be raised to $10.10 (www.alternet.org) rather than the current $7.25 because young Americans need a reliable income, and ra...
The children in the foster care system are constantly being thrown from home to home, without any regard for whether or not the homes are safe. Als...
There are too many homeless people in the United States.
How poverty affects many people in America
As of 2014, 45 million people out of 318.9 million people are living in poverty in the United States.
Leave minimum wage alone.
Poverty in America is rising ,because the minimum wage is low, pricing of housing is high, and people are unable to sustain a healthy diet due to l...
Minimum Wage
Many people are against free colleges and their reasons are correct, but the thinking should be re-evaluated and look to making colleges and u...
Many Americans live in poverty with the number fluctuating year by year, but the effects it leaves on families is embedded into their lives.
The United States has the 2nd highest poverty rate in the world
This letter is expressing my concern for the rising healthcare cost.
There are many places all over the world that are in poverty and we can't over look this issue. We need to all join together and address this probl...
The once booming Motor City is running on E. Detroit, Michigan has been struggling for years and it could use a helping hand.
Are you worried knowing that their is people out their that live in poverty? Here is how you can change that and why you should.
This is how poverty affects people.
Poverty is going on as we speak. People living in poverty lack a living space, money and even education.
Poverty is a huge problem on not only a national level, but also on a global level. Men and women have spouses and children to feed and provide for...
We should help the homeless if they want to better their lives.
The next president should make college prices cheaper
We need to raise the federal minimum wage. $7.25 an hour is imply not enough for someone to support themselves.
A realistic look at how school funding hurts the innocent children of our country.
I wrote a letter to our next president regarding the issue of poverty.
This letter is to the future president about the growing concerns in this country that need to be addressed if we are going to restore it to its or...
Homelessness and poverty must be vanquished
This letter addresses the issue of wealth inequality in America and how it affects many other problems that face our country. My belief is that the...
Thousands of American citizens struggle with poverty and homelessness everyday.
World wide hunger is becoming more of a problem as Earth develops and improves. Two main issues for hunger are poverty along with food prices. St...
Poverty is a large problem, and so many children are not getting a good education due to poor funding to high-poverty areas, and because poverty ca...
The population of people in poverty is rising. Poverty needs to stop now.
America's problems related to poverty, and possible solutions
The American Dream is often promoted by the government as something every American should strive to achieve, yet the stereotypical image that it is...
Lowering College tuition
This letter explores American poverty.
This letter is discussing homelessness and the overall impact of it.
Poverty is one of the biggest issues in the word. Many people are living on the streets and are unable to afford the things they need to survive.
Poverty is affecting millions of people each day.
Poverty in America. Can it be even be looked at?
As homeless continues to rise as a concern in America, us willing to take a stand and help must take action now.
Poverty occurs throughout the whole world. No one should have to go through "Poverty".
Please, if you are reading this letter, do something about it.
The cost of a college tuition is at an extreme high as of today. It is so high that low-income, first generation students do not even want to attem...
Unequal pay rates and how they effect the working women in the U.S.A.
Although it may sound desirable, the raising of America's minimum wage could have many negative repercussions that many people have not anticipated.
Income Inequality is an important topic that affects every single American
Those who may not be the most politically or financially in your campaign due to poverty are the ones who need your help and advocacy the most.
The United States needs to stop fighting in the biggest mistake we've made yet, the War in the Middle East.
Is Donald Trump right? Why do Mexicans immigrate to the U.S.?
Poverty is decreasing in the US. But if certain incomes are going to be taken away the poverty level would increase.
I believe that impoverished people should have the same job opportunity as wealthier people.
Poverty in the US
A heart-felt plea for immigration reform.
Mr. Trump wants to increase military spending even with the issues of education and poverty in America needing to be solved.
Sufferers around the world are struggling to keep up with these conditions.
Poverty has been going around all around the world. The United Kingdom is trying to improve their ways to put a stop to poverty.
We should have a unique taxing way for each person, based on their monthly income.
Poverty- The state of being poor, hungry ,sick, and sad
This is a short letter about issues I hope the next president will address.
Racial profiling and police violence needs to stop in the world and everyone needs to be equal.
Minimum wage/ taxes and its effects on poverty
College isn't affordable for many creating a continuous poverty cycle and limiting their opportunities to do great things for our nation.
In this letter to the next future president. The idea of poverty is discussed and its impact on our country.
Today, one of the most important things is education. It is key to success, lets you live a happy life, helps you do what you love to do, and it co...
We need to stop poverty.