Homework i think there is too much of it.Please read if you want to stop homework.
Redos and Retakes on homework and tests are hurting to students that are going to college.
This is my letter to the next POTUS. I believe that we need to reinforce the safety of this nation. Gun Rights are a major topic currently and they...
This essay represents the struggle that teens are faced with today, and gives evidence on how people are consumed with the idea of popularity.
Please consider my opinion that smoking should be illegal.
Just few suggestions from students who stay up late nights just to finish homework
In this letter, I argue that teen homelessness needs to end. I also discuss the consequences of being homeless in the U.S.
Rape culture is a huge problem here in america, but the first part of fixing the issue is addressing it.
Teenage pregnancy is a dilemma that many teen moms don't know how to handle.
Help improve my community; we can't do nothing.
This letter civically addresses the future president and asks him to lower the legal drinking age to 18 on the basis that teens would not feel the ...
Dear Mr. / Madam President, I am a senior high school student at minarets high school located near Yosemite National Park and will be graduating...
The FBI is allowed to access our phones at anytime!? Facebook is selling our personal information!?
Letter to the Future President for Eisele's class. My letter is about school systems having a program to help teens better understand the consequen...
National security is a very important matter that is dealt harshly in the United states. Why is this not simple you ask. The ability to protect the...
This letter is about the danger of distracted driving.
Homework effects kids both physically and mentally, Read on to find out how.
From what I know of politics, which is quite a bit, I have seen many idiotic ideas that have no purpose. There is more out there than what we consi...
Why adults believe teenagers are a plague to society, and why this needs to change.
Are teens really just lazy, or is there too much to do?
Explaining the threat of terrorism in the U.S. and what we can do about it.
Homework is just too much to deal with these days. It takes time away from being a kid, having family time, and just doing what you want to do.
Homework should be given in accordance to your understanding.
Gun Violence is a huge problem in the United States of America. People die each day from a firearm and needs to be stopped.
Standardized testing is not effective in the United States, it is also blocking us from using creativity and innovating.
In this document I will discuss why I think that homework should either be removed completely or just optional.
I wrote a letter to our next president regarding too much homework among students around the country
In Wisconsin and in many other states, lung cancer has been caused by the radioactive element Radon. Then the element can seep up into homes, via ...
What can be done to decrease crime rates and overcrowding?
Make Teenager's Lives Great Again
Students should have an extra day off during the week from school.
Texting and driving can be dangerous
Let's enhance our safety as a country through saving the lives of innocent people by getting more gun control laws to regulate legal guns.
Teachers have been assigning homework to students for as long as the school system has been around. It is assumed that this helps kids learn, but i...
Gun control is a growing problem in America with increasing cases of mass shootings, we need more control and background checks in our country to e...
Popularity amongst teens is resulting in poor behavior choices and not focusing on "the big picture" in life
Privacy from the NSA
This letter asks the next president to promote the importance of raising awareness and increasing knowledge of mental health on a national stage.
Why students should receive less homework on a daily basis
My article is about the problems that are going on right know in our world like the problem with isis.
It's time to start focusing on the terrorism problems that matter most...in our own country.
Students are receiving too much homework from teachers.
Guns are to easy to get and kill lots of people.
Students get too much homework, and it's affecting their grades and stress levels. Students go to school for 6-8 hours a day and then get 1-4 hours...
Our gun rights are being taken from us and its not fair. No one would take any of our other rights from us so why would they take our gun rights. W...
This essay is about all the negative impacts on students of all grades who are given too much homework during the school year.
Homeless Veterans need help.
Homework has a very big impact on students, in good and BAD ways...
Our education system does not promote healthy lifestyles in teenagers. The time for change is NOW
Abortion should not be legal
I support the thought that the biggest issue in America is that we aren't that great at fixing issues. We need a better education system.
Can people take away our 2nd amendment??? Maybe not, this report is mainly centered on Gun Free Zones
The struggle of having too much homework.
Homework has become too much for students around the world. Such high expectations are put on high school students today and stress levels are beco...
In order to make America a better place, we can start with not legalizing the use of marijuana.
Many students around the world are getting very stressed out about homework. Since you are the president of the United States, I hope you will unde...
As a President, there needs to be more education about all of what goes on with a gun, instead of having an ignorant viewpoint on guns. An educati...
Some kids are having too much homework and this needs to stop
My letter covers the topic of safety on college campuses to spread awareness. It uses sexual assault as an example going on right now.
When teens get pregnant there first reaction is to get a abortion because they feel like their in this alone, they're not ready to care for one yet...
The increasing availability of drugs to teenagers, causes early addicts and heartbreak to the family.
Schools should be more flexible with students having more breaks.
Students should have enough homework to learn but should not be as stressed. They should learn more real life skills, rather than stressing ou...
Teenagers don't get enough sleep.
Schools all across the U.S.A give students way too much homework and pressure them to succeed. Eventually students just do homework to get it over ...
Abortions should be legal to eliminate backstreet abortions, to provide a situation to solve an unwanted pregnancy (due to incest or rape) and to p...
We have to watch out, weapons are on the loose. We are being attacked from every corner possible with out stopping it. What would happen if someb...
Ms. Dickerson English 3 Honors Class
Students and the amount of homework they are getting and how it is effcting there lifes outside of school, and there metal health
Child Protection Services should be strictly evaluated, and hire caseworkers that will be serious about their jobs for checking in on children who ...
Safety and Equality are two very big issues. They shape the lives of many.
Homelessness in teens across the U.S
Teen stress has increased drastically in the past years due to different reasons. Most of the stress in teenagers is due to education and teachers.
How can we help the homeless?
People including teens should get free school therapy just like how pregnant teens can go to a free clinic without their parents knowing.
Condoms, Birth control,etc...
Children are receiving way to much homework. We need to put a stop to this now!
Why does the United States have an Increase in flow of immigrants to this country? It's because the United States offers so many beneficial things ...
Guns keep our streets safe and should not be restricted
Teenagers are in danger of having future sleeping disorders because of the traditional start time for school.
Artificial Intelligence is not to be used in the military. If you don't read this then it could mean the end of the world as we know it.
What good is our education if we can't even concentrate during it?
It’s not fair the way these immigrant teens are getting treated in their countries. I say yes, to keeping our borders open. Not every immigrant is ...
Over forty-nine million American citizens are putting themselves and the people around them in danger of disease and permanent damage to their body.
Discussing the views of Anti-Gun Control supporters
Our country is in dire need of gun control reform in order to prevent the deaths of innocent Americans.
LGBT people deserve the right to be who they are. Without being worried or discriminated against.
On average kids are assigned 17.5 hours of homework each week. About 45 million kids play a sport and 6 out of 10 participate in extracurricular ac...
If the United States made it illegal for women to get safe abortions then there would be thousands of unsafe, illegal abortions leading to women hu...
Gun violence has become out of hand and a norm in this country, let us give guns to the right people who will make wise decisions.
Women deserve the freedom to make their own decisions concerning their bodies.
Abortion is a problem that only the president needs to solve. With the help of the Senators and Representatives I believe we can solve this problem.
This letter discusses the importance of keeping our citizens safe from this new threat to the world known as ISIS.
This letter to the future president addresses his/her responsibility on fighting the War on Terrorism
The issues that firearms have developed throughout the years, neglecting safety from many Americans and the position of having an increase gun con...
What would you do if you walk into Walmart for the first time and see a gun isle right next the the children's isle, this is our reality in America...
This is about why we should get less homework to help us get better education rather than just throwing unnecessary things at us and expecting us ...
Teachers should stop giving out homework unless they want to cause major health problems.
The future of America lies in the hands of our youth. Should they really be changing diapers?