The mistreatement of citizens by law enforcement is a serious issue in today's society. Police shootings are often caused by law enforcement making...
My name is Emma M. and I am from De Pere Middle School in Wisconsin. Although my school really does not bring the topic up often, I think tha...
In this letter, I’d like to go ahead and look at those rights of females in my country, our country, the USA.
A letter to the next president
The next president should make sure that Women are paid and treated the same as men.
Abortion should only be considered when certain curcumstances apply.
Women's Rights
Women around the world deserve equality.
If women get to vote work and run for office, why don't they get the same pay as men?
Dear President of the United States of America, Picture this. A woman gives birth to a sweet, beautiful, innocent baby who smiles at the world. Th...
Gender equality is a Human Right
All around the United States, the opportunities available for every student are not the same. They definitely should be. Whether about the school m...
The Equal Rights Amendment, or the ERA was a proposed amendment to guarantee women equal rights as men. It contains 3 sections and would be put int...
Teachers are underappreciated, and underpaid. Many teachers have complained and even left the profession.
Equal Rights for LBGTQ
Women are definitely discriminated against when it comes to jobs and their pay.
Women deserve to be paid the same as men.
From shootings, to the legalization of same sex marriage, to the barricading of this community's happiness and more, the LGBT+ Community does not g...
It's time that women around the world are paid just as much as men.
Women and men deserve all of the same rights and opportunities. Also, women should not be known as the lesser gender and should be treated with mor...
The President has much more important issues to focus on than Feminism. These Feminists are men and women who claim that women do not have equal ri...
The media is causing negative repercussions and is negatively influencing teens and kids. We can put a stop to it.
Women deserve equal pay for all their work and contribution.
The Wage Gap is a huge issue that has been facing America for centuries. The gap in a social justice issue that deprives women of equal pay oppose...
This letter was made by Mr. Leeper's 6th period class in San Francisco, CA at Aptos Middle School. We are sending you letters to show how we feel a...
One of the main problems we are living with now and urgently need to stop is the discrimination towards all of those who are LGBT. We need to start...
NCAA Student Athletes should be paid.
Women and at risk students deserve equal opportunity.
Women and men should be treated equally and paid equally too.
Many conservative politicians wish to defund Planned Parenthood but as a young woman, I think it provides necessary services and should remain fund...
For years and years, men have been getting paid more than women for doing the exact same job. We need to change that.
Letter to the President about equal rights on how women and men should be treated the same.
The pay gap between women and man should be abolished.
Reasons that the next President close the Gender Wage Gap.
Gender equality is still a major problem in the United States and around the world. Women and girls are still fighting for equal rights and the ch...
Every day, women across the country are being treated unequally. They are being paid less than a man for doing the same amount of work- and this is...
Americans work hard daily to receive the money they deserve, however women earn considerably less than men, and this injustice should be abolished.
Abortion is a choice that women should make, not the government. We need to keep abortion safe and legal to protect women's rights and to help with...
The gap between the wages of men and women is constantly growing in the United States and it needs to stop.
I’d like you, as our president, the person we look up to the most to have a part in this change, to have a part in our society, and to help protect...
Gender inequality in the against women in the workforce has gotten more out of hand
Sexism is still a major problem in today's society. Women continue to make less pay and are under-represented in traditionally male-dominated indus...
The gender wage gap in America should be closed.
Letter from Tiffany Pham about rape culture & the sexualization of women
The school dress code needs to be changed in order to apply equally to both genders.
Persuasive letter to the next President of the United States,advocating the Gender Pay Gaps
I want there to be equal pay for my generation, and I'm willing to fight. I say, if it does not matter whether you are Asian, African American, Eur...
Dear Future President, Our world has faced discrimination in many forms, but one has corrupted our entire workforce. The gender pay gap is the hu...
Women's rights is a topic that should be taken very seriously however is usually not. Women are being disrespected and things should be done to mak...
Toxic-Masculinity is one of the worst attitudes plaguing our country and here's why.
Police should stop abusing there power by taking innocent lives.
Who doesn't love a good tea party? Or dress-up game? What about a science experiment or a math game? Young girls these days are being limited to wh...
Reasons that the next President should close the Gender Wage Gap.
In America, women earn an average of 80 cents for every dollar a man makes for the same work. Women and men are equal, and women have the ability t...
The equal rights of people of different races, religions, and economic stances are questioned everyday. One day will the tables finally turn? Will ...
It's time for women to stand up for themselves and the future generations
An honest question about why women are paid less than men in some areas.
Women should not be abused and seen as not confident and weak, women are just as strong as men.
Women need to be paid the same as men.
The letter addresses the problem concerning the topic of feminism, and how currently, the American government is neglecting this issue and being ig...
This letter is about the large issue that affects many every day. Equality, such as race, gender and disability are all still a problem in our soci...
We need to treat all the people living in the United States equally, especially African Americans.
A reflection on the in justifications of girls everyday
The wage gap in America is an on going issue that has made it hard for women to have equal pay to a man. Women earn about .78$ for every dollar a ...
The Issue of Gender pay inequality has been an issue plaguing the United States of America for too long, with women pulling the short straw since o...
Women's Equal Rights
Gender Inequality is how women are not treated as professionally or as privelliged as men. Women are strong, independent, and worked hard for there...
Women's right should be protected. However, family violence always happened in our daily life. There are several suggestion of keeping female away ...
The wage gap is a prime issue for women equality, but did you ever think about BOTH of the genders?
Athletes are making money for their school but not for themselves.
How can we help the homeless?
It's no secret that there is a huge gender gap in STEM-related jobs, one being computer science. There needs to be more promotion for women and gir...
This letter consists of information that involves the gender pay gap and our country's debt.
Women don't have the same rights as men, and it needs to change.
Throughout this country, women, especially women of color, are being paid less than men for doing the same job. This very unfair practice should be...
Women are still faced with inequalities even in the year 2016.
What does the gender of someone have to do with how much they get paid? On average, women are earning 20% less than their male coworkers. This affe...
A short and sweet plea for equality.
We live in the United States, it's about time that we work together as a county to address our country's issues. My issue is we need, "Equal Pay fo...
Gender equality is still a big issue/struggle in our world today. In the United States, men and women are not being treated the same in the workpla...
Are you going to work in the future? What job is it? Are you getting the same amount of money as another person? Are getting treated the same as an...
Gender Equality is different everywhere, and different to everyone.
Why are women treated differently?
Discrimination still exists today, and that needs to change now.
Please help raise awareness for an issue that continues to unjustly thrive in American society.
There should be equality between men and women.
Women are treated unequally, and that needs to change, plain and simple. In our country, women have to cope with sexism everyday; this issue needs ...
There are many different controversies that find themselves in our world today. There are so many topics that deserve the attention and care of the...
Gender Equality needs to progress faster that it is!
The Equal Rights Amendment is a crucial piece of the our journey to Equality.
Trump is not for women's rights
Gender identity is making its way through many people's conversations throughout America and across the country. In order to help this crisis cool ...
Do women actually have the same control over their own body as men do? Just another display of sexism.
Women should be paid equally as men.
Often on the news, you see stories of miniorities being mistreated. We need to address this issue now.
we could save them by saying just yes
In the end, we are all humans.
Taking the life of a fetus is morally wrong and should be illegal.
Living in the U.S. and even other places, women often are seen as less than men... This can be reflected in various areas, but one main issue is un...
What effect it has on the people and how to stop it.