Regardless if the next president if female or male, democratic or republican, or a liar or a person completely unfit to run the country, one thing ...
Homelessness is a concern for our citizens.
This letter to the next president is about gun violence and gun control. And how this issue can be resovled.
Police need to be better trained to avoid shooting incident people.
This plan illustrates the importance of rebuilding America and preparing it to handle immigration before we allow more immigrants in. In this propo...
If women get to vote work and run for office, why don't they get the same pay as men?
Nuclear weapons are no longer useful, and quite frankly very stupid. Do we really want Mad Max to become a documentary?
Police are killing inocent people, and it needs to stop.
NBA Players Against Police Brutality
The 2nd Amendment matters.
This is a letter to the next president about how many people can't afford to go to college in this day in age.
Defeat terrorist cells across the world instead of allowing them to come to our land and kill civilians.
This is about Gun violence.
I hope this letter will impact your view on college tuition costs.
In this letter I think gun violence is a huge part in this nation problem and should be put on the next president priorities for the next 4 years.
We need to start picking up the trash around city's
Everyday Mental Disorders are perceived as dangerous and inappropriate for conversation among schools, yet teen suicide rates continue to skyrocket...
My letter to the next president is on gun violence and taking illegal guns off the streets.
Renewable energy would be a great way for the U.S. to reduce carbon emissions, make power safer, and create a whole new industry.
People of America should be concerned about the issue of terrorism.
The students of America are our future. The absurd college cost, and the debt left in its wake, just lessens the chances of American children havin...
A Republican student asks readers: Don’t judge someone before you know them
Choosing to not stand for the flag
Police on civilian crime is increasing dramatically. If we can't trust the ones that are supposed to protect us , who do we trust?
Animal abuse is a serious issue in our country. Lets put an end to it.
Women's rights -- gender discrimination keeps getting worse every day, and I would like to do something about it.
The next President should recognize immigrant's academic work and achievements. People spend lots of time and money to get a diploma and when that ...
Get rid of sexism!!!
We need to stop bullying around the world for good because people are getting hurt world wide
This letter was written to address the current problem that is the Islamic State (ISIS), a group bent on terrorism out of the middle east, and ask ...
Marijuana should be legalized, because there are more positive benefits than negative.
Bullying may lead to mental health problems, failing grades, and suicide. Please help!
Police in the U.S. are affecting us negatively and their acts should be put to an end. Our safety and concerns matter!
This letter is about how immigrants should be treated fairly. I also address the general mistreatment of P.O.C in America in general.
Black Lives Matter
Police Brutality in America needs to stop.
Make terrorism one of your top priorities!
Gun violence is a big issue.
Letter from Tiffany Pham about rape culture & the sexualization of women
An issue that concerns me most is gender equality in America, which prompted me to write this letter.
My letter to the next president contain facts and a personal story contains to gun violence
A Letter by Angelly
In this letter, I argue that teen homelessness needs to end. I also discuss the consequences of being homeless in the U.S.
We have a letter about global warming and all the damage it can cause, and then we have a picture we created about global warming.
This letter was created to express concern over the proposals for immigration in the United States and reasons why you, as the future President of ...
Nowadays, college tuition is way too expensive. Students are paying off loans for decades after they graduate. This is a huge problem in our societ...
College athletes should be paid for what they bring to their universities. For all of the blood, sweat, and tears that they shed for the school, th...
The killing of Harambe and other zoo animals is a problem and change is needed
Here's some of my concerns about child abuse and neglect.
dear future president ill like you to make a few changes
Cancer is problem for people worldwide, let's put a stop to it in america then continue and help the rest of the world.
This letter is addressing the issues concerning the negative stereotypes and other mistreatment by which immigrants face upon entering the country....
A letter by Jade Koam
This letter shows my stance on the rising costs of college, and how to fix it.
A letter to the next president about college tutition.
Ms.Dickerson Class of 2018
My letter is about how transgender are denied access to the bathroom of their choice
My letter is about Gun Violence in Philadelphia
Doctors and scientists are working their hardest to find a cure for cancer but we need to work harder because too many people are dying and too man...
Homework effects kids both physically and mentally, Read on to find out how.
I believe that everybody should have a choice about what they want to eat, based on what is in there food.
We need more gun control for our safety.
Animals are treated so poorly in this world. People don't seem to realize they can feel misery and pain the same way we can. Animals are much more ...
Instead of rushing to make a decision regarding immigration, the American government should wait and see what happens.
I think animal abuse is wrong and there needs to be a change.
America should be more worried about education k-12
Jessenia Sanchez
I think kids need more iPads and Laptops in school.
A letter about racism and social issues.
This piece basically explains my views on why the D.R.E.A.M Act should be made into law, and how it might appeal to the next president.
Homelessness in America is a serious problem.
People treat homeless people wrong and i want to stop it!
We need a balanced approach to the immigration process.
I hate homework! Read the text below to find out why.
The main reasons air pollution is a dangerous threat to the well-being of our future population, are that it destroys our environment and it damage...
One of my best friends passed away over the summer of 2016 at the age of only 15 because he didn't grow up with the proper education on the dangers...
I am a junior at Science Leadership Academy @ Beeber. As an insider from the African American community, these are my views on police brutality. ...
Police Brutality
The importance of immigrants in our country.
This is about a law called a bathroom-bill that affects transgender people and is disrespectful towards people who are transgender.
A letter by Roy Acevedo
The Death Penalty
I wrote about child abuse and how the next President should take more actions on trying to stop or prevent child abuse from happening.
The US President needs to be a role model and needs to speak out on other role models' bad behaviors, such as the behaviors of athletes.
Mental health needs to be spoken about in this country.
A Warning to the Next President....
I don't want to have a future where everyone is using guns recklessly.
My letter to the next president is about college tuition and it's about how we can help the government to fund colleges.
Animal abuse happens way too much. Animal abuse is also very harmful to animals.
More amusement parks.
We need to take the focus off of grading and focus on information learned not test scores.
Illegal Immigration cannot be ignored. What will be done to stop it?
I propose the creation of government funded colleges to raise America's education of youth and to help low income students impact the world
I think that people with criminal records should not have guns.
We must win this war. It has taken its toll on many American hearts.
In my letter to the president I talk about how transgenders cant easily choose a restroom without struggling or being discriminated... I also menti...
Hear us now! Hear our words! why does college tuition have to stop us from succeeding?