Athletes have started kneeling during the National Anthem to spread awareness towards the inequality African Americans suffer every day. Even thoug...
I feel that black people deserve reparations because every since my ancestors were forced to this country there has been nothing but hatred and man...
Disabilities aren't recognized enough and aren't receiving proper accommodations and care.
To fix these race issues, we need to start in our households, teach our families that everyone deserves to be treated as an equal. We cannot ignor...
LGBTQ+ youths are harassed and abused daily and we need to take action.
A controversial topic is always a way to bring things to light. Please, if you read this, Mr/Ms. President, think about the things I say to you and...
Discrimination plays a common negative role in today's society, a matter we must change for the world's progression.
Racism in America is a problem in the Unites States
In this letter, I’d like to go ahead and look at those rights of females in my country, our country, the USA.
Race relations are worse than ever in The United States.
As a citizen of the US I believe that in order to have a smooth running country, we need a better justice system. Our justice system is supposed to...
Racism is a very important topic everyone needs to understand. It can influence others lives and start war and conflicts. Everyone needs to try to ...
Are we really free to love whomever we like?
"So, what will you do to make sure that they don’t end up being another hashtag?"
As history continues, immigrants have done a lot for nation. treating it as their own motherland by helping it to prosper to the nation it is. It ...
Police Brutality has gone far enough.
There is no reason for someone to be treated differently based on his or her looks; we are all the same and should be treated with respect.
There are human rights everyone is born with, yet many people live their lives without them because of the color of their skin. Everyone deserves t...
We as citizens need to acknowledge racial prejudices between all races and a need for law enforcement. Those who commit crimes need to be held resp...
Women across America face wage discrimination and this has to stop. Equal pay for equal work must be considered a human right in order for society ...
Letter To Next President
I want a world in which students of all color are treated fairly in the classroom.
#BLM is a relevant issue going on right now and needs to be addressed.
We've gotten to the point where we are not even fazed when we hear about another shooting.
Everyday, people have to suffer being ridiculed and discriminated against for having a mental illness. We need to work together to end this problem...
Discrimination is problem most people will at one point in their life. People often think that racism and discrimination are the same, in reality r...
With everything that has been said in my letter all I ask is that you take into consideration how we feel about the situations going on in our coun...
Many races in the United States, black, Hispanics, Asians and other groups of people have faced discrimination based on the way they look.
Describes why the current state of division in America is a huge problem that needs to be solved
Racial profiling is when you believe someone has committed a crime just because of their race and it's something that needs to be stopped immediate...
In our society people get offended really quick. We need to work together to stop this problem.
Islamophobia, or the extreme fear of Muslims, is infecting the minds of modern Americans and leading to discrimin
This letter is about the gender discrimination towards women, and how it affects women all over the United States.
Immigration is a huge problem in the United States. Immigrants are taxpayers, entrepreneurs, job creators, and consumers.
As president, I hope you can make reforms to the growing discrimination in America . Also, please reevaluate the gun laws we have due to how access...
Just because of one’s ethnicity, sexuality, characteristics, genetics, or ideas we forget that they are just as human as us.
Bad Cops to Good Cops
My letter is about how we have injustice in the world and it addresses how we, as people can help to restore trust within our nation.
Racial discrimination has been a problem for a long time- but right now it is at its peak. If we don't take action now, we may never overcome it.
Someones Race, who someone loves are both things that bring out contradicting statements. The way woman are treated as if their no is a prefe...
We've all heard of racism and know that it's a big issue, but when are we going to face it?
My letter is about Racism and how as a country we the people need to end racism and stay united.
Imagine being in trial for a crime and being found guilty, despite the substantial evidence pointing towards your innocence. This is the feeling th...
My take on what causes our nation grief in all aspects
My thoughts on Police Brutality
The growing issue about transgender people using the bathroom needs to be resolved soon.
Many Americans have a narrow view on racism. With this letter I would like to widen their views and show them both sides of the issue.
This is a plan I know will work to get more rights for lgbt+ people in this nation or even the whole world
In your power, you must work to end discrimination and inequality against women, world race, religion, and LGBTQ American’s.
The Discrimination affecting our country needs to be discussed so that an action plan to combat discrimination can be establisheed.
American way is going away. American is ripping itself apart from the inside because people are not appreciating diversity - but fighting it.
In my letter to the president I talk about how transgenders cant easily choose a restroom without struggling or being discriminated... I also menti...
The gender wage gap is an issue that can no longer be ignored. Women lose a significant amount of money as years go by with the 23 cent deficit the...
All around the world, especially in America, transgenders have to struggle everyday to live in a trans-hating world.
it about how all of us can help this problem and how it happened
We don't need a Wall of Separation, we need a Gate of Progression.
There are two things that are bothering me right now: Discrimination and Violence
Many people are judged not by the continent of their character but by the color of their skin and it creates problems when people want to do things...
Persuasive letter to the next President advocating the preservation of LGBT rights in America, and extending these liberties to LGBT members locate...
When is enough, enough?
Racism has been a long time problem; as a result, racial injustice is at an all time high and needs to be addressed.
America calls itself the “home of diversity and opportunities.” Known as a nation of diversity, it is important that we advocate for everyone in th...
Why do we still discriminate?
I am against racial profiling
Racial inequality is an Issue in America, hear the voice of a young African-American and his views on racial issues today.
When an employer pays someone less solely because of their disability and the law condones it, it becomes an act of economic discrimination.
52% of Hispanics have experienced discrimination. Our country is recognized for diversity, which we are proud of, so why do we treat the people tha...
A letter to the future president by Arielle Moore.
“If anyone killed a person not in retaliation of murder, or (and) to spread mischief in the land - It would be as if he killed all humankind, and i...
It doesn't matter what you look like or who you like, every deserves equal rights
Students of different ethnicities are not receiving the same opportunity for success through our current education system.
With these solutions, we win the battle to ending police brutality and racial stereotypes.
Every day a student is bullied, a person is fired from their job, or even kicked out of their home. Why you may ask? For the sole reason of being ...
This has to end today.
Its a letter
My letter is about all of the reasons sexism is a problem around the world.
I wrote about how I believe that blacks are mistreated and needed to be viewed as equal people.
We need to assure that every student, no matter gender, sex, orientation, race, religion, or other, is safe and accepted.
Our future president needs to take action to stop systemic racism
"Black Lives Matter" needs to stop
Once upon a time, weren't we immigrants too?
People in the LGBTQ+ community aren't always being treated as equals and we need to fix that.
The division between minorities in America have been a constant factor within the future of this country. Is it finally time for unity, security, e...
Letter to the president based upon police brutality.
My topic is islamophobia in America and the steps we can take to help resolve it
in the end, we are all human.
This letter is about police brutality and Inequality toward Blacks and Latinos
On both sides, unnecessary deaths are hurting communities.
The oppression of the LGBTQ society is a growing problem in America
Policemen who abuse their power and how we can stop it.
Discrimination and racism has been used as a weapon for fear. I believe we stop racism and care for all races.
This letter has been written to provide evidence for why gay marriage should be legalized.
I believe that the united states should get rid of the affirmative action
Police Brutality and Racial Inequality must be stopped.
Women of all races should be paid as much as men.
Everyone has the freedom to think what they want, but how is our future world going to be like with racism?
We need to change a lot of things is our country
The type of leader I believe would be good for America would have to be a leader that does not hold grudges against people of different religions...
Police Brutality is a problem and no one is trying to stop it
Why tattoo discrimination should be illegal.