Heat Exhaustion is a killer among teens especially in sports related activities inside a gymnasium. We need to invest in all schools to have an air...
Learn from me, a 14 year old girl from Seattle, about the issues going on in America's health care system and how we can fix them.
We, as a country, need to improve and increase our governmental healthcare assistance in order to allow everyone to reach their fullest potential.
Lawmakers should not be allowed to defund Planned Parenthood.
I think we should study more on if milk is actually healthy for children. Schools give there students milk and tell them its healthy for you. Is it...
Mental health has been put aside for too long in school. Let's talk about that.
Illegal immigrants should not be allowed in the United States.
College Prices MUST go down to get students out of student loan debt.
The cost of college is very expensive for middle class students. This letter explains that if the government cut college funding, colleges would lo...
Schools should start later in the day because of the positive impact this change will have on students' education and health.
Everyone is affected by the plague that these monsters spread, without even knowing it exists. They are constantly consuming these organisms, poiso...
Dear President,
This letter is about how teens have been increasingly abusing drugs, leading to poor decisions. Abusers need help.
Tax Reforms and Job Creation
Health care is helpful and important. However it is personal choice to get insurance or not.
This letter is discussing homelessness and the overall impact of it.
Is Anything ACTUALLY Free?
Discussion on the use of fossil fuels and how they affect our health,environment,and economy.
The President needs to make a change in the things the people drink.
I think that we need to lower the cost of taxes. They are too high.
Healthcare is starting to get worse and worse, and these things need to change! No one wants to fix this, yet people still struggle. Other people n...
Poverty is a serious issue in America and the world. Many people in America live in Poverty.
There are ways we can help the issue of abortion, now we just have to use them.
I believe that it is extremely important for the next president to recognize the malpractices and harmful chemicals used in the food industry, as w...
This letter is just an overview of where I stand in my beliefs of what our labor and business field should look like. Lower taxes will encourage bu...
We should make a stand for undocumented immigrants because they are an important part of our community.
There are major problems with our current income tax system that allows massive tax breaks. A sales tax may be the solution.
It's time that we address the impact that our diets are having on our health and the environment.
Our countries tax code has many blatantly obvious shortcomings that need to be corrected.
I believe people should be treated equally no matter what their condition wether physically or mentally (or both) are. I believe everyone should be...
This is my letter.
Student Debts is a big issue in the world and needs to have a resolution.
Why taxing women for their necessary hygiene products as a "luxury" is counterproductive, unprogressive, and frankly unfair.
My opinion on important aspects of what need to be considered when given the position of presidency.
The many problems with the tax system in our country is doing a lot of harm to individual lives, and the economy as a whole.
There are many people who aren't allowed to join or fight for the armed forces or become a commercial pilot or even work as a EMS, or other emergen...
Why Cannabis should be legal
Homelessness is a major problem all around the world and I do not feel that the president has done enough to solve it.
My letter exposes the issue with the great rise in obesity in America over the last generation.
Persuasive letter to the next President advocating for the legalization of Marijuana.
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) are given much more hate than they should. GMOs can solve many problems that face our society, without causin...
I write this, firstly, for the sake of the nonhuman animals who are the real victims whom are in a need of salvation; secondly, as an act of refor...
Every American should have access to affordable healthcare without worrying about the financials that accompany it
Physical Education should be a nationwide requirement in all schools. It has many benefits our country needs in order to start success at an early ...
I feel like our country needs to be more aware and more educated in the field of mental illnesses.
DIPG is a pediatric brain tumor found in young children. When diagnosed the child is given on average fifteen months to live. Prognosis and treatme...
Why are we letting the medications we only need in emergencies control our wallets every day?
We should reduce the price of taxes with simple solutions. I have given some issues that can be resolved resulting in reduced tax prices.
Farmers are being run by uneducated people.
As medical students give up almost everything to pursue the path of medicine, the price to attend is becoming a problem.
If you have a Ferrari would you put the cheapest fuel into it? Would you just leave it sitting in your parkway? We all have an exotic vehicle and ...
Explaining why taxes should be lower.
Before pollution gets worse and worse we need to change the way we travel.
I think its healthy for you because you walk around place and you are exercising.
Legalizing all drugs and supporting addicts will cut out illegal drug trade across America.
Consider the use of GMO's in the US and if they are worth our time and health.
Many infants have been born into this world with HIV/AIDS, these infants are unable to defend themselves because it has been transmitted from their...
Planned Parenthood provides quality health care to many individuals nationwide. This organization has helped millions of people's lives and federal...
Teachers have been assigning homework to students for as long as the school system has been around. It is assumed that this helps kids learn, but i...
A lot of articles and stories have said that vaccines are something everyone needs. At the same time others are saying that it is a harmful thing t...
Heroin and Prescription Pill Abuse
College isn't affordable for many creating a continuous poverty cycle and limiting their opportunities to do great things for our nation.
Why do people have to pay to survive health care should be free.
As you may know, the US economy is slowly declining. This letter explains some ways that this economy can be improved, such as an increase in minim...
cancer research isn't getting enough money to become harmless
One program or assembly will not prevent bullying. Schools and communities must work together to recognize the causes and consequences of bullying,...
Gun control is a major issue. People are worried and confused about why you would take our guns that help protect and feed us. On the other hand, t...
Gun Control. Good or Bad?
HIV and AIDS continue to kill people worldwide. We are closer than ever to finding a cure and cannot give up now.
heath and the age of a president
Taxes are a problem in America. We need to fix it and lower them.
This is my letter
Despite the appealing sound of free college there may be more downfalls to it then you think.
Many people with a mental illness face a social stigma that needs to be stopped.
What would you rather have school all year with frequent breaks, better test scores, and higher taxes or vacation time, summer jobs, and better hea...
Taxes are scewed to benefit the wealthy
Do you like taking walks or going for a run? Just imagine it for a moment, walking through the park with the sun warm on your face one moment then ...
School cafeteria food is not adding up to the nutrition we need.
This article is about vaccines and why everyone should get vaccinated. The world would be a much safer place if more people got the essential boost...
National Debt As Known By A Millennial
Our education system does not promote healthy lifestyles in teenagers. The time for change is NOW
Poor treatment of Native Americans and Alaska Natives is evident in education, poverty rates and job earnings, physical and mental health, substanc...
The way we are feeding our students in school is detrimental to their health and therefore affects the ability to learn and be prosperous. This is ...
Health care costs in America are way too high. Many people are suffering because of it. Health costs keep going up, and something needs to be done...
There should be incentives for youth who farm. Our farms are decreasing and if youth got involved in farming then our farms might increase.
We need healthy nutritious lunches
The future of affordable and accessible care is held in Planned Parenthood and its continuation.
We should be able to sleep in
Could you imagine walking outside and seeing the world dying and the air full of pollution?
People are struggling to afford healthcare, specifically, those who are not able to get cured or those who are prescribed medication who cannot aff...
Taxes should be made equal between the people in the US
Research shows that ages 12-17 are playing games like Grand Theft Auto and that’s 97% of them playing those types of games and the rest are playing...
This letter is from a type one diabetic who has concerns for Americas failing health care system.
Video games can make kids healthier.
Reducing meat consumption is better for the environment and our health.
Healthcare in America.
The concern of obesity is one that touches us all.
If minimum wage is increased, then small businesses will go out of business, taxes would increase, and school dropout rates would increase.