The Letter to Next President is about an issue that The President of The United States of America should know and be aware of which is Immigration!
I think that the president should let illegal immigrant to stay in the usa
I think that the president should allow illegal immigrants to stay in the U.S
Why do you want to separate families?
This video letter takes a look at reasons why the next president should put an end to deportations and stop breaking up immigrant families.
Our Immigration, Our Strength
Higher Education and Immigration/Stereotypes
What i feel that needs to be changed
Illegal Immigration has become a top issue in our country, and mass deportation is not the solution to anything. Immigrants enrich our country and ...
Gun Control. There are many problems out there and gun control is one of them many people are dying and homicide rates are getting higher and higher.
The next president should concentrate on stopping the mass illegal immigration in America.
LGBT people deserve the right to be who they are. Without being worried or discriminated against.
Political agendas are causing the American population to, once again, seek out those who need help and wrongly blame them for social issues our nat...
Wanting to live the American dream.
What are you going to do about immigration?
I think that the president should let illegal immigrants become U.S citizens.
Women deserve the freedom to make their own decisions concerning their bodies.
We are all immigrants in some way or another. It should be allowed.
Anti-abortion is a problem in America because the pro-life argument is not valid. The pro-life argument would cause many problems we can avoid by n...
Illegal immigration needs to be stopped and regulated in the United States to decrease both overpopulation and crime rates.
This letter stresses the significance of ridding the presence of ISIS from the United States.
There's a stereotype that needs to be changed, girls can do whatever they want without having people judge on the way we do certain things.
I believe the practices of Guantanamo Bay are horrible and the prison should be shut down.
I think that the president should allow illegal immigrants to stay in the US citizens.
Immigration a super big problem in the US.
This country is too strict towards the people the let in to this country.
All countries have to work together to gain success in the future; working together is better.
There's bodies all along the southern border. There needs to be some action with this.
This letter entails my opinion on the way immigration should be handled. It voices my concerns about deportation and the devastating effect it has ...
There is a gun show loophole in the US, and criminals can take advantage of it.
I think that the president should should let immigrants become U.S. citizens.
My letter to the future president is about how terrorism affects America, and the tragic impact it can have on our daily lives
DACA and immigration reform.
This letter helps to share my opinion on the way the immigrant student's education should be handled. It helps to voice my concerns on why low-inco...
Help the children.
Immigrants are unfairly viewed in a negative way.
I think that the president should illegal immigrants become U.S.citizen.
Let immigrants be a part of the American dream.
52% of Hispanics have experienced discrimination. Our country is recognized for diversity, which we are proud of, so why do we treat the people tha...
The role of immigrants and naturalization process reform.
Liberty is vital to the American promise and should be protected. I find liberty to invlude social mobility, security, and free will. We must educa...
I think that the president should let illegal immigrants become USA citizens
Illegal immigrants should not be mass deported because they add to the fabric of this great country.
Children at the border need help
In Central America many children are fleeing violence and abuses in their countries.
I think that the president should let illegal immigrants become to US citizens.
Illegal immigrants benefit the economy in our country, therefore it is essential that the government comes up with an easier way for illegal immigr...
Immigration has been a very common problem, well I think that the future president should fix that problem. But with NO damage.
Immigration matters because immigrants help all Americans.
Stop Making These Families Suffer!
I think that the president should let illegal immigrants become US citizens.
Dear President, I want to tell you that it is a disservice not to honor the academic work of immigrant students by having them repeat school within...
A lot of families are getting separated by Immigration.
Why I think you're unfit to be president.
This letter is about what immigrants want to be in The United States. Immigrants are running from their countries because they want the best for t...
Mexican immigrants should have the same opportunities as everyone in the United States. The future president can help make that happen
Can you help the children at the border?
So this is my letter that shows my concerns for border security for the U.S - Mexican borders. :)
Dear Future President,
Immigration and Deportation, though it may be good, is heavily weighed by its bad aftereffects.
Overall, I hope you find importance in building the strong American identity that we are currently in need of. To make America strong once again we...
A short video about immigration.
Undocumented People in America
This video demonstrates the real life struggles that many immigrants have before coming to the United States and how they aren't a detriment to thi...
It talks about what the situation is and why it's important.
Immigration is a problem that needs to be addressed. Our immigration system is broken and we have more than 11 million illegal immigrants in our co...
I think that the president should let illegal immigrant become U.S citizens.
I think that the president should let illegal immigrants become U.S. citizens
I think that the president should immigrants become u.s citizens.
Immigration is a major concern in society right now. The next president should address this issue, to avoid the problems that are associated with p...
Build a wall, but the United States should pay for it
I want that the president should let illegal immigrants U.S. citizens.
Immigrants are constantly being looked down upon, but why is that so? They come to this country to fight any obstacle than comes up in order for th...
A short video letter about immigration.
I think that the president should allow illegal immigrants to become US citizens.
I think that the president should let illegal immigrants become u.s citizens.
My letter is about how the president should stop immigration.
My perspective on immigration laws
I believe that America should take time to analyze the majority of reasons for immigration, illegal or otherwise, and understand the circumstances...
What do you believe Future President?
Children are crossing the border for a better life.
A letter on immigration reform.
I think that the president should let illegal immigrants stay in the U.S.
Why keep letting these things happen when we have a voice, and we can make a difference? You can help too.
Donald Trump as the presidential candidate, has used fear to rise up in the ranks. Is he the President the United States needs?
One of the most important topics discussed today in America is the concern with illegal immigration and how beneficial/negative it is to society.
Why are Americans trying to kick out immigrants?
I think that the president should let illegal immigrants become us citizens.
Immigrants deserve to have a voice.
The following letter is about how current immigration/deportation measures should be reviewed in order to keep families together, while giving the ...
The Reality of Immigration
In this essay I chose to address issues on Immigration and Climate change for the new President of 2016
We should have an Immigration reform or change current immigration laws and policies to let immigrants come here to U.S legally to give their fam...
Deportation is a parting a lot of families in the U.S . It is affecting kids and adults we could make a change .
Immigration and the issue of diversity.
We need to support immigrants
Change immigration policies to give hope where hope has been lost