There has been a lot of threats in the US and we need to do something.
The letter that I wrote is based on immigration and is to the next president. In this letter I will describe my views on immigration, why it's impo...
College Costs and Security
Persuasive letter to the next President, advocating for the change of immigration
Children are coming to United States because in their own country they are suffering violence; they need receive help to get a better a life and a ...
My letter is talking about how suicide is affecting the world and the people in our community. Suicide is something we need to stop. People need to...
There are a lot of people who Enter this country Illegally . How can we change this? Should we give them an opportunity ? Find out about Immigratio...
Illegal immigration is a growing issue in the United States. We should handle this issue by thinking about the ways our families and economy are af...
Worthy immigrants should be allowed to become American citizens.
Our gun rights are being taken from us and its not fair. No one would take any of our other rights from us so why would they take our gun rights. W...
Immigrants have sacrificed for freedom
This letter is about illegal immigration. How the president can make sure, people in the future don't waste their tears, because of an illegal immi...
My letter covers the topic of safety on college campuses to spread awareness. It uses sexual assault as an example going on right now.
Immigrants should be legalized and have equal rights as U.S. citizens.
My letter is about Mexican immigration. On how Mexican immigrants are hardworking and they shouldn't be disrespected.
Illegal immigration is a big problem in the United States, and it needs to stop!
To decrease the number of undocumented immigrants the U.S government should make visa requests more easily obtainable to people in other countries ...
There shouldn't be no walls or murder.
Two 6th grade classes in El Cajon CA were inspired by teen activists and want to make a difference by having government officials take action on a ...
This letter asks the next president to promote the importance of raising awareness and increasing knowledge of mental health on a national stage.
We need more secure borders in the United States
Immigration education.
I think immigration is ok if it benefits the U.S., not just the person who is immigrating.
Hello my name is Carlito R. I am fourteen years old, turning fifteen in a few weeks. I live in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I honestly do not know muc...
This persuasive letter is for the President to take action to enhance the country.
Immigration is affecting our country in a negative way.
A letter going to the new president of the United States, Donald Trump, about the immigration policy.
Illegal immigration is hurting the american economy. Illegal immigrants take jobs away from Americans which puts them in poverty.
This is a letter to the future president. Student Dawit Girma hopes the problems from immigration will be fixed and hopes that the letter is inform...
It’s not fair the way these immigrant teens are getting treated in their countries. I say yes, to keeping our borders open. Not every immigrant is ...
This video will discuss the types of immigration. The types of Jobs that legal and illegal immigrants in America. And also the percentage of the fo...
Although I myself am not an immigrant, both of my parents are, and I feel that immigration is a key topic that, as President, you have to address ...
Immigration is a problem and it needs to be solved.
The issue of immigration is important because immigration is beneficial for countries that need to maintain their population and economics.
Illegal immigrants should have an easier path to citizenship.
Illegal Immigration is a huge problem that America is facing today, and we need a president who will end this crisis.
The cops can't protect the people by killing the people, and the people can't expect the cops to stop killing people if we keep killing each other....
The price of Epipens, which are essential to people with severe allergies, has increased nearly $650 since 2004. That makes it very difficult for p...
Immigration should be reasonable in order to protect our country.
A letter to the future president of the United States regarding human trafficking.
A short video by two students about immigration.
I think abortion is okay in some circumstances. It really just depends. These are my thoughts.
A letter to the next president about the issue if immigration and illegals in the United States.
Undocumented immigrants come for work to support themselves and their families. They impact the U.S. because they are a big help to our economy.
Can you stop terrorism or not? Terrorists have been damaging our country and hurting our people. They've hacked, bombed, and shot at us for to long...
Please consider my opinion that smoking should be illegal.
Immigration should be stopped and there should be less of it in our world. Our states should stop being filled with illegal immigrants. A fence or ...
Why concealed carry of a firearm should be legal all over the country.
Why do you want to separate families?
I think that the president should let illegal immigrants became U.S citizens.
This letter is about immigration
This is my letter on the issue on Immigration
Our efforts to push out illegal immigrants have been unsuccessful. We need to take action.
Illegal Immigrants Help the Country in Many Ways.
The next President should recognize immigrant's academic work and achievements. People spend lots of time and money to get a diploma and when that ...
With immigration in the news, I interviewed my mother about my grandmother's immigration story from the Dominican Republic.
Immigration laws need to be made more leniant to become legal.
In the United States today, threats of terrorism have grown too great and drastic measures must be put in place to stop it.
The proposal is about immigration reform and how opening the US to immigration would greatly benefit us. It mentions what immigrants have done for ...
Families are coming to the United States for a better life. Some families are still not able to find a really good job here because they are not U....
Police and the communities they serve are gaining tension due to highly media shown cop shootings, and unjust punishments. Only time can tell how t...
Immigrants in America
We need to stop illegal immigrants from coming into the country and deport the illegals in America now.
Immigration has been brought up many times in this year's election. What will you, as the next president, do to fix this issue?
Judging someone based on their race, background, or religion, won't bring anything but hatred. The United States is a big country with a lot of opp...
Inmates with mental health concerns should be treated as patients, not prisoners
My opinion on immigration is that I think everyone should all have an equal opportunity to better their lives and their kids lives. The american n...
Immigration has been an issue that has played the country.
There should be a limit to how much immigrants are admitted in the U.S. each year.
Persuasive letter to the next President urging to enhance the Border Patrol.
I think there should be a substantial increase in border control. There are many people entering this country legally and illegally. If the rate of...
Many undocumented immigrants come to the United States to have a better life, opportunities, and education for their children than they had in thei...
Importance of immigration policies for Americans.
Stop Making These Families Suffer!
America is recognized for its diversity, yet we still feed the need to discriminate each other due to racial or economic differences. A major insta...
Terrorism is nearly impossible to terminate, but with America’s influence and strength we can greatly decrease its effects on the world.
“The threats from terrorism are real, but we will overcome it,” President Obama said at an oval office speech. Will we though? President Obama hasn...
How Islamic ideas are not compatible with First World countries.
Everyone's problem in the United States is immigration. Let's talk about the cops, criminals, people with disease and more. They should improve bac...
Undocumented People in America
Our nation is in a great amount of debt and have immigrants illegally living within our borders. Putting a stop to these problems could possibly be...
A letter to discuss the need for gun regulations and gun safety
Immigration is more than just an issue dealing with people; it deals with education, income, and the lives of those people around you.
A lot of families are getting separated by Immigration.
Donald Trump as the presidential candidate, has used fear to rise up in the ranks. Is he the President the United States needs?
LGBT people deserve the right to be who they are. Without being worried or discriminated against.
Help undocumented immigrants stay in the U.S. and support the families.
Illegal Immigrants come to the U.S for a better job or to have a better life.
i talk about ways to make immigration easier and less complicated then it is.
The difficulty of legal immigration as well as the issues surrounding national security demand attention and change from the next President of the ...
This is a paper about how we can solve and what is wrong with Illegal Immigration
Immigrants should have a chance at a free healthy life.
We need to help illegal immigrants.
As the President of our country, it is your job to make our lives a priority and to make us feel safe anywhere we are.
My views on Immigration
Immigrants are what make up our country. Why Make a wall to block them?
This letter is about what I feel should be done for immigrants, when they come the United States.