Allowing the military into space could mean certain doom for many.
We need some improvements to help our country. We have been secretly invaded by terrorists, and it needs to stop.
Artificial Intelligence is not to be used in the military. If you don't read this then it could mean the end of the world as we know it.
We need to change this current system or America will become bankrupt and what kind of a future would we have then?
This letter was written to address the current problem that is the Islamic State (ISIS), a group bent on terrorism out of the middle east, and ask ...
The rise of college debt and tuition is rapidly rising and becoming an overgrowing issue in America.
Offering free college tuition would put us spiraling into debt, cause a major raise in taxes, reduce value and quality of education, as well as mak...
Learning without debt
Overall, I hope you find importance in building the strong American identity that we are currently in need of. To make America strong once again we...
The military's funding is too low, do you think so too? If not go away.......(Pls nu)
Making foreign policy less foreign
Killing people is no joke.
Give back to people that paid back!!!!!!!!
In today's world there are many people who are not able to pursue a higher education due to the expensive cost of college.
We do not need further military spending.
The U.S. is wasting a lot of money on "gifts" to the Middle East that they don't want, but I have a different strategy that will help save tax doll...
Securing Americas borders is a very serious problem that we have today, not from incoming immigrants but from outgoing jobs. It is something that g...
The U.S. government is in debt to foreign countries. College students and graduates suffer from debt in the U.S.
Make America great again
We should reduce the price of taxes with simple solutions. I have given some issues that can be resolved resulting in reduced tax prices.
I am writing this letter to you because I have taken an interest in the United State’s relationship with foreign countries.
A plea for better government funding for military personnel.
The U.S. fiscal deficit is the utmost concern for the next president, due in part by international economic turmoil.
For many years, our economy has been digging itself deeper and deeper into a mountain of debt. With our lives submerged far under this mountain, it...
In this letter, I'm writing about how our military troops are fighting for oil not our freedom.
My letter is about how our next President of the United States deals with the Islamic State (ISIS).
How we can get rid of our debt.
Stolen Valor is an issue that needs stricter laws.
Students and families aren't able to afford education because of how expensive it is.
My opinions on what Mr. Trump should tweak about his policies.
With increasing terrorists attacks, the question arises, should we use drones to fight with us?
Are minimum wage in the country is not the best at $7.25. We need to change this.
The U.S. is being plunged into a debt that we may not come out of. We need to pay off these debts.
College Debt
Dear next president( Donald Trump)
The military funding should be higher so we can defend and defeat other military and other terrorist groups.
A Question of Foreign Policy...
Our economy is in trillions of unsalvagable debt. How will you overcome this without ruining our nation?
Making military servers serve for longer than there supposed to.
My letter is about terrorists and how they must be stopped before more damage is done to our country. We need to do whatever we can to prevent inno...
We need to end the student loan debt crisis.
This letter is about where America needs to place it's priorities.
College tuition is outrageously high and should be lowered.
Funding of National Defense is a big problem.
Every year more and more people end up in debt for the simple act of seeking an education. They are in this debt because of college costs.
An examination of how safe it is to hold our nuclear weapons in another country.
About how its important to lower are debt. And what could happen if we dont.
A personal account of how the long wait times at the VA and exposure to Agent Orange resulted in the loss of my grandfather's life.
The United States military - far too large for far too long.
That we need to start taking a step to fix the debt. We keep falling farther into debt each day and no one wants to take a stand to take a step to...
The foreign policy needs to be revised to address the extremely large problem with everything the United States is involved in around the world.
Pennies are weighing down our pockets and our nation. It's time to take a stand.
Once you finish college, after all the stress and sacrifice, the downsides to college are still there. The debts that you build up from college sti...
My debate against the future of injustice
National Debt As Known By A Millennial
Our military needs to know how to organize military funding and train troops better.
I believe that our national debt is getting out of hand each year on a tramendence amount of money. I know our next president can help this problem...
The U.S must focus on our own problems before we get ourselves involved in other countries issues.
Allowing women into combat is something we need to achieve to get closer to equality between the genders.
The type of leader I believe would be good for America would have to be a leader that does not hold grudges against people of different religions...
We need a solution to crippling student loan debt.
The different ways that Immigration can be dealt with in the United States.
What the president needs to do...
The U.S government has not funded as much as they should into NASA and if they had, our space program would be way more advanced and what NASA is w...
College prices need to decrease or disappear altogether, as they burden our youth
The usage of drones overseas should be continued. They keep US military personnel safe, kill fewer civilians than any other military weapon, and ar...
How America can get out of debt.
This letter was created to address our next presidents plan to fight ISIS and the specifics of said plans.
Women and men are getting raped/ sexually assualted overseas
I would like to tell you a little bit of what I think about the senates debate to require women to sign up for the draft.
PTSD is too common in soldiers today. How will the new president help these soldiers?
College tuition needs to be affordable for all students.
College Debt is a huge epidemic that plagues millions of students in America. A pastor in Colorado allegedly stole $392,000 from his church to pay ...
In the United States, many look to higher education as a way to build their futures, yet all too many dreams are never brought to fruition due to e...
We live in a time where things we do can heavily impact both our future, and that of others. It´s the things we do every day that people seem to st...
I'm writing this letter on behalf of how the welfare system is costing our nation too much money.
The White House argued that parents relying on 529s were wealthy enough that they didn’t need as much help as lower income families. The truth is t...
This article goes over how the price of college is putting students in the "danger zone".
The next president should influence foreign policies to help women in other countries.
I focus on what we need a president to be like.
This letter is about the topic of immigration in the U.S.
Many people in the military are not being funded as much as they should be for the sacrifices they are making for others and their country.
This letter is about national debt.
We're spending way too much on our military - this needs to change.
Mr. Trump wants to increase military spending even with the issues of education and poverty in America needing to be solved.
The debt of the U.S.
Military Intervention in Syria is a bad idea
Raise awareness for stolen valor.
Americas debt is going to be a big problem and if America does nothing about it, America's debt is going to . In this essay, three solutions are gi...
Persuasive letter with reasons why we need to Support our Troops in the War against Terror
Debt, terrorism, racism, and gun violence.
Veterans make up a large part of the homeless population and are not getting the help they deserve from the government and military. In honor of my...
The government of the USA needs to increase science funding for its military modernization, energy research, and computer sciences to keep up with ...
In my letter, I address the need of domestic aid and how our nation should cut down on foreign aid
A theory of how the United States Military should be run.
Cut the Military's budget and bring our soldiers home from the needless conflicts we started.
This letter consists of information that involves the gender pay gap and our country's debt.
War has changed over the years. It used to be muskets and knives back then you could have a war without many innocent casualties. But that was the ...
Recent studies have shown that 1 in 5 people who returned home from wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were diagnosed with some type of post-deployment s...