Bad Cops to Good Cops
I'm writing about police in the community and how can they get exposed for what they have done
Hate Crimes in this country are terrible. Black men and women are dying everyday because these racist officers think they're dangerous or think the...
#BLM is a relevant issue going on right now and needs to be addressed.
Racism is spreading to schools, which is giving people of color a smaller chance of succeeding in their future.
This letter is mainly asking for some type of relief for the mothers and other family members of those who have been a victim of Police Brutality. ...
We thought racial discrimination was over after the Civil Rights Act in 1965. Today America still stands racially divided. Racism has spread so has...
Here you will find the issues, I think are important to perhaps others and myself that should be handled fast.
In the past two years, there were many reports of police brutality. To prevent this situation from happening further, you and the Congress can est...
“Playing the race card is a saying used to describe race-based opportunism. The accuser is alleging that the “player” has “deliberately and falsely...
Racism is still alive today as seen in recent examples of police brutality and the Black Lives Matter movement.
Police brutality is a serious issue in the world, with the presidents help, I think we can help the world become a better place.
Putting an end to Racism in the U.S. will result in a friendlier environment for children to live in.
Police brutality is an issue that matters to many people, an issue that needs to be adressed.
Police Brutality is often triggered by Racism. People are often judged, mistreated and stereotyped due to ethnicity and due to the color of skin.
"Nobody can give you freedom.Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything.If you're a man, you take it ~ Malcolm X
We need to take action to solve the epidemic of police brutality in America. ...
This is a letter to the next president.
In today's society many people are being brutally hurt or even killed by police officers using "extreme force." Due to this some departments have e...
This is my letter on the topic of racism and police Brutality
Police Brutality
It is critical that we work to build the relationship between Law Enforcement and black communities.
This about the black lives movement and how it affects America.
Let's put racial profiling to rest for good.
Dear Next President, I think you should hold more social events to build stronger relationships between communities and police, so that more peop...
Why the Black Lives Matter movement is doing more harm than good.
Violence against people of color from police is an incredible problem that needs and deserves attention.
Racial profiling is an attack on the everyday citizen of a different nationality, and while it may never be eradicated completely, it’s a problem o...
Police brutality can be stopped with the help of our next president.
Gun control is a very important topic right now
Police Brutality toward black men is becoming more of a problem each and every day . We can't continue to allow these officers who swore to protect...
The United States' budget needs to be reevaluated.
Police abuse power and kill people for unnecessary reasons. Families are affected when police kill their loved ones. There is always another side t...
Debt, terrorism, racism, and gun violence.
The importance of fairness and equality between racial groups in America
Police brutality has gotten way out of hand over the past few years.
I wrote a letter addressing police brutality.
Why Professional Athletes Should Not Take a Knee During the National Anthem.
Police brutality has to be stopped as soon as possible.
Ways to help stop police brutality and its effects.
Racism is discrimination to others because of their skin color.
Racism in the criminal justice system is flipping a system meant to protect our citizens. It's creating an unsafe environment for entire races of p...
Many races in the United States, black, Hispanics, Asians and other groups of people have faced discrimination based on the way they look.
My letter will be explain why Police Brutality needs to end.
Police have abused their power too much and it needs to stop!
Policemen who abuse their power and how we can stop it.
Police Brutality has gone far enough.
Summary: I was raised to believe in two things: that everyone is equal and as such everyone should be treated with respect. I am worried to see how...
I'm Black. Am I Next? This is what many minorities want to know while they just try to live their lives as American citizens. In this letter, we wi...
In this letter I write about police brutality, the Black Lives Matter movement, and racial inequality towards black americans. I provide solutions ...
The media often only shows one side of the story
A article on why police brutality has to stop
This letter talks about the issue of police brutality and how it should be solved.
My Letter is about how police brutality is a problem and suggestions on hoe to fix it.
How does a movement about injustice against black people affect everyone in the nation?
Problems about racial police brutality and what we can do to solve this issue.
Racism is still a big problem going on in this country and it needs to be addressed.
On police brutality and why it needs to stop and how to stop it.
We need to focus on real issues that affect our everyday life. If we don't focus on issues happening within our country then trust between the auth...
Racial Profiling Needs To Stop Today!
A topic that has been taken the world by storm. It needs to be fixed ASAP. Innocent people are getting hurt.
There is a lot of racism in this country, and it seems to only be increasing as the days progress. I believe racism shouldn’t be tolerated anywhere...
We've gotten to the point where we are not even fazed when we hear about another shooting.
Throughout history, we have faced many hardships to becoming what others would refer to us as "the greatest country in the world," but in my opinio...
In an America where Black Men are slain in the streets by law enforcement, I ask the next president to take the initiative to change this pattern.
Racial discrimination is still around, 52 years after the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed to stop it, and it is becoming part of the actions of...
This is my letter regarding the issue of racism in our country.
This is a letter to the next president of the United States about equality and it's affect on our society.
Police attacking the innocents
In this letter, I will be discussing the injustices against young Black men that are being killed on a daily basis.
The next president must be open minded about the LGBTQ community and must be accepting to all races thier choice of lifestyle and how they are .
a letter about racism/
I discuss the immense issue of police brutality and provide a potential solution for the problem. This is an ever growing issue, but genuine soluti...
A letter by Siani
Every voice matters; every vote counts.
Police brutality has been a problem for a while now- which is the problem.
There is many problems but I am here to focus on one, on police brutality. Police need to know that the first thing to do is not to shoot. They ass...
The criminal injustice in the U.S is a really big problem. ...
Gun violence is one of the biggest problems in the world, but what is the president going to do about it.
Police are abusing unarmed civilians, especially those of color, and it needs to end. Now.
I feel very strongly about the illegalization of racial profiling. It will bring Americans together, and make America a more sturdy nation.
If this continues, African-Americans will lose faith in the police and this problem will only grow worse. Peaceful protests will turn to angry riot...
Police Brutality is a growing issue in this nation that needs to be the top priority within our country.
How police brutality is causing harm to us and it can affect more innocent people.
This letter is describing both sides to police shootings. Who is affected and what can be done.
I want the president to make these cops to act like cops and not like the kkk
Is police brutality a major problem in the United States?
Racism is a very important topic everyone needs to understand. It can influence others lives and start war and conflicts. Everyone needs to try to ...
Police Brutality is a serious issue in are community's. In case you don't know what police brutality is please see examples of it in the Huffington...
Law enforcement officers show bravery and determination to protect citizens in their communities. Targeting law enforcement officers for the actio...
Why we need to take a stand against police brutality.And the things we can do as citizens of the USA to end or at least diminish police brutality.
In this day in age police brutality shouldn't be a problem but with social media shinning a light on how bad things are is making things complicate...
Current issues about Racism.
Police vs. Blacks
Oppression against minorities and social changes that must be made.
Ways to possibly decrease police brutality in America
Many African-Americans fall victim to unjust police brutality in these past few years, and has unfortunately become more and more widespread.