Our gun rights are being taken from us and its not fair. No one would take any of our other rights from us so why would they take our gun rights. W...
Should we monitor immigrants coming into America. And what should we do about refugees?
Woman need the right to be able to choose what is done to their bodies.
The War on Terror has ripped countries apart. That's why so many refugees coming here. And the death penalty could get a little better. We need ...
I think for the Refugee relocation process should be faster and we should offer an option to pay for college.
According to recent studies included in Forbes' article "The Ignorant Voter", only 34% of Americans can name the three branches of federal governme...
Women in need of abortion are struggling with being provided a safe, healthy procedure.
The country of Syria is currently in the middle of a civil war and there are many refugees who need serious help. Though we may have prejudices abo...
There is a risk of a lost generation of Syrian children who are living in limbo. Many will not see a classroom. Syrian Refugees are unwelcome in ma...
In this letter, the pressing issue centers around to acceptance of the Syrian refugees in the United States and how helpful the U.S. could be in ai...
What you should keep doing, and what you should stop doing.
The United States has brought in over 10,000 Syrians, but there are still many more Syrian refugees who seek a place to stay. The U.S is a strong ...
The United States needs to help and support refugees as well as accept more of them into our country.
Abortion should be safe, affordable, and legal in the United States.
We need to stop animal testing it is not right.
Listen here buddy, my name is Jac and I want you to think about something other than your iPhone for one second. I want you to look at the other pe...
Ms. Dickerson's English 3 Honors Class
Have we come to the point in America where another human has control over decision's made about another person's body? Have we come to the point wh...
Injustice to refugees is a baseless, immoral act.
What gives human life such little meaning? How can a child's presence change a life? Can a child born today, be a leader of tomorrow?
Forbidding people from adopting because of who they are is wrong.
This is America. We aren't the bystanders.
Abortion means that the natural rights of an unborn child are taken away. Adoption is always an option.
Immigration reform is an important issue you HAVE to address in you term.
The nation really needs to better control the sale of guns. This is a serious problem.
Why we should be excepting more Syrian refugees
The US should station more troops in countries around Syria rather than station troops in the Middle East to fight ISIS.
The mere number of refugees the United States has accepted is inadequate for the millions of Syrian refugees, worldwide, deprived of critical resou...
Gun control can change the world if it comes into view.
Why we should resolve the Syrian conflict
A letter on the support of abortion.
No one should be treated differently just because they are not from here and are here illegally. Believe me just here Martin Luther King Jr´s famou...
Start thinking about you and your family. By doing something good, don’t expect to be paid same way back.
In this letter I wrote a little about social issues in the U.S, also what we can do to better our community.
The refugees just want freedom,jobs, and a place to call Home.
Nothing is impossible, the word its self says "i'm possible". Women are equal to men and should be payed and treated equal too. It is possible for ...
Worthy immigrants should be allowed to become American citizens.
Let's help the Syrian refugees.
Abortion is wrong in so many ways, not all of them can be named.
Children are thrown into foster care for unspecific amounts or time when their parents are seen as unfit. Those unfit parents often lose their chil...
In a world where a lack of knowledge causes fear, slashing through misconceptions about vaccinations can be difficult. However, by examining the...
We believe the next president should address LGBTQ+ rights.
Serious environmental changes linked to climate change is happening now and will inevitably rise. We need to be better prepared to take of our own ...
As an American citizen, I believe if we help immigrants coming to our country we could help all the innocent lives coming from war, poverty, diseas...
This piece is about letting refugees into our country without checking their background information and not properly vetting them.
With around 9-10 million Syrian Refugees displaced from the Syrian Civil War, the United States should take action and accept more refugees.
I'm writing about how everyone needs to be treated equally.
Syrian refugees face incredulous terror, and some discrimination from radical Islamic groups. Free life is an unknown subject in this nation which ...
Many undocumented immigrants are affected by not having essential basic rights in the U.S and something needs to be done about it.
Women's rights especially equal pay is important.
Refugees should be admitted into the US to have a place to call home. In the past, no refugees have committed any acts of terror.
Refugees are coming into America, but is how we're bringing them in safe?
Immigration is a very important issue right now because everyone is immigrating to the United States.
Black Lives Matter is a group that protests the police, but in the process they are breaking laws. Black Lives Matter could be better than they are...
Cost less money to go places, and helps you with life problems.
Reasons why women should always have the option of abortion.
What the problem are with abortion and what it does to help people.
Despite the victories of the LGBTQ+ community, there is still much hate against the community. Homosexuals and transgenders are often persecuted in...
While Americans, under the first amendment, are protected to freely express and practice their religion, hundreds of countries are not protected by...
Abortion is a choice. The woman or couple that have a baby in the womb should have the option to get an abortion if they wish not to have a child u...
Let immigrants be a part of the American dream.
The unnecessary bases around the world.
The current hysteria regarding muslims in America brings up an important issue between national security and human rights.
A letter to the future president by Arielle Moore.
Is a right that women should have because it involves their bodies. And it shouldn't be taken away by anyone. My letter gives the reasons why.
My plan is to help immigrants and refugees get an education so that they can get a better job. They don’t get any education when they come to Ameri...
The letter is about personal issues with Islamophobia, its negative impacts, and the portrayal of Muslims in media as a result of Islamophobia.
Muslim students can not access the free lunch program because of the lack of halal food.
Please listen to what everyone has to say before making decisions
Homeless shelters being able to help those in need can benefit the business and the person they are helping.
There are many young undocumented immigrants that are leaving their own countries because their country doesn't offer a good future, and also repr...
My letter is about our fear of islamic people and refugees. I believe that we should take in refugees. I also bring up the fact that statistics sho...
Syrian refugees should not be allowed into the United States to decrease terrorism.
The immigration and refugee crises aren't an issue of rhetoric, but rather of human lives.
Syrians are being tortured, and we can save them. If we only let the refugees into our country, and provide them with necessities such as food and ...
Kneeling in front of our nation's flag.
Religious freedom laws are being passed in states across the country and are harming those of the LGBT community and otherwise.
Syrian Refugees should be admitted to the United States and protected from the reach of ISIS.
opinions on terrorism from a 16 year old
Syrian refugees are fleeing their homes for safety. Many of them are sent to refugee camps, where conditions are horrible. We need to help these in...
A war, its effects, and how we, together, can put an end to it.
I believe that not all refugees are terrorists.
What kind of country are we if we can’t even live up to our own words? We have made America a nation of hypocrites, and we must raise the low stand...
Now's the time to look around and see what we can do for people who are searching for a hopeful future and trying to create a life that we take for...
Abortion should be banned only up to a point.
The Family Medical Leave Act needs to mandate a partial to full paid leave instead of unpaid leaves.
Although not a remake of Meghan Trainor's pop song, this letter contains ideas to consider to make a candidate fit for our nation's presidency
Pledge of Allegiance
The First Amendment states that we have the freedom of religion. But do we, really? Today, people are being arrested, taken to court and derided be...
The Syrian civil war has been going on since 2011. More than a quarter of the Syrian population has been killed in this ongoing civil war. We're g...
I’d like you, as our president, the person we look up to the most to have a part in this change, to have a part in our society, and to help protect...
Immigrants and refugees that can possibly pose a threat to innocent U.S. citizens should not be entering our country too easily.
When it comes to the largest refugee crisis the world has ever seen, America isn't playing it's part.
My letter to the next president.
Refugees are people like me and you who deserve to have a place to live here in the United States.
To protect American people we need secure borders.
The safety of Americans is being put at risk when we let Syrian refugees into our country.
They are the main source of income in four out of ten families. They receive more college and graduate degrees than men. Yet, on average, women co...
The increasing abundance of refugees has led to an immigration crisis in the United States. We should call to attention the safety and security of ...