I think we should not allow refugees from the middle east for a brief period of time.
The LGBTQ community is not well represented or protected and needs to be supported more by the government and the United States.
The illegalization of marijuna shouldn't be taken away, but should be controlled.
Now's the time to look around and see what we can do for people who are searching for a hopeful future and trying to create a life that we take for...
Woman need the right to be able to choose what is done to their bodies.
Abortion is a choice. The woman or couple that have a baby in the womb should have the option to get an abortion if they wish not to have a child u...
Cost less money to go places, and helps you with life problems.
Although not a remake of Meghan Trainor's pop song, this letter contains ideas to consider to make a candidate fit for our nation's presidency
People in the LGBT community need more rights and to be discriminated less.
Refugees are coming into America, but is how we're bringing them in safe?
Black Lives Matter is a group that protests the police, but in the process they are breaking laws. Black Lives Matter could be better than they are...
This letter is about a 7th grader that is telling the president what to do.
Injustice to refugees is a baseless, immoral act.
Abortion and undesired pregnancies are becoming more and more popular, and something needs to be done about it.
Immigrants and refugees that can possibly pose a threat to innocent U.S. citizens should not be entering our country too easily.
Refugees are people like me and you who deserve to have a place to live here in the United States.
America should let more refugees in.
Eminent domain is used for the greater good of the people, but it doesn't always seem like it. When eminent domain is used for other private compan...
I'm writing about how everyone needs to be treated equally.
Questioning the contribution of the United States in the Refugee and Migrant Crisis in Europe and Africa
Syrian refugees should not be allowed into the United States to decrease terrorism.
Abortion should be banned only up to a point.
An essay about the Syrian refugee crisis relating it to our responsiblility as American citizens based on American norms.
Discussion on gun control, terrorism, and the refugee crisis
Also, about refugees...
Refugees are fleeing from their homes to seek a safer place for them and their families. Should we let them enter the United States?
Immigrants have the same rights as us American people. They should get treated the same way as Americans. They only came here for better experien...
Privacy from the NSA
opinions on terrorism from a 16 year old
It is not right for the government to make a decision for a woman who has the absolute right to choose for herself.
Do you think Everyone should have HealthCare? Or, should only certain people have it. I am going to explain why Everyone should be able to have Hea...
According to recent studies included in Forbes' article "The Ignorant Voter", only 34% of Americans can name the three branches of federal governme...
Refugees have come to our country for hundreds of years...
The immigration and refugee crises aren't an issue of rhetoric, but rather of human lives.
My letter is about LGBT community rights and equality. I believe everyone has the right to be equal and be treated the same no matter what their se...
In this letter I wrote a little about social issues in the U.S, also what we can do to better our community.
Right now, there are countless refugees trying to escape Syria for many reasons. Some are running from their government, others are running from te...
The 2016 Presidential Election is a mark of great change, a time at the cusp of progress. We need to act now, with a substantial, concrete Immigrat...
Civilians in the Syrian war are seeking refuge. Should America allow Syrian refugees into our countries?
Syrian Refugees have had enough hardships. Its time we lend a helping hand.
We believe the next president should address LGBTQ+ rights.
My essay talks about the pros and cons of guns.
Listen here buddy, my name is Jac and I want you to think about something other than your iPhone for one second. I want you to look at the other pe...
The United States needs to increase the amount of Syrian refugees accepted into the country.
These are my thoughts on immigration and what you should do about it.
The United States has brought in over 10,000 Syrians, but there are still many more Syrian refugees who seek a place to stay. The U.S is a strong ...
People in the LGBTQ+ community aren't always being treated as equals and we need to fix that.
This is a five paragraph letter concerning the rights and policy of transgender people and using the restroom they identify with.
Refugees should be admitted into the US to have a place to call home. In the past, no refugees have committed any acts of terror.
Why we should be excepting more Syrian refugees
You remember the terrorist attack on Paris in 2015, right? There were 198 Syrian refugees going into Paris on November 10. Four of 198, just two p...
Abstract poem
A letter on the support of abortion.
Kirstyn Maluchnik wants the next president to relax immigration laws for those seeking safety or better lives in the U.S.
A look into the number of people being allowed to enter the the country coming from refugee areas in Europe.
Syrian refugees are fleeing their homes for safety. Many of them are sent to refugee camps, where conditions are horrible. We need to help these in...
Worthy immigrants should be allowed to become American citizens.
This is a letter addressing my primary concern regarding the issues facing the United States.
Why we should resolve the Syrian conflict
Women's rights especially equal pay is important.
Resettling Syrian refugees is not an easy task. Refugees have a long-term list of needs that have to be met. They need jobs, transportation, home...
Nothing is impossible, the word its self says "i'm possible". Women are equal to men and should be payed and treated equal too. It is possible for ...
Judging someone based on their race, background, or religion, won't bring anything but hatred. The United States is a big country with a lot of opp...
The laws on abortion needs to be changed.
Do not criminalize abortion.
I'm a 15 year old and i haven't payed enough attention to the election. I don't have to vote so i shouldn't worry about that but this is my country...
65 million people have been displaced world wide due to violence with 20 million classified as refugees. Instead of turning our backs and closing o...
This is America. We aren't the bystanders.
The safety of Americans is being put at risk when we let Syrian refugees into our country.
A letter to the future president by Arielle Moore.
As a fellow Middle Eastern I can’t bare to see my parents home be torn away piece by piece and I can't imagine what it would be like to live in a p...
Homeless shelters being able to help those in need can benefit the business and the person they are helping.
The Syrian Refugee crisis is a serious humanitarian crisis and the US needs to accept more refugees.
Dear Future President, With being president, I know you have many responsibilities. I understand you can’t cover everything everyone as...
We should accept more refugees to come into our country despite the fear of terrorism in our country.
The First Amendment states that we have the freedom of religion. But do we, really? Today, people are being arrested, taken to court and derided be...
The Syrian refugee crisis isn't something to joke about- the refugees are just going to keep coming. Will your presidency make the change?
Reasons why women should always have the option of abortion.
This is my letter to the next POTUS. I believe that we need to reinforce the safety of this nation. Gun Rights are a major topic currently and they...
The relationships between Police Officers and the people of this United States is failing and seems to be worsening, we must mend it.
The Refugee Crisis
In this letter, the pressing issue centers around to acceptance of the Syrian refugees in the United States and how helpful the U.S. could be in ai...
This is my opinion on how to stop animal abuse in the united states.
Syrians are being tortured, and we can save them. If we only let the refugees into our country, and provide them with necessities such as food and ...
The importance of immigrants in our country.
There is a risk of a lost generation of Syrian children who are living in limbo. Many will not see a classroom. Syrian Refugees are unwelcome in ma...
We are proud to be Americans, proud to promote our ideas and values to every corner of the globe. Yet, so many of us believe that we are entitled t...
Let immigrants be a part of the American dream.
People of the LGBT community deserve to be treated like humans and deserve equal rights.
I’d like you, as our president, the person we look up to the most to have a part in this change, to have a part in our society, and to help protect...
Syrian refugees need a new place to live where there is freedom and peace.
By Aya Kanan
A life is a life no matter how small it is. This is my response to the abortion debate.
It's been almost 150 years since the 15th Amendment was passed. Why are we still fighting disenfranchisement in 14 states?
Abortion means that the natural rights of an unborn child are taken away. Adoption is always an option.
Start thinking about you and your family. By doing something good, don’t expect to be paid same way back.
Physician-assisted suicide should be legalized in the United states as an optional way to die on the grounds of irreversible illness or unbearable ...
We need to keep these fam
Syrian refugees needing to find safety in order to live there lives in peace.