Whoever the next president may be, gun control should be on their mind.
According to the CDC, nearly 33,000 Americans die each year from gun related violence. Sandy Hook Elementary School, San Bernardino, and Pulse Nig...
Gun violence is a problem in the United States and should be looked at by our future president.
What a president should be and how they should act as they look at education, gun control, and minor group decisions.
There are more shootings, more attacks and more violence on innocent people lately. It's been a scary time. Weapons have harmed people in many ways...
Why we should consider the amount of firearms dangerous.
Innocent people are gonna shot around the world because guns are too easy to get.
In the US convicted felons are not allowed to own firearms. However they often end up with them. Some of these guns are illegally bought from black...
To many people die in gun related deaths. This needs to stop, so we need to enforce stricter gun control laws.
Gun control taken too far.
Gun violence is an epidemic in the United Sates and needs to get put under control. Millions have died over the years from people having access to ...
My letter to the president about the amount of gun laws and what you should do to help the laws be successful
Gun violence in America is currently a huge problem. There are many implementations that can be put in place in order to reduce the large number of...
What would you do if you walk into Walmart for the first time and see a gun isle right next the the children's isle, this is our reality in America...
This letter discusses the dangers and potential solutions for the increasing amount of gun violence in the United States.
The law would not eliminate the right to own a firearm, but a law can put safeguards in place to help create a safer environment for our nation.
It needs to be harder for people to get guns.
Did you know guns play a major role on the death rate across the nation?
This is a letter about gun violence in America and how dangerous people can be if guns are in the wrong hands.
Together we can save lives and stop criminals. We must vote to enact more gun control laws.
Our lax approach to gun control is costing us lives everyday. In the aftermath of tragedy after tragedy, people complain about how easily people ca...
Limitations on the second amendment
No matter what side you’re on, we can all agree that something must be done. We can’t watch these innocents be killed and pretend that guns had no ...
Our country currently does not have enough gun control, we need to pass much more legislation prohibiting people from having guns.
My letter involves firearms for teacher in school. I believe this should be talked about to protect students.
2nd Amendment Rights & Gun Control
Why are stricter gun laws a necessity?
Fear is surrounding this country all because there is easy access to one four letter word, GUNS.
The government should increase gun control to save thousands of lives.
My topic is about gun control and how it should be increased
We should have gun control in the U.S., it could save lives and lower crime rates.
I think that we shouldn't take away someones right to bear arms, so that people can protect themselves.
Guns aren’t the issue, it’s the people who are operating the gun. More and more people are hurt everyday, most of this could come to an end.
how I feel about guns
Dear President, You should stop gun violence because they are killing innocent people for no reason. According to the Smart gun laws.org it incre...
A letter to the next President about why gun control should be allowed.
Do their plans benefit us as a country?
Gun violence is a huge problem that happens all the time, but it needs to be stopped, and there are a few ways to prevent it.
No More Guns for Hands
how to help control the deaths from guns
Violent video games are impacting the minds of our nations young
Men should have more respect for women and should raise their sons to have respect too.
Why is gun control such a big issue? How important are guns? Here is how to think about firearms and their regulation.
Anti-bullying programs against bullying mandated harassment in school across the U.S, as research shows that bullying leads to further physical vio...
This letter to the future president addresses his/her responsibility on fighting the War on Terrorism
Dear Future President, we live in the (not very united) United States of America.
In the US, guns are the biggest problem that must be handled immediately by the US government to save our country from killing innocent people.
With all of the gun violence in our country, we need to step up and fight against the tragedies and violence that have been plaguing the United Sta...
We need more laws to ensure guns don't end up in the wrong hands.
Gun Control is a major problem in the U.S. that needs to be thought over. Pro-gun control people want to have stricter gun laws to keep the people ...
Police Brutality can be signified in many different ways. The most common form of police brutality is physical force. Even though policeman have th...
Gun control is an issue that matters to me. It needs to be addressed soon because it is getting out of hand.have you ever stopped to think about th...
This is my take on the stupid laws of gun control.
Pertains to our 2nd amendment and how much good firearms actually are.
A letter concerning my fear of gun violence in America.
Guns don't kill people , people kill people
The wrong people are getting a hold of guns. A result from that would be the outrageous amount of deaths in one year caused by firearms.
Effects of guns and what our country needs to change
It's time to address the elephant in the room of Gun Control. Approximately 136 mass shootings have occurred in 2016 alone and it is time that some...
This letter asks what will be done about gun laws and shows argumentative points to both sides.
Citizens in America need to be able to carry around guns.
What the US needs to do to fix gun violence
During the previous years in the US there have been more shootings and bombings, racial discrimination, conflicts between authorities and other peo...
Terrorism continues to grow around the world. It is time for us to make stopping global terrorism a priority.
Gun Control in America and why there is nothing being done about it
Gun Violence is a huge problem in the United States of America. People die each day from a firearm and needs to be stopped.
Though gun violence has taken a toll on our day to day lives, expanding our gun laws may not be the resolution.
Society today has been severely impacted by the rising amount of gun violence in the 'Land Of The Free', so how can we stop it?
Can people take away our 2nd amendment??? Maybe not, this report is mainly centered on Gun Free Zones
We can't get rid of the 2nd amendment, but we can stop a violent situation from escalating in the first place.
The issues of gun control and reasons why I find it to be complete nonsense.
Gun control should have more strict laws.
Issues for president
If we had some way of keeping guns from people who are willing to pull the trigger on someone innocent, we could keep the people of America safe.
Gun Control is not killing people, it is about controlling the gun.
There's an automatic barrier that stands between political parties, and it ultimately hinders us from having the crucial conversations that matter ...
Get guns out of here.
Social Issues and Concerns in Our Country
Orlando, San Bernardino, Newtown, Aurora. These places have become almost synonymous with the mass shootings that took place there. It is estimated...
Dear Mister or Misses President, The Amendments in our constitution were established for a reason, that reason is to assure the freedom of our peo...
How to satisfy the American public, without encroaching upon our rights to carry.
Gun laws should be more restricted and the police should use gun alternatives.
Gun control would disarm law abiding citizens while criminals will still have weapons
Are you labeled a threat for owning a gun?
gun violence should be a law
In this essay I will talk about the issue of gun control and how we can possibly fix the problem. There are many tragedies that are caused by guns ...
I believe that the next president should address the next problem of Gun Control
Through real-life stats, this letter will prove that where there are more guns, there is less crime.
The gun violence in America needs to stop. The future president needs to make sure that there is more background checks and protection.
In the last few years, gun violence has gone out of control, and we aren't doing much about it. Military guns are the main weapons that need to be ...
Gun Violence is out of control and the President must increase background checks and restrictions on who can purchase guns.
Gun Control in the USA needs to be more secure and protected.
The existence of certain guns and the owners of guns with questionable records have been a major problem in our nation leading to the unnecessary...
Gun control is taking our 2nd Amendment rights away from us!
Police Brutality/Black Lives Matter and Gun Control are major problems throughout the U.S. and something needs to change.
we don't need gun control
Taking care of the gun laws.
Could the gun laws be changed or even rewrote? The gun laws are slipping and it's time they get changed.
People today are blaming guns for the cause of their child’s death in shootings around the world; however, that is not the case. It is the people w...
The allowing of guns and concealed carry in cities.