Standardized testing has bad effects on students.
Our education plays a big factor in what we will do, who we will meet, and who we will become. Therefore, we need to have a good education system. ...
Standardized testing needs to be reevaluated immediately.
Across our nation education is not equal, whether it is the content taught or the student populations themselves. By creating an amendment to our C...
Students struggle, and get worse every year in our current education program. My letter adresses my concerns with the current system in our country...
How to improve the educational system and exploring different types of ways children can be taught, that will benefit our society and each individu...
High school students who want to go to college need to take a test that is full of what they have learned. Testing should be less stressful and stu...
Standardized testing is a problem.
In today's schools, too much homework is being assigned on a daily basis. As a result, students all across America are becoming sleep deprived, str...
Standardized testing has far too many flaws to be left as is. Something about it needs to change.
Dear Future President, I would just like to start by saying that standardized testing is not a good way of testing a student of their knowledge. I...
Many other countries have strong programs that allow students to get education beyond high school. America needs reform to advance in education.
I would like your help to change the requirement of standardized testing. These standardized test reek many hardships on children's lives. The foll...
Differences in income cause the American education system to be biased against lower-income students.
Some classes have gone out of date.
It's time we take a look at standardized testing.
STAAR tests should not be given to students because of the stress it causes, and it does not test on what students study during the school year.
Standardized testing should be eliminated because it wastes students time, creates unnecessary stress, and is not useful for students' futures.
Standardized tests are damaging students' childhood and learning, and are causing too much stress.
The U.S is lacking behind in education polls and we need to fix this.
Reasons why the next President should eliminate STAAR Testing.
Dear future president Standardized testing is stressful for students and educators. They also can allows teacher to make an inference about stude...
“6 in 10, in a student body of 1,100, are failing to meet grade-level standards” (Simon). I want to bring to your attention a standard that is curr...
Students take so many state tests that it stresses them out and makes it hard for them to be children.
Our education system needs to switch to the block schedule. It allows more time for the teachers and students. Block scheduling causes less stress ...
It's time we took a second look at the charter school situation in the U.S.
Persuasive letter to the next President opposing standardized testing.
The American Education system is outdated and must be reformed to raise up future thinkers of our nation.
A plea for common sense in the growing realm of standardized testing and the stress it causes students.
My thoughts on standardized testing.
This is about ending standardized testing or changing the requirements. Standardized testing is not necessary.
The Common Core teaching goals are not teaching children correctly.
Education is not a very opened topic during the presidential debate. However, education is important for the future of students. Policies should be...
Many students are not getting into college because standardized tests are lowering their self-esteem and self-motivation. Colleges look at this one...
Are students really getting the help they need?
Our schools need more funding for better schoolwide programs, quality teachers, and a more efficient learning curriculum that supports the arts, cu...
standardized testing really hurts the students of public schools in america
This letter is requesting an end to standardized testing in the United States.
Standardized test are very important for children's future and the system is great as it is.
Addresses the problem of excessive standardized testing in America today.
Public schools are having students take way too many standardized tests.
Charter schools can help our educational system
I don't think we should have so many state tests for schools.
Education in this country has been rapidly decreasing in value for quite some time. Many people have very poor quality education, and some not at a...
Our education systems need to recognize our best and brightest and to meet their needs. By Claire B.
The education system which we have today needs to change. Our education system is designed around standardized tests that don't actually show how ...
I don't know who the ext president will be, but all in all, it doesn't matter. Things are crumbling, and the thing that's crumbling the most isn't ...
I know you have a lot of on your plate since you just became the President of the United States. There’s probably more important things to worry ab...
Standardized Testing is hurting many students futures, and it needs to be abolished.
There are to many standardized test for kids in the United States
Why standardized testing is hurting America's education
Only a positive learning environment and sufficient resources can help achieve the real goal of education.
My story is about how school days should be shorter, we should have no homework. We should just have time to be kids.
An argument supporting the benefit of arts programs. Why the programs are being cut, why they should be saved, and the impact of the programs on th...
Gun control and transgender bathroom
Standardized Testing is having a negative impact on students and their learning.
I wrote this letter as an assignment in Mr. Leeper's Ethnic Studies class at Aptos Middle School in San Francisco, CA. It is meant to display our ...
A letter about why it's a good idea for schools to stop giving us standardized tests.
I think that the education system in America is terrible and unfair. I think we should change what we are learning, how long we are going to school...
In this video I will discuss the reasons why standardized testing doesn't benefit a student's learning.
I believe that homework should be limited because it is useless, and a study hall should be implemented to aid students, like my peers and I, with ...
Our education system does not promote healthy lifestyles in teenagers. The time for change is NOW
Standardized testing in the school system
Education reforms, particularly the over-testing of students, is detrimental to our education system, teachers, and students.
This is why standardized test should be edited for better results
We deserve more classes that can help us once we are independent. More classes that teach us about government, politics, life skills and managing m...
Standardized tests have always been a way to compare students, they are an unfair way to judge the abilities of an individual and are not worth the...
The government is giving too many tests that students and teachers can take.
I think we should end standardized testing for various reasons.
All schools need to provide an equal education to all students.
Standardized Testing
Not everyone learns the same. Still, public school systems do not teach in comprehensive, engaging, and creative ways. I believe that there should ...
Standardized testing doesnt work for everybody.
The federal and state governments are giving students more tests then they can handle.
Persuasive Letter to the next President to cancel the standardized test
A rant on the failed school system of standardized testing. And what the Newly elected president can do to end it.
Standardized testing takes up too much time and money and, in return, students get stressed. Not a win-win situation.
Standardized testing hurts students more than it helps them.
Reasons that the President should get rid of standardized testing
The need to reform the United State's Education System.
A look at why standardized testing is not at the heart of a quality education.
There is too much testing in America; it's stressing students to the max!
This letter explains why standardized testing is bad for our education.
This letter is about my views on the education system and why it needs reform.
There are many important issues surrounding education that could be critical in determining the future in many young people. We all need to jump in...
Standardized testing is demolishing the individualism of our students in public education. It's time for a new "standard".
Standardized tests do not measure a child's true intelligence. They prevent children from real life experiences and any fun in school.
The United States' education system is disastrous.
I believe that there is to much standardized testing, and it takes up to much classroom time that we could be learning.
Testing doesn't show everyone's strengths, it shows everyone's weaknesses.
I want to change the way new college students think, by making it mandatory for kids to graduate high school with a credit completed in a life skil...
A problem many students face within the American school system is standardized testing and the way it is presented to them. The problem must be tak...
The School System from one hundred years ago is no different from today's School system.
The education system must change in order to intellectually, culturally, and emotionally enrich today's students.
Homework is just too much to deal with these days. It takes time away from being a kid, having family time, and just doing what you want to do.
Students don't have time to work outside of class; no more homework!