This letter is about how the police abuse different people.
My letter is about police brutality. It's a very big issue and I think the president needs to address this issue.
When is enough, enough?
As children we look up to police officers, but as adults, we fear them...
Racial profiling is when you believe someone has committed a crime just because of their race and it's something that needs to be stopped immediate...
Racism has always been a topic for centuries now, but I feel like this generation could end it. With a new president, there is always a new start t...
its about how nothing changed since way back in the day
Recently police brutality has been blasted all over social media, creating a rift between the public and police. Can it be fixed? Can we end the un...
A major problem in the United States today is Police Brutality. As you have seen on the news and social media, innocent African Americans are bein...
This is about Racial profiling and what it causes and why it needs to be stopped.
Police brutality and racism has been occurring for too long, and you have to take action before history repeats itself again.
My paper was on how racism is affecting Americans and way we think about other races and causing us to think about races out of the country and how...
I believe that people should not be killed, arrested, or hurt because of the color of their skin.
My essay is about how the president should handle the recent outbreak of police brutalities and black lives matter protests.
Police brutality has been a huge topic to talk about lately. But why hasn't there been any change? There have been too many deaths caused by unprof...
Why are police officers killing black African-Americans?
We have developed a fear of police officers with their way of protecting us, which seems to be to shoot first and ask questions later.
Racial Injustice is a negative, and unfair thing which can break America if not resolved. If this continues this country will go against everything...
Our justice system is fixable.
Black Lives Matter is something that everyone should be more aware about.
Police brutality is a serious problem and I am sure that you are aware of that, but I believe that not much is being done to stop this brutality.
The purpose of the police is to keep citizens safe, but many police officers are harming innocent families because of racial bias.
Gay Americans are still the target of hate crimes.
It's guns and bullets /and some cops take advantage of that they do want they want / shoot when they feel like it / arrest who they want to / and t...
If you turn on the news or read the newspaper there is a high possibility that you will see something proving that black people in the United State...
A overview of gun control, mental health, and hatred. The main topic: The people.
Something needs to be done about police brutality.
In today's society many people are being brutally hurt or even killed by police officers using "extreme force." Due to this some departments have e...
I would like to see the next U.S. President address the overwhelming issue surrounding police brutality, concerning every person of color.
In this day in age police brutality shouldn't be a problem but with social media shinning a light on how bad things are is making things complicate...
Sarai Martinez
Nowadays, many people in the United States are victims of hate crimes due to lack of protection from the government. With stronger hate crime laws...
Don't mistreat people just by their appearance.
The only big problem that is still existing is the way the law is being applied towards some the communities that are in the U.S. This problem has ...
Police are using their guns way too quickly.
Dear next president, the african-american race receives unfair punishments and racism today, it is causing many protests and even violent demonstra...
Looking at the negative impact of the Black Lives Matter group.
Things need to change, and you can make a huge impact being the person you are.
Many races in the United States, black, Hispanics, Asians and other groups of people have faced discrimination based on the way they look.
The focus of my letter is going to be about the police brutality, which I think is a violation of people's right.
Racial Inequality is a big problem around the U.S and should be controlled.
This is becoming a growing problem, and it needs to be solved. Dear future president, please try to help in getting rid of this growing problem.
This talks about Police brutality and incidents that have happened over the years, police ¨Consequences¨, and ideas to solve this.
Why we need to reevaluate gun laws in America.
Different cases of racism grip the world right now, how are the parents of America raising their children to think?
This letter talks about the issue of police brutality and how it should be solved.
This is my letter about my thoughts and experiences with this issue.
Not everyone knows the entire truth to Black Lives Matter.
Muslims in America are being being judged everyday and we as Americans need to come together as one to get rid of it.
The president should make all police departments in the United States make every police officer go through a police academy training program on how...
This is a problem in my community because people everyday, are getting their lives taken away from them, for something that's not their fault.
The relationships between Police Officers and the people of this United States is failing and seems to be worsening, we must mend it.
A nationwide issue that can no longer be tolerated.
I believe that all lives matter and everybody of every race should be treated equally.
I am writing this letter to inform you of the social injustices the people are facing daily through the fear of police brutality.
Its not about race.
An explanation of why it is irrational, immoral, and unconstitutional to physically harm children in school.
Shows how "black lives matter" is not a positive movement in our country. "Black lives matter" is just the wrong way to do it.
My thoughts on Police Brutality
The issue at hand is very apparent in the United States. Many issues have been risen with recent police shootings. These police shootings involve p...
There is terrible police brutality going on today and a lot of discrimination. We need to help make change.
Many Americans have a narrow view on racism. With this letter I would like to widen their views and show them both sides of the issue.
Sad information about police brutality in the U.S that the next president should come up with solutions.
In our current society there seems to be a misunderstanding between citizens and the police force. I believe that lack of police training may be on...
Racism is increasing!
Our heroes are killing our people.
Police are abusing unarmed civilians, especially those of color, and it needs to end. Now.
In this article you will read why guns should not be taken away from the public.
Police Brutality across the United States of America is out of control and it is mainly targeting Black lives. As a nation, we need to stop these ...
A letter to the president of my thoughts on police brutality against African Americans in America and some solutions.
Discrimination which comes in many forms is widespread and has continued for so long. ...
This letter is talking about how "#Black Lives Matter", and how the community is getting affected by this. Not just black lives matter, all l...
The police shouldn't be a gang of control freaks with guns who can do whatever they want without repercussions
Police brutality is becoming a big problem facing America. Especially when it involves life and death.
The people would feel shocked,scared, and terrified to what just happened to them and or someone they know or don't even know.
Many African-Americans fall victim to unjust police brutality in these past few years, and has unfortunately become more and more widespread.
Police Brutality
Why Black Lives Matter
Racism has been a very hot-button topic recently, so here's the low down.
It is very obvious our police now need different training, and less lethal ways to deal with people.
I want you all who ever reads this to focus on black lives matter because many black people are getting killed for no reason by the police.
Police Brutality is wrong and it must stop!
There is a lot of police brutality that has been going on lately.
#BLM is a relevant issue going on right now and needs to be addressed.
Police have abused their power too much and it needs to stop!
Racism has been going on for far too long and has had too much of a bad impact on innocent lives. I believe EVERYONE, no matter what race, deserves...
I wrote a letter addressing police brutality.
Police body cameras should be worn so that the officer and civilian act better.
The issue of patriotism, respect and the Colin Kaepernick National Anthem scandal.
A little dip into how the media may be swaying the public's opinion
All lives matter
A letter to the next President asking for equality, respect and hope for the future.
Dear Future President,
African Americans today are dying as a consequence at the hands of some police officers for minor things.
Police brutality is becoming a recurring problem in the United States.
A article on why police brutality has to stop
My letter is about how police brutality is getting out of hand and how prisons are starting to get overcrowded.
We've all heard of racism and know that it's a big issue, but when are we going to face it?