If you turn on the news or read the newspaper there is a high possibility that you will see something proving that black people in the United State...
Racial Discrimination has deeply impacted America for years and it has come back. Lives are being hurt and we need to solve this before it gets the...
Corrupt cops are abusing their power and calling it doing their job. Well news flash, killing a man because he’s selling cd's in front of a store ...
There is no reason for someone to be treated differently based on his or her looks; we are all the same and should be treated with respect.
I believe that all lives matter and everybody of every race should be treated equally.
My letter is about how there has been millions accounts discrimination against African-American and Latino children in schools and in almost every ...
Police is a very big issue that needs to be addresed
Racism in the police is a big problem that's affecting the black people in a very bad way through discrimination and abuse just because of their sk...
This letter addresses the issue of police brutality in this country.
There are many examples that show big differences in opportunities, especially between whites and blacks, in America.
This letter is about how Colin Kaepernick has been showing disrespect towards Our flag and National Anthem.
Our country is dividing ourselves into groups rather than working together to fix our problems. I do not want to you tolerate me, I want you to acc...
All police should be required to wear body cams.
Racism has been a long time problem; as a result, racial injustice is at an all time high and needs to be addressed.
Look what is happening; black people are just getting shot because no one cares about black lives. American police already have killed twenty-fiv...
The lives of many are at risk in America due to police and citizen issues.
This is directed at the major candidates, Hillary and Donald. They need to address this.
Nowadays, police shootings are seen more often involving African Americans. They are mistreated a lot of time by the cops.
Police brutality and lack of equality for people of color is the most important and devastating problem in the United States right now because mor...
this is a general overview of what I think of Black Lives
Stop the racial profiling and police brutality that has been going on in America
Racial Profiling is getting outta control & it needs to STOP
Racial Profiling is a horrible thing. It should become a thing of the past. I hope that my incidents and facts about racial profiling will be a com...
Inequality needs to stop! There is no reason to discriminate against anyone based on their gender, race, or religion. Our current young generation...
Do you know what other people do just to get rid of their enemy's rights for education or just the right to live? Shouldn't all people have the sa...
Letter to the president based upon police brutality.
My community has been affected by gun violence. Recently there has been two lives taken last month.
Riots, protests, and more killings. Police brutality is alive and well. As communities and their officers are driven farther apart, our hopes turn ...
Throughout the past 3 years there have been a few of Caucasian police officers killing African Americans. When these events happened the officers d...
This letter discusses the negative effects of police brutality and racism in our country.
Racism needs to stop and racist people need to stop being so racist.
In United States African American face many hardships, from being denied a job, to having underprivileged schools. You would think the government w...
Racial tension in America obstructs black Americans from an equal path to success an achievement.
People are dying every day just because of the color of their skin. The United States is better than this; it has to stop.
When is the hatred going to stop
Racism must end.
I am writing this letter to inform you of the social injustices the people are facing daily through the fear of police brutality.
Police brutality has been an issue that was ignored for ages, and now it has become a major problem in our society. And it is way deeper than lack ...
This is an article about how students of different race get punished worse than white students in school.
In recent years there has been a rise in police brutality, especially towards the African-American community. We ask that something be done.
This letter is about police brutality and Inequality toward Blacks and Latinos
This letter is with regards to a worldwide issue...Gun Violence. I will be discussing things such as, gun violence statistics, ways to prevent gun ...
Citizens of all races feel unsafe & some uncared for. We need to trust one another and care for each other to keep families and friends safe.
Everyone will be treated fairly even by race.
This year, there have been many concerns about police using excessive force with guns. I will be addressing the problems we face today as well as h...
A letter to the future president about racial inequality against people of color.
This letter is about police brutality and the use of excessive and/or unnecessary force by police when dealing with civilians.
Shouldn't you call the cops when you feel in danger? They should protect us, but what do we do when they start breaking the law?
In this letter I write about police brutality, the Black Lives Matter movement, and racial inequality towards black americans. I provide solutions ...
A letter from Journae Jones.
Enough is enough.
Racism has been a very hot-button topic recently, so here's the low down.
Police Brutality toward black men is becoming more of a problem each and every day . We can't continue to allow these officers who swore to protect...
I talk about the problems we are facing today with police brutality and African Americans.
In an America where Black Men are slain in the streets by law enforcement, I ask the next president to take the initiative to change this pattern.
Police brutality has been an issue that has been addressed and still not resolved. It has received media attention in recent years yet it continues...
Stop racial discrimination.
This is my letter regarding the issue of racism in our country.
The American people need to come together as one to eliminate racial profiling as a whole.
Different cases of racism grip the world right now, how are the parents of America raising their children to think?
Black people in America are treated like trash and you as the next President need to make an effort to change how people in our country are being t...
Black Lives Matter
Police Brutality across the United States of America is out of control and it is mainly targeting Black lives. As a nation, we need to stop these ...
We are starting new as a country with a new leader and I feel as though it is vital that we don't loose track of what is important, the people.
My letter focuses on Black Lives Matter. I focus on talking about equality.
Media is biased. We need a single outlet that will strictly follow the SPJ Code of Ethics so we can have at least one outlet for unbiased education...
Police Brutality against black men has risen tremendously.
More African Americans are being killed than Caucasians.
We know it's a problem, but what's the solution?
This issue of police brutality is huge issue in the U.S that needs to be address and take a stand. But also black lives matter is a serious issue w...
All lives matter to me.
Are you being wrongly misjudged by our country's justice system because of your race?
Racial Profiling Needs To Stop Today!
Racism is spreading to schools, which is giving people of color a smaller chance of succeeding in their future.
"Racial profiling has destroyed trust in today's policemen" for instance if a black male has an expepensive car some policemen will pull them over ...
Popular entertainment outlets neglect the hardships that minorities face, opting for the flashy and comical outlook it has for oblivious and impre...
I believe that people should not be killed, arrested, or hurt because of the color of their skin.
Police brutality is not as Black and White as many people want others to believe.
This letter discusses misconceptions and the blatant discriminatory nature of police interactions with African American citizens.
There are people that are kneeling during the national anthem. People are angry at Kaepernick because he is disrespecting the flag.
Racism is ruining the feeling of equality in the USA.
In America, people are being treated unfairly based on their race, religion, and sexuality. We need to make sure there is equality for everyone.
African Americans are now afraid that they will get shot by a cop for no reason. Black people are treated unfairly and accused of many things. All ...
I like to address some issues I feel are important. Mostly for the younger people since they will be taking over the generation of adults soon. I f...
this is a letter to the next president concerning the amount of black people being killed by police.
People have been rioting in the streets. People these days are discriminating others all over the world and some even though they can't help how th...
Why shouldn't we be a Divided Nation of racism and stereotypes, with a lack of gun laws? Because it is tearing this nation apart. America has been ...
Equality Matters
Recently, in the U.S.A, African Americans have been treated very unfairly. Read on to see how and why.
African american lives are ending because of police brutality.
Police brutality has been an ongoing issue for a while now, its time we do something to change it.
There has been a recent uproar over racial profiling.
Racism is ruining our country.
Police Brutality
It is critical that we work to build the relationship between Law Enforcement and black communities.
A letter to the president of my thoughts on police brutality against African Americans in America and some solutions.
This letter is talking about how "#Black Lives Matter", and how the community is getting affected by this. Not just black lives matter, all l...