Abortion needs to change because there are different ways you could handle a unwanted baby and this is practically murder.
How abortion should be left out of government.
Abortion is never the answer.
Why abortion should be legal
Abortion should not be an option for women
The killing of a human being is wrong, even if that human being is yet to be born. Fetuses feel pain during the abortion process. A 2008 peer-revie...
Abortion is a growing topic in our nation. Millions of babies are dying and it should be illegal.
America is a country where we are allowed to make our own desicions. So why are women getting opinions about what's right or wrong?
Human life begins at conception, therefore the unborn have rights that are undeniable.
Dear Future President, Abortion should be illegal in all or most cases because it's taking someone's life who never gets a chance to live. It is ex...
It is not right for the government to make a decision for a woman who has the absolute right to choose for herself.
There are many reasons the abortion laws should be changed.
Abortions should remain legal and given as an option because every woman and every pregnancy is different.
Abortion is an issue that is killing innocent lives and negatively affecting our women.
Abortion in America is not good at all, it's taking away the child's life. No one should take someone's life away from them like that. God said "th...
The consequences of unsafe abortions, which are normally conducted when abortions are regulated or a mother may come in contact with oppression, ca...
Abortion is a women's choice it's her body and baby so why should you be able to tell her what to do with it?
I think that unless a woman is raped or the baby will harm her, she should have the baby.
Dear Future President,
Abortions for selfish reasons should be illegal .
Take a stand against abortion.
Women deserve the freedom to make their own decisions concerning their bodies.
In general, abortion should be illegal since it is the murdering of a human being.
There is a problem in America that can no longer be ignored and it must be addressed, abortion.
Three to seven months gestational abortion should be considered murder.
Some problems, solutions, and suggestions to benefit the people of the United States of America.
Women have the right to control their own life.
Persuasive letter to the next President to change abortion laws
Abortion is wrong, and here is why.
This is a letter and infographic about our position on women's rights and abortion. We believe the woman should be allowed to decide if she wants t...
Abortion should be illegal because it denies the fetus its natural rights to live, and some may think it is a form of contraception.
Abortion is messing our nation up.
Describing ideas against abortion. Future of America, life is great, and responsibility.
There is always another option.
Too many innocent lives are being taken away. There are other answers better than this.
The United States is in dire need of informative and accurate sex education.
I am pro-life. For many, that is hard to understand, even more to respect, since today many teenagers my age,17, support the practice of abortion. ...
In America abortion is a huge problem.
Abortion should be banned in the US because it is an act of murder, it is harmful to the mother, and it compounds tragedy.
Woman need the right to be able to choose what is done to their bodies.
Abortion Should Be Stopped
my story and my fear
Women should be able to have access to abortion clinics.
Today, there is a growing debate over abortion, and I believe we should end the debate and make abortion legal.
Roe v. Wade should be defended by whoever takes the Oval Office.
This letter is about how abortion is wrong and cruel and should be no more. It may not seem like a big issue but this problem effects the world so ...
Women should be in control of their own bodies--not the government.
Babies are not part of a mother's body.
Abortion should be available to women, while partial birth should not be.
I believe in pro-choice, but only to a certain extent.
Our nation is corrupt and divided. When it comes to social issues, we become even more separated from one another. We are in need of a change that...
Don't you think every child deserves a chance at life?
The baby shouldn't have to suffer for the mother and the fathers careless mistakes.
We need to stop killing unborn babies. It is not right.
Why abortion is anti-American
Although some people believe in pro-life, that's not always best for the mother and the child developing.
Some stuff surprises me, but this blows my mind. How is it legal to take the life of a new born. God blesses the woman with the baby for a reason, ...
By making abortion illegal, it is stripping away a woman's right. It should be the woman's and family's choice, not the government's.
According to me abortion is not a crime. Abortion is a right of every single women.
My letter is about why abortion should be illegal.
The topic of women's choice to abortion has been hotly debated; some politicians want to take it away, while I believe it should be maintained.
I believe that life starts at conception. Abortion is and should be considered murder and should be illegal.
There should be stricter laws when dealing with abortion. Women should realize there are other options besides abortion. If we help them realize th...
Why burn the spark? Ruin the happiness. Kill the Love. It's easy to be pro-choice when you are not the one being killed. Abortion needs to stop now...
Abortion is not ok because it's murder of a child, who has the potential to change our world.
A letter about Abortion and women's rights
Abortion should not become illegal
The motion to outlaw abortion and defund planned parenthood because of religious beliefs is unconstitutional and intolerant.
Parents should be given the option of a legal abortion
Abortion is the twentyfirst century weapon used to murder the future generation of Americans. Will you stand for this?
My essay is about stopping abortion and raising minimum wage.
This letter is to the future president of the United States on the issue of abortion in our country.
What I think abortion, rules and stuff
Abortion is a bad thing
Abortion, one of the biggest debates there is. Not only is it a debate, but it’s also a very important topic; the debating needs to come to an end....
Abortion should be a woman's choice
This is my letter on the controversial issue of abortion.
There are reasons why abortions should be illegal and legal
The choice is ultimately the woman's.
The United States of America has legalized abortion and the consequences are horribe for our nation.
People have abortions for all the wrong reasons.
The movement towards furthering pro-choice policies in the United States is one that should not be overlooked.
Abortion only affects one person, and that's the woman who is experiencing it. Abortion does not affect you or anybody around you, so this is why i...
Why would you abort a baby? Maybe its because you were not prepared for a child, or maybe its that you were forcefully made pregnant? That is no re...
I think that we need to examine these questions and discuss them before we start making laws and other suggestions with the subject of abortion and...
Abortion is the act of taking away a life, taking away a life is murder. So i believe that abortion should be illegal.
Abortion has been a big issue for so many years. There's about 50 million abortions per year. Nearly half of pregnancies in women were unintended ...
The future of affordable and accessible care is held in Planned Parenthood and its continuation.
Abortion is a right protected underneath the right to privacy. Whether or not you think it should be legal, as a human, you should have the same ri...
Women deserve a choice.
Abortion should not be allowed to happen, we are killing way to many innocent lives that could have been a big help in our world.
Why would some one choose death over life when they could that precious life in their arms rather than leaving it in the bottom of a dumpster?
We all have something we fight for. And one thing I fight for is exterminating abortion. So many lives have been lost to abortion and how many more...
My letter is about making abortion illegal again, in order to help out those children who deserve to live.
The government, simply, should not have the right to tell an individual, a woman, what to do with their body. Have it be a tattoo or a controversia...
This is a letter asking the next President to ban abortion.