Gun Violence is one of the most serious issues plaguing our country
Allowing guns in schools and colleges is a serious issue, as it can be the cause of horrific things, such as deaths, injuries, accidental shootings...
Gun ownership should be more restricted so that they do not become dangerous in the wrong hands.
If someone buys a gun without ammunition, it might as well be a baseball bat. In addition to the background checks, there should also be a tax on ...
2nd Amendment: Americans have the right to bear arms. Guns do not kill people, people do.
Is the second amendment helping or hurting America?
I believe the 2nd Amendment is a very important topic. My right to own a weapon is something that is important to me. It is a hobby that I enjoy an...
Guns have been killing thousands of people including children for a long time, but now with newer technology guns are just getting more dangerous a...
Why guns should be allowed...
Is the rapid growth over imprisonment something we should be worried about, and are they preparing those within the system for reinsertion into soc...
thoughts From A hunter.
A letter on why I believe we should lower restrictions on firearms
Guns being restricted not taken away.
Did you know guns play a major role on the death rate across the nation?
With all of the gun violence occurring in our nation, something must be done to prevent the loss of innocent lives. We need to take a fresh look at...
This letter explains why I think that more laws should be added to stop shootings at homes, schools, neighborhoods, and so on.
I don't want to have a future where everyone is using guns recklessly.
Are guns bad for are society if they kill millions?
This letter contains reasons why we should stop gun violence.
Taking care of the gun laws.
gun control should not be a thing because people use guns to defend themselves.
"murder is wrong and it needs to stop with the government helping".
Gun Control is a major problem in the U.S. that needs to be thought over. Pro-gun control people want to have stricter gun laws to keep the people ...
Why concealed carry of a firearm should be legal all over the country.
Why gun control is necessary to keep the citizens of America safe.
As president, I hope you can make reforms to the growing discrimination in America . Also, please reevaluate the gun laws we have due to how access...
My summary is about ending homelessness, it is a very important issue that has gone on for many years.
There are too many shootings and they can be prevented with more awareness and restrictions.
I wrote this letter because I would like to put a stop to guns. People should have there live and not having to worrying that they might get hurt.
Dear future president
Why have shootings and gun purchases increased? Why don’t we do anymore in depth background checks?
Guns; let us keep them. Let us protect ourselves. Let us represent the second amendment. Environment; let us keep the animals. Let us keep the t...
Gun violence in the U.S. is out of control and this needs to change.
I think we need to keep the gun laws we have, but make them stricter or enforce them better.
33,000 people die each year due to gun violence; with background checks, that number would drop significantly.
Gun Control leads to higher murder rates
This is a letter to the future president on my opinions on the issue of guns in our country.
The debate on the Second Amendment has been a ferocious one in the United States. Some hail the Second Amendment as the most ingenious text written...
I feel the movement on gun control is a futile effort.
There are too many injustices in the criminal justice system for American citizens to truly be safe.
I think that everyone in the U.S should allowed to have guns on them.
2016 letter to President
I'm tired of hearing about innocent people getting shot and killed for no reason whatsoever. We need to control our guns.
As a nation we need to fix gun control.
Gun Control
Gun violence is a major issue in the United States, that we need to solve. Stricter gun control laws will decrease the amount of gun violence in th...
Why banning assault rifles is an ineffective goal and ultimately a bad decision for the U.S.
Tighter laws on who can buy or own a gun.
We could have less gun violence problems if...
America's lack of gun control and the hazards it has created... The irony of "self-defense" and "thorough" background checks.
Guns are causing too much violence today. Guns should be only be only to protect people, not to cause violence. Lets put a stop to this and make gu...
Police brutality is a major crisis throughout the world along with racism that needs to be recognized and controlled in order to have a successful ...
As the population increases, it also decreases due to gun violence!
Gun control is a good thing but you have to draw the line somewhere.
Jail time for most crimes is too short. We need tougher sentences to deter criminals from committing crimes.
Why gun control is more logical.
Dear Next President, My name is Matthew, and I go to school in a suburb of Cleveland, Ohio. I would like to inform you about gun violence...
This letter is about getting more laws on guns, so the gun violence decreases.
We can't loose our guns.
Careless gun violence has been a problem in our country for an unacceptable amount of time. Too many peoples lives have been taken for this issue t...
This passage is about why there should be stricter gun control laws. I will give off tons of evidence that should prove that gun control laws shoul...
The Patriot Act is a piece of legislation passed in response to the 9/11 terror attacks on the United States. The act gives government officials a ...
Do guns need to be banned? Or should we just get stricter rules?
Gun control doesn't work
There needs to be more gun control in the U.S.
Police brutality has been an issue that has been addressed and still not resolved. It has received media attention in recent years yet it continues...
Guns have harmed many children in the U.S. from and something needs to be done.
Marijuana might be the cure.
In our letter, we delve into the deep issue of faulty background checks and other gun control related topics.
Gun Violence is out of control and the President must increase background checks and restrictions on who can purchase guns.
In this letter, I assert that gun violence is a horrible and tragic problem in our country. The U.S has the most frequent deaths due to gun violenc...
We believe that the next president should address the issue of gun control.
Dear future president, One important issue that should be thought about is gun control. Guns need to be controlled better because they could get i...
There should be more laws on gun control.
The need to control the gun usage in America is a vital issue that continues to be ignored.
We need more gun control for our safety.
Prisoners being released early from prison for violent or harmful offenses is a serious problem in our justice system, especially when many people ...
Guns need to controlled better in America.
My views on some topics that the future president should cover.
There should be stricter gun laws to prevent deaths from firearms.
The process on background check must become more rigorous.
As a President, there needs to be more education about all of what goes on with a gun, instead of having an ignorant viewpoint on guns. An educati...
We need to be careful on who is able to own guns.
Citizens in America need to be able to carry around guns.
The letter describes how loose gun laws currently are in our country and how stricter control over who can possess a gun will result in less grief ...
My take on police brutality
Gun violence is obviously a major issue in America and something needs to be done. We need stricter gun laws so accessing one is difficult.
Gun related deaths and incidents are getting out of hand and need to be stopped, and the main ideas against gun control are heavily flawed.
My letter is about the immigration system in the United States. It includes the problems with it and how the next president needs to fix for our co...
Why shouldn't we be a Divided Nation of racism and stereotypes, with a lack of gun laws? Because it is tearing this nation apart. America has been ...
Gun control is a bad topic and has lots of problems and we need to stop it.
Gun Control is very important to maintain our safety.
This is a essay on america the greatest country on earth and i am talking about gun control the goods and bads of it and should we have more gun co...
Society today has been severely impacted by the rising amount of gun violence in the 'Land Of The Free', so how can we stop it?
Gun control is a big issue in our country. There have been many mass shootings at malls, schools, and airports. If the government would put stron...
“The threats from terrorism are real, but we will overcome it,” President Obama said at an oval office speech. Will we though? President Obama hasn...
Gun Control is something that must be handled immediately
Loosen Gun Control.