Inmates with mental health concerns should be treated as patients, not prisoners
Video games can make kids healthier.
Clowns are in the circus, kids birthday parties, entertaining people, and now all of a sudden they are killing people, trying to kidnap kids into t...
I would like to tell you some things that need to be fixed in our country and some ways they could be.
Too many kids have dropped out of high school. You can make a difference. Fight for the future of America.
We need our communities restored and provided with more money because their falling apart.
The streets of Southside Chicago are not safe, and it is getting worse every year. What are we doing to help it get better or stop, because what we...
Almost every day, you hear a child has gone missing on the news. An average of 700 children are abducted each day in the U.S.
Kids these days are in need of money and experience with real world interactions. Nothing can help more than jobs for teenagers.
The Common Core has been in place for three years, but it is not making our students any smarter.
In this letter I am writing about immigration. I think immigration is a big deal and we should stop illegal immigrants from entering our country wi...
Should parents be sneaking vegetables into their kids foods? Lettuce talk about that.
Philadelphia resident Anthony Rivera addresses both presidential candidates through a spoken word poem, asking them to address the poverty he sees ...
People should be educated about how to keep themselves healthy, and helped to make healthy choices.
In this letter I will explain the problems and my concerns with the Common Core State Standards in hopes that you will take my ideas into considera...
For decades there have been issues over races, religion, and gender. But recently, there have been issues concerning law enforcement and the commun...
We must try to get away from government implicitly endorsing religion. This issue is significant because as a unified country, we want to represent...
Help improve my community; we can't do nothing.
The creators of our existence is about the fairness of paid maternity leave. Only four states in america have a paid six weeks off and this writin...
According to the article: "We need to keep school safe for now on to protect our children.
In this letter I address my concerns of local communities and minorities in relation to police brutality. A change needs to take place and it start...
Homework is always stressing kids out and i want to put a stop to it.
Police and the communities they serve are gaining tension due to highly media shown cop shootings, and unjust punishments. Only time can tell how t...
If the government would legalize and tax on marijuana, would the public be better off? Yes. It would.
Are you proud to be an American?
Obesity in America
Gun Control should not be taken away from citizens. This letter explains why I think guns are a form of our security, protection and self-defense. ...
America needs to keep the environment clean by reducing factories, nonrenewable energy, and we need to recycle the plastic trash we use.
Major cities need your help. They are not safe. People are afraid because of the violence everywhere.
We need a president that shows tolerant views, or even positive, towards all types of religions. Specifically, Islam.
A look at what needs to be done across the country in the coming years
This is about why kids should not play video games that include violence, and gangs, etc. which leads to very bad consequences
The foster system has many faults. If done well, it can do a lot of good. But if done poorly or not managed, can be a living hell for all people in...
Kids need more sleep and school needs to start later so kids can get that sleep
How gun violence affects communities everywhere, and what we can do to improve it.
yes, ALL LIVES MATTER; but for right now BLACK LIVES MATTER and are the ones at stake.
Police Violence, Punishment, Ideas, Better Relations
This letter is requesting better organization and project management on construction projects, for the safety and sake of all people.
Not only should some communities be cleaner and have better maintenance, but they should all be clean and well kept.
This is about Killer clowns that kidnapped children and hope to stop them.
The cops can't protect the people by killing the people, and the people can't expect the cops to stop killing people if we keep killing each other....
Helping children in the community fall into sports, and after school programs so that they succeed instead of falling into the streets.
Kids should be able to work
Music programs, like band or orchestra, have several benefits that last for a lifetime.
Building communities to make a better America
Drug use in sports should be illegal because it is a bad thing for little kids and younger generations to see. Also, it shows that cheating is oka...
Homework in the U.S is at an all-time high and is affecting kids across the country both physically and mentally, it's time to slow it down.
The homeless population has been increasing day by day becoming a concern for our safety and well-being.
Bikers in the Miami-Dade county are using up a car lanes in major streets and highways.
Create outreach programs for urban communities and police officers to bond.
Our environment is vital for humans for humans to continue living. However, with the way were treating it we slowly leading ourselves to our death.
Students in school need to start learning subjects that they can take on in the future.
Cyber Bullying is a situation that happens all over the world and it must be stopped.
17 Year old student exposes the issue of homelessness and no buildings being made to shelter them; only buildings of luxury for the wealthy.