Getting an average of 6 hours of sleep during the night does not provide enough energy to endure the school day.
Abortion should be illegal.
Why we should have clinics
Abortion should be illegal
Abortion is Bad
This is a letter addressing my primary concern regarding the issues facing the United States.
Our country needs to properly teach young adults how to make healthy choices.
It should be ILLEGAL.
This letter explains the need to eliminate GMOs and added hormones from our food.
Why is the death of a baby abortion in some cases, but murder in others?
The decision to end a pregnancy is a basic human right that should be available anyone wishing to have an abortion; it needs to be a choice.
Could you imagine walking outside and seeing the world dying and the air full of pollution?
The letter contains information about making Abortion Illegal. By having abortions it is making it harder for our country to repopulate. Abortions...
Today, abortion is one of the most controversial topics in America.
There are ways we can help the issue of abortion, now we just have to use them.
Abortion should not be legal in America babies deserve to be born.
Is the school's sex ed system unrealistic??
Women should have the right to decide if they have a child, not the government.
Abortion should be more difficult for women to access.
Abortion should be stopped.
In my letter I talked about homelessness and how they need our help to get someplace in life.
Take a stand against abortion.
Vaccines are a crucial tool for preventing the spread of disease. The amount of vaccinated people in the US right now is too low and is breaking do...
Should parents be sneaking vegetables into their kids foods? Lettuce talk about that.
Abortion is a woman's choice and their fundamental right.
Dear Future President,
Abortion is never the answer.
I wrote a letter to the next president concerning abortion laws.
My name is Avery and I am a freshman in high school. I believe in pro-choice and I think that the mother should have the right to chose whether she...
The price of Epi-Pens has skyrocketed in recent months, with no reasonable explanation or cause as to why this happened.
There is no justification for abortion. No matter what, a mother should protect her child; born or unborn.
What Abortion means to me and how it can affect women,that do this.
Abortion in America is not good at all, it's taking away the child's life. No one should take someone's life away from them like that. God said "th...
This letter is about Abortion, and how abortion needs to be stopped. It also gives examples on how the government can encourage people not to get a...
Innocent people are losing their lives every day because of guns.
America is a country where we are allowed to make our own desicions. So why are women getting opinions about what's right or wrong?
This essay is on pro-choice abortion and how religion and government can affect peoples choices on weather or not to get an abortion.
The USA is allowing innocent children to be killed and nothing is being done to stop this.
A person is a person no matter how small.
The views on abortion are all different, but my hope is that you see what the people want, and not what you think should be right.
Abortion is killing our country, literally.
What I think about abortion.
The movement towards furthering pro-choice policies in the United States is one that should not be overlooked.
Why are the men in our country making decisions that will only affect the women?
Abortion should be banned.
Abortion is not ideal nor the most accepted practice; however, there are many reasons to give women the right to choose.
Abortion is not okay it is first degree murder. You say its your body but the baby growing inside of you has it'sown body and has a future that are...
I believe that it is extremely important for the next president to recognize the malpractices and harmful chemicals used in the food industry, as w...
Woman need the right to be able to choose what is done to their bodies.
Adolescents need more sexual education, in their academics.
Vaccinations can protect and save your child's lives.
One of the main questions in the U.S is should abortion be illegal?
Abortion is a medical procedure that terminates a human pregnancy and results the death of the fetus according to
Abortion should only be available in certain cases.
This is my point of view on abortion and the reasons why I feel the way I feel about it.
Heroin and Prescription Pill Abuse
Unless you're the one laying on a bed for hours while your body writhes in pain as you push an 8 pound baby out of your vagina, then you don't get ...
The obesity problem is getting out of control. What can we do as a nation to change it?
This shows my view on Abortion and what I think should be changed to make it less controversial.
Abortion should be legal only when medically necessary.
Abortion should be a choice to the women.
Abortion should not be an option for women
The laws on abortion needs to be changed.
Abortion means that the natural rights of an unborn child are taken away. Adoption is always an option.
"Abortion has frequently taken center stage in American politics".
Why would you abort a baby? Maybe its because you were not prepared for a child, or maybe its that you were forcefully made pregnant? That is no re...
The topic of women's choice to abortion has been hotly debated; some politicians want to take it away, while I believe it should be maintained.
Concussions in sports are a huge issue. In this letter, I want to express the issue with not attending to the problem that concussions play a huge ...
I talk about why abortions occur, why it is legal, and why it should instead be heavily restricted.
The future of affordable and accessible care is held in Planned Parenthood and its continuation.
Abortion should be legal because it could safeguard a female's health, and it gives them a sense of control over their own bodies. Illegal abortion...
Our sex ed is horrible and needs an update.
A lot of articles and stories have said that vaccines are something everyone needs. At the same time others are saying that it is a harmful thing t...
Dear Future President, Women in the U.S have an option of having a child or having an abortion. All in all, women should have that option, because ...
Every American should have access to affordable healthcare without worrying about the financials that accompany it
If a woman chooses to get an abortion, it is none of your business. You should have no opinion on what a woman chooses to do with her body. But if ...
Abortion should be kept legal and safe for every woman who needs it.
I think this is so wrong and dumb.
Abortion laws should be changed for the better and not be allowed to harm an innocent child.
Abortions shouldn't be legal
Abortion? Yes or no?
Abortion must change because it takes aways babies basic rights like life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It also affects people's emotions.
The President needs to make a change in the things the people drink.
Abortion needs to be stopped
How we can stop Obesity in America
How America Can Become Less Obese
Why should or should not women have abortions.
Drugs are a concern and should be scrutinized further so the President solves this issue.
I believe that the decision to have an abortion should be completely up to the mother.
Abortion should stay legal
The motion to outlaw abortion and defund planned parenthood because of religious beliefs is unconstitutional and intolerant.
Abortion should be made illegal for a number of reasons. Abortion is considered murder,effects us internationally and individually.
Police Brutality has risen in the past decade; whats going on?
Abortion should be made illegal.