Many people argue that marital rape is not real or it is simply an excuse for some things.
Letter to the president on abortion
my name is CiCi and live in Albuquerque and i want to address the information on abortion.
Abortion to babies are wrong
Dear Future President,
Why burn the spark? Ruin the happiness. Kill the Love. It's easy to be pro-choice when you are not the one being killed. Abortion needs to stop now...
Abortion is killing a baby that isn't born yet or killing a baby that is being born and it should be illegal in all states.
What are you going to do to change it?
I am pro-choice
By making abortion illegal, it is stripping away a woman's right. It should be the woman's and family's choice, not the government's.
America is known as the most obese country on earth.
The punishments for marital rape are not as harsh as the punishments for rape itself. The government has took the time to make it a law that raping...
GMOs are very widely used, but are they safe or healthy?
The concern of obesity is one that touches us all.
Why abortion is wrong.
women and men should have equal pay, women have women rights but still do not get paid equal as a man which should be changed because gender should...
To find a cure for people who have had strokes.
Abortion isn't the safe way of getting rid of a child and I believe that abortion should be illegal.
A look at the abortion issue that creates controversy in our world.
Abortion should be banned only up to a point.
We are seen as weak, inferior and damsels who can't make it in the world, but we've fought for our rights! We are strong and intelligent what else ...
Abortion Rights
Don't exclude babies for concerns on personal lives. They are blessings not something for you to throw away when you're having tough times.
Abortion is the choice of the mother and no one can tell her what to do with her body. It is a basic human right to have control over your body, th...
We need to destroy the unfair discrimination against women in the workplace.
Equal Pay Women’s rights!
When America was young, its people believed that the values installed by the Bible were of upmost importance. Now, we put "political correctness" b...
I believe that the decision on whether or not a woman can abort a fetus should not ultimately be in the hands of the government and is a fundamenta...
My letter to the president brings to attention the problems with the American dental care system.
Healthcare should be a right, not a luxury.
Abortion should be illegal because it's an act of muder. Why is mudering someone illegal but aborting a innocent baby isn't. They are the SAME t...
End World Hunger Now
I believe that women should have the right to an abortion procedure.
There are countless matters that need to be dealt with in the United States, one of them being sexism.
Abortion should be legal
Abortion Laws should be changed
Girls are being judged on their clothing too harshly now a days.
Abortion shouldn't be illegal but there should be a limit on abortion.
Abortion in America should be illegal. The killing of a person is murder. It shouldn’t matter if a child hasn't taken its first breath of air, its...
If you're not ready to have the baby then don't have it in the first place, Birth Control, condoms and contraceptives are not here for no reason.
Dear President of the United States of America, Picture this. A woman gives birth to a sweet, beautiful, innocent baby who smiles at the world. Th...
The separation of church and state is too small and needs to change
Abortion, one of the biggest debates there is. Not only is it a debate, but it’s also a very important topic; the debating needs to come to an end....
When the topic of abortion comes up I do believe that it should be legal and also kept safe.
Price increases are hardship
This letter encourages the fundamentals of choice and allowing women the right to choose abortion over an unwanted pregnancy. To many, this is a ve...
Healthcare affordability problems were temporarily amended, but the overall issue still persists.
It is important to choose a Supreme Court Justice that will keep abortion legal for the health and safety of women all across America.
79 cents to 1 dollar
The government should not choose whether or not you have a child.
Should abortion be legal?
In this letter, you will read the some of the main causes of abortion and reasons why I believe that the choice of this should be illegal.
Products that are a necessity for half of the population, such as pads and tampons, are still viewed as a luxury. This is an issue that needs to ch...
Genetically modified organisms are a danger to our health and agrarian economy. The U.S needs to follow in the steps of other countries who have ba...
While equality is something that we stand for in this country it is not actually represented. People of different races, genders, and LGBT people a...
Basically my letter explains many topics that are important to me and others and that would affect us deeply.
This is my letter regarding the Pro-Life/Pro-Choice debate.
Abortion should be illegal
Bullying needs to come to an end
I feel that abortion is very wrong and that there is always another choice.
The law I see that is unjust is abortion and there is more meaning than the debate over choice and life.
Please help raise awareness for an issue that continues to unjustly thrive in American society.
This letter explains my thinking on why the future President should continue to give women the option to have an abortion.
Learn from me, a 14 year old girl from Seattle, about the issues going on in America's health care system and how we can fix them.
My name is Elizabeth Whitehurst. I am a Junior at St. Thomas More High School. Hopefully, this letter will answer any questions about the death pen...
Abortion is an issue that is killing innocent lives and negatively affecting our women.
It is not right for the government to make a decision for a woman who has the absolute right to choose for herself.
Healthcare in America.
Americans trust that they have their privacy in their own home; what happens if they find out they're not even allowed that in their own home?
Many people believe that woman should have the option of abortion because of an unplanned pregnancy or unwanted pregnancy, this is a great debate.
On how lead became America's "criminal element," and the need for a nationwide effort to reclaim our environment and citizens from the influence of...
Dear Next President,
A letter about why Planned Parenthood should NOT be defunded.
Abortion should be harder for women to get because right now it is to easy
Abortion kills over a million innocent babies in the United States each year. These human beings are denied the right to life, which America claims...
Abortion should not be an option for women
Pro-choice= advocating legalized abortion Pro-life= opposing abortion and euth...
Abortion is fine, Just needs some changes.
Reasons why abortion should remain legal.
Issue that is needed to be solved in order to improve the economic problem regarding medical system in the US.
A letter for the future president about abortion.
It is important to keep abortion legal and make it accessible.
Abortion is something we should not take lightly...
Abortion is a touchy subject because of it's wide array of views that cannot necessarily be centered by any religion, race, or sexuality. It is a c...
Once a women knows she is pregnant she should not be able to get an abortion after that point because it is killing a baby.
This letter discusses the matter that people should treat women the way they want to be treated - equally and respected.
I think that women should get payed the same amount for the same job than man.
According to me abortion is not a crime. Abortion is a right of every single women.
Abortion should be kept legal, and we need to put more funding into abortion clinics and things such as Planned Parenthood. Women need to have the ...
Women have the right to control their own life.
We all have something we fight for. And one thing I fight for is exterminating abortion. So many lives have been lost to abortion and how many more...
We need more orphanages.
Abortion should never be the option. There are other options such as adoption.
I am writing about how I am against abortion.
Persuasive letter to the next President advocating for the legalization of Marijuana.
Some stuff surprises me, but this blows my mind. How is it legal to take the life of a new born. God blesses the woman with the baby for a reason, ...
Abortion should remain legal because it's part of a women's constitutional right to have control to have control over her own body.
This is an essay about my view on abortion. It states how other people and myself feel about this topic.