should gun rules change or stay the same?
The US has horrible gun control and it needs to change.
Gun Violence is a huge problem in the United States of America. People die each day from a firearm and needs to be stopped.
Gun Control is what many believe can be good, because these people's linear train of thought thinks that "Less guns=less gun violence." However, g...
We should not ban guns completely, we should instead make them harder to gain access to.
Gun control is a good thing but you have to draw the line somewhere.
The issue of Gun Control and the issues surrounding the topic in the United States.
Citizens in America need to be able to carry around guns.
Recently police brutality has been blasted all over social media, creating a rift between the public and police. Can it be fixed? Can we end the un...
We should have more strict background checks and regulations due to all the shootings.
A letter to discuss the need for gun regulations and gun safety
This passage is about why there should be stricter gun control laws. I will give off tons of evidence that should prove that gun control laws shoul...
Gun crime is a big problem. Guns increase murder,robbery,and make people insecure. We need to do something as a team for the good of humanity. ...
Guns in America, Jeremiah K
This letter is on the topic of gun violence in the United States. This issue is growing more and more harmful to the many lives that wish to be led.
Gun Violence is a current, significant issue in America.
Firearms have been too frequent as a cause of death. Those that fall victim under the crimes committed by those in possession of firearms are only ...
Many mass shootings have happened due to people not getting background checks when purchasing a gun. This needs to stop!
Gun control needs to be enforced.
A gun ban would prevent people from loosing their lives for no reason.
My letter consists of the trials and errors pertaining to teen drug abuse and how it affects the families and the people that use them. It also sta...
American Citizens should keep the right to bear arms and the media doesn't know much about guns.
During the previous years in the US there have been more shootings and bombings, racial discrimination, conflicts between authorities and other peo...
Gun violence has proven to be a pressing issue over the past few years in the United States. The United States should impose stricter gun laws in o...
I believe that If you have a serious criminal record then you should not be allowed to own any type weapon. If you have done a crime in the past wi...
We need to make people feel secure and protected. So they would be able to call this place, home.
Terrorism continues to grow around the world. It is time for us to make stopping global terrorism a priority.
Gun Violence is out of control and the President must increase background checks and restrictions on who can purchase guns.
Guns control is a big problem in the United States of America. They are becoming more of a terror weapon and that's not right. We need to fix it.
Have you ever asked these questions? Am I safe? Is there something to do to prevent it? When or can I stop worrying about terrorism? Well with a p...
Gun control and the ways it'd effect our society
Gun Control is a serious problem. The government shouldn't make a new law. Click here to learn more about Gun Control.
Guns shouldn't be banned or restricted furthermore
I believe the 2nd Amendment is a very important topic. My right to own a weapon is something that is important to me. It is a hobby that I enjoy an...
Gun control needs to be controlled more heavily.
Gun control in the United States is at a minimum, and we need to create more laws to strengthen our country.
How Baltimore's homicide rate is affecting the city.
My letter is on gun violence. I think this is a huge issue in the world today and it has to be stopped. To many innocent people are getting killed....
In this text I am writing to the next president why they shouldn't ban guns in the U.S.
Gun violence is a major problem in the United States today. It is unacceptable to ignore it.
A look at why gun laws are not as effective as people would like to believe.
Issues on Gun Control and Terrorism
Are you scared of guns? What about the people pulling the trigger? Guns don't shoot by themselves. There has to be a mind behind them. ...
What would you do if you walk into Walmart for the first time and see a gun isle right next the the children's isle, this is our reality in America...
I am going to be talking about gun control.
Gun control is the idea that guns and gun related sales should be regulated by the government
I am for Gun Control.
New gun control laws are going against our second amendment. By taking away guns the government is creating more crime. Save our right to bear arms.
A letter about the need for gun control in order to increase public safety.
Gun control is a big issue in America and it needs to be solved.
Though I am only thirteen, I know how important the 2nd amendment is.
The law would not eliminate the right to own a firearm, but a law can put safeguards in place to help create a safer environment for our nation.
Too many people are being killed each day. Two ways that we can prevent unnecessary killings is by always performing background checks when guns ar...
We should have stricter gun control laws
Even though firearms are marked as protection, they actually cause more harm to those we want to protect. I am 17 years old and I have born witness...
This letter discusses the dangers and potential solutions for the increasing amount of gun violence in the United States.
What's wrong with gun control and how we can fix it.
The wrong people are getting their hands on guns and then hurting themselves or others which is unacceptable.
Many leftist politicians want to take away our right to bear arms in an attempt to end gun violence. This won't work. The second amendment is gua...
Gun control is a huge problem in the US, but we shouldn't be penalized for protecting our kids.
My letter is about how bad gun violence has gotten in the United States and why it should stop happening.
Do guns need to be banned? Or should we just get stricter rules?
I believe that the next president should address the next problem of Gun Control
Please aware, we are increasing the crime rate if we do not take appropriate actions toward the issue of gun control.
There is a big gun problem in America but with some procautions, gun violence can be reduced with out taking away peoples guns.
The licensing of guns should be enforced greatly so that our we as a country can be safer.
Why there needs to be a gun law in the U.S.A.
Gun Violence is too high.
Gun control is fine where it's at now.
The U.S. has far more mass shootings than any other developed country and the next president should work to stop them.
Taking care of the gun laws.
In this letter, I talk about what should be done with gun control including regulations and what should need to occur to get certain weapons and id...
Gun control is too lax and needs to be tightened.
This letter explains why I think that more laws should be added to stop shootings at homes, schools, neighborhoods, and so on.
Pro-gun control
Gun violence has gotten out of hand and guns have been used for the wrong reasons.
Some leaders believe the second amendment should be repealed even it’s what protects Americans from harmful treats everyday.
Gun control is a very complicated issue because although gun violence is a huge problem, banning guns might not be the fix.
Why are stricter gun laws a necessity?
Do not disregard our civil rights.
Guns have become one of the biggest problem in american society. Over the last decade multiple gun violence have occurred.
Gun Control
Guns are a big problem that corrupts the U.S. today. They are the result of many deaths and injuries of innocent lives. In order to change this, we...
I think that people with criminal records should not have guns.
Gun control has been a major problem in the U.S. Why haven't we been able to control this problem? Should we have more in depth background checks?...
Gun control is still an issue and needs to be dealt with once and for all.
Why gun control laws need to be more strict, and higher age requirement in order to get a gun.
This letter asks what will be done about gun laws and shows argumentative points to both sides.
Gun control affects many people as guns affect many people. There is too much gun violence in the US, and this letter will discuss the effects of g...
Gun laws should be more restricted and the police should use gun alternatives.
Discussion on gun control, terrorism, and the refugee crisis
I think guns are too easy to buy or get. My paragraph is shows numbers and stats of death by guns. In my paragraph I talk about people who are ment...
Some people can use guns wisely. most of human society can't use guns properly. I type this letter to inform you of gun control. You should conside...
I am a 16-year-old boy from Saint Martinville, LA, and I am a firm believer that creating laws banning guns in America is not only a violation of c...
Gun control has become a growing problem over the years, and it needs to be fixed.
Limitations on the second amendment
High capacity clips are a danger to American citizens. A law banning clips over twelve rounds will reduce gun homicides and minimize body counts fo...
Suicide is the tenth-leading cause of death in the United States. 85 percent of suicides attempted by gun are fatal - so why aren't we doing more a...
Dear Future President,