An issue that needs to be addressed and can't be ignored.
Laws should be more strict
Homelessness is a large issue in America. How can we fix it?
The president should make a home for each and every homeless person.
Rather than trying to stop the aftereffects of the homeless problem, we should be addressing the root of the problem itself.
The one thing that money cannot buy.
Mental health is not understood enough is society today, a change around this stigma must be changed.
My letter to the president has to do with homless veterans and how that is a problem, as well as how thier health is affect due to lack of vaccines...
I think that homelessness is a big issue that people choose not to focus on because if you look around you in the streets you are likely to see a h...
With homelessness on the rise in some of our country’s most populated cities, organizations in the U.S. argue that the government needs to step in ...
In my letter to the Next President, I assert that teen Homelessness in America is a major problem and what can we do to make a change.
Our country must solve the issue regarding the many veterans who have defended our country that are left without the homes and support they deserve.
Over the years I have noticed that areas where people don't have a lot of money are pushed to the side and not taken care of and the areas that are...
I know in this word racism will end.
Homelessness is an extremely prevalent issue that will only continue to grow if not addressed immediately.
This is about what I think the world has come to. And how we are not treating everyone equally and what we should do about it.
More than 564,708 people are homeless today many people are suffering and cold and have no home. They are suffering to death and some have disabili...
There are way to many people that do not have a home and we need to fix that.
A letter about the problems of the mentally ill being homeless in the United States.
We need to fix homeless problems.
Homelessness is a problem all over the world.
It is time for people to help out the people on the side of the road.
Veterans worldwide are not being provided the things they need. This has resulted in increased poverty, drug abuse, suicides, and homelessness.
Homeless is a huge problem; let's do something about it.
In this passage I talk about the issue and side effects of homelessness and how it could be stopped or prevented.
Change has to be made in order to help and reduce the increasing population of people who are homeless in the United States.
An investigation of the homeleness of America.
Homelessness need to be helped. The government needs to build shelters.
Homelessness in teens across the U.S
Everyday about 5,760 children are being given up or put in foster care and orphanages . So clearly things aren't getting better . There are way to...
Homeless shelters being able to help those in need can benefit the business and the person they are helping.
Homelessness is an issue and it needs to stop in America.
There are millions of homeless teens in the United States, and it is a very large problem that is going unnoticed. Actions need to be taken.
homelessness is a big issue today
This letter gives the important reasons on why we need to discuss and do something to fix youth homelessness in the United States
Do you wonder how you can help the homeless in America? There are plenty of ways you can help the homeless. Here are some of them and some reasons ...
Dear President, everyone has a situation in their life. But when homelessness comes in, it can be very serious. Over a million people are homeless ...
I believe all people should be able to live in a stable home.
Some of the problems that I focus on are wages, homelessness, discrimination, global warming, and education.
The next president of the United States needs to address our nation's flawed mental health system to help the mentally disabled get back on their f...
Its about things that are problems in the use that nobody cares about and nobody is changing
There is a lot of homeless people in the world. Can the next president help the homeless?
The wealth gap is the root of poverty, thus in order to solve poverty we must talk about the wealth gap and what we're doing to bridge the gap.
How police brutality is causing harm to us and it can affect more innocent people.
Homelessness is a re-occurring issue in the U.S everyday. Over 600,000 people go without a home everyday. They are left to fend for themselves wi...
There are too many children and veterans homeless . We need to stop homeless we need to treat the homeless.
Veterans who risked their lives for our country should not be left homeless, nor should they feel unprotected.
35% of the homeless population are families with children.
The population of people in poverty is rising. Poverty needs to stop now.
Homelessness is getting worse and we need to make it better
There are individuals out there with out a home and with a slim chance of ever having a home.
Homelessness in America
I am talking about two problems that I believe the upcoming president should address which are immigration and homelessness.
Eradication of poverty must occur in order for the United States to become a more independent nation.
17 Year old student exposes the issue of homelessness and no buildings being made to shelter them; only buildings of luxury for the wealthy.
There should be no poverty. Everyone should have the bare minimums such as food, water, and shelter.
Homelessness is a huge problem around the world and society is just making it worse. Whoever the next president is must take action in this, but ho...
A look at the connection between immigration and poverty.
America is filled with broken and damaged people, ranging from the mentally ill who are locked away in prisons, to the homeless, to soldiers with P...
This letter outlines the issues amongst the homeless population throughout the US.
Homelessness of Veterans
Over the last 10 years the rise of terrorist attacks have occurred and if airports and the curriculum of schools could be changed, then this could...
Try to find homes for all the homeless so they can stay safe and healthy. The president needs to help stop homelessness and talk to businesses to a...
Homelessness is getting worse by the minute!
Homelessness is a big problem that we need to stop. Now there are 5 million people who are homeless. Here is why I think we should stop it.
In this I write about the homeless population
The United States needs to stop fighting in the biggest mistake we've made yet, the War in the Middle East.
This letter explains the harsh life of homelessness.
The government is doing a fine job at making sure the rich people are getting richer, but what are they doing for those who do not have a lot of mo...
Imagine being homeless, sleeping on the cold, hard ground with nothing. No clean clothes, no money for food, nothing to drink, not even a family to...
Homelessness on the rise?
Is poverty worse ? This might answer your question.
Letter to the next president:
Homelessness needs to be reduced.
People treat homeless people wrong and i want to stop it!
how to prevent and solve poverty.
Recently police brutality has been blasted all over social media, creating a rift between the public and police. Can it be fixed? Can we end the un...
Homelessness is a concern for our citizens.
I want people to see the truth of who the homeless are because they need help to offer to place to live
The people that live on the streets should be helped.
Homelessness is becoming a very crucial issue since winter is coming up. How is this issue tackled? What can a person do to help in this situation...
The most important issues to me are Insurance rates and how difficult it is for people to get health care. Everyone should be able to get the help ...
The government needs to help the millions of people living in the United States who have nothing.
This letter is about feeding hungry children, because they don't have enough money. We need programs to help this.
Not enough is being is being done about homelessness in America. What will you do to change that?
Homelessness is a huge problem in America that needs to be fixed. Future president, what will you do?
This letter discusses the need of change to our current situation in regards to homelessness. Read about how we can change our country as a whole.
The United States started welfare during the Great Depression in the 1930s. The main purpose was to give families that had little income or were th...
Children shouldn't live out in the cold because their bodies are still developing. Our voices need to be heard because these children need food and...
We as a nation to work harder to reduce, or even eradicate homelessness in America.
Homelessness in the United States
There are many problems in this world. One problem we need to fix is homeless veterans. There are way to many veterans that have nothing. They are ...
I believe that nobody should ever have to suffer through poverty and homelessness.
I believe homelessness is a huge problem in the USA. This needs to be fixed. Read about my solution.
17% percent of the homeless population used to be in the military. This is a really big problem and we might not have very many people in the milit...