There are countless matters that need to be dealt with in the United States, one of them being sexism.
We need to think about abortion. Abortion is murder.
Dear Future President, Abortion should be illegal in all or most cases because it's taking someone's life who never gets a chance to live. It is ex...
Human life begins at conception, therefore the unborn have rights that are undeniable.
There is controversy over whether or not women should be allowed to get an abortion. The power of a woman to have complete control over her body is...
Abortion should be legal.
Abortions should be very restricted and only for a few decsionsions
I feel that abortion is very wrong and that there is always another choice.
My opinion on a few issues that I find very important.
My letter is about abortion, and that women have more choices than just that. And to make the best decision.
Why do women not have the right to get an abortion?
Life is a right that everyone deserves, let us protect that right.
I believe that the decision to have an abortion should be completely up to the mother.
Children are thrown into foster care for unspecific amounts or time when their parents are seen as unfit. Those unfit parents often lose their chil...
STOPPING ABORTION will be the next things on their list to do.
The following letter is about keeping abortion legal and why it should stay legal. It addresses some concerns about abortion as well. It then gives...
Every woman should have access to abortion.
Abortion laws should be changed for the better and not be allowed to harm an innocent child.
The topic of women has come up in the election campaign of 2016 more so than any other election. Whether it is because one of the candidates is a w...
The United States of America has legalized abortion and the consequences are horribe for our nation.
Abortion is morally wrong and needs to be illegal.
Abortion stops a beating heart.
Should we continue to allow abortion in our country, or should we completely invade women's privacy and take away their choice and constitutional r...
Abortion is an overlooked problem that keeps getting worse and worse but no one is acknowledging it. It needs to be assessed, addressed, and outlaw...
If a future president were to make abortion illegal than these people that could have done it are probably bringing the baby in a really tough worl...
The President has much more important issues to focus on than Feminism. These Feminists are men and women who claim that women do not have equal ri...
People have abortions for all the wrong reasons.
Abortion can be a pretty tough topic to tackle, considering how touchy it is. Here I discuss the rationale that states there is no need for social ...
Why burn the spark? Ruin the happiness. Kill the Love. It's easy to be pro-choice when you are not the one being killed. Abortion needs to stop now...
There's an automatic barrier that stands between political parties, and it ultimately hinders us from having the crucial conversations that matter ...
The United States is in dire need of informative and accurate sex education.
Abortion rights should be protected
Abortion in the US is a growing issue that needs to be addressed.
Red, White, and Blue.
Abortion should be against the law and here is why.
Abortion is an argument that is debated frequently. I believe that abortion should be legal, but only under certain circumstances.
There are ways we can help the issue of abortion, now we just have to use them.
Should we choose to kill or should we fill up orphanages?
Abortion is wrong in so many ways, not all of them can be named.
Despite the victories of the LGBTQ+ community, there is still much hate against the community. Homosexuals and transgenders are often persecuted in...
Women should take responsiblity instead of aborting their babies.
Abortion Should Be Stopped
I would like to tell you about abortion.
Abortion should continue to be legal for the safety of women, the future of girls, and rape victims with unwanted pregnancies
Women are still faced with inequalities even in the year 2016.
Abortion should not be an option for women
This is a letter asking the next President to ban abortion.
Abortion should be illegal.
I am pro-life. For many, that is hard to understand, even more to respect, since today many teenagers my age,17, support the practice of abortion. ...
Abortion is already legal and it should stay that way.
Immigrants have the same rights as us American people. They should get treated the same way as Americans. They only came here for better experien...
Gay marriage was a really big problem until now. Let's not change it.
I am pro-choice though I do see the other side of the argument, I believe abortion should remain legal.
In this letter I will be talking about why I believe abortion should be an option for all women.
Why gay adoption SHOULD be legalized in ALL 50 states!
Abortion is not okay, and it never will be. Give the baby a chance to live a fabulous life.
There are reasonable reasons as to why abortion should be illegal and that is understandable. People argue that abortion is killing an unborn child...
Women should not be forced to keep a baby if they aren't ready. The woman who is carrying the baby should have the decision if she wants an abortio...
Getting an Abortion should be the woman's choice!
Abortion should be the woman's choice not a criminalized action.
A woman's right to her own body should hold a higher power than the government or any religious group, especially when it comes to the subject of c...
We need to add certain rules to accommodate pro life and pro abortion sides.
Abortion should be a woman's choice
My views on abortions
Abortion should be stopped.
Abortion should be legal only when medically necessary.
People have the right to defend themselves and we need to preserve the Second Amendment to ensure we can.
Don't you think every child deserves a chance at life?
Women should be able to have access to abortion clinics.
I think abortions should stay legal!
Many people believe that woman should have the option of abortion because of an unplanned pregnancy or unwanted pregnancy, this is a great debate.
By making abortion illegal, it is stripping away a woman's right. It should be the woman's and family's choice, not the government's.
Coming up with a consensus
Abortion is the murder of innocent humans and needs to be stopped
Abortion and women's rights is one of the most controversial topics right now. Defunding abortion clinics and shutting them down would be like taki...
What Abortion means to me and how it can affect women,that do this.
An unborn child is a human being and should have the right to live. Abortions should stop or at least slow. The abortion rate should reduce not inc...
The government should not choose whether or not you have a child.
My letter will be discussing a very heated topic right now in politics. There needs to be something done about this horrific procedure.
This letter is why abortion should be banned around the country and eventually the world.
Anti-abortion is a problem in America because the pro-life argument is not valid. The pro-life argument would cause many problems we can avoid by n...
Abortion is a choice to a woman and her own rights.
Is a right that women should have because it involves their bodies. And it shouldn't be taken away by anyone. My letter gives the reasons why.
This article is to bring awareness for adopting children in foster care.
This letter addresses the issue of abortion, and expresses my opinion that it should be a woman's choice and should therefore be legal.
I want young opinions and voices such as mine to be heard when talking about abortion. This is an issue that affects my age group the most, yet our...
My name is J and I am from Washington State. My letter is about abortion and all the reasons why it should be illegal. ...
LGBTQ citizens/couples don't have the right to adopt children in most states.
What the problem are with abortion and what it does to help people.
Some characteristics you should have and thoughts on abortion.
When teens get pregnant there first reaction is to get a abortion because they feel like their in this alone, they're not ready to care for one yet...
Christians do not have religous equality in America and worldwide.
Abortion should not be discussed only as a common American taboo, but it needs to be addressed as an adult conversation. Women and girls around th...
In this letter, I propose to the president that he should consider making abortion legal in all 50 states.
Women in need of abortion are struggling with being provided a safe, healthy procedure.
Many personal choices such as Abortion and Same-Sex marriage, have a controversial title, but its up to us to put an end to that.