How the use of the words "bully" and "bullying" are causing our nation's youth to not be able to handle diversity and climb to success.
Dear,2016 President
Abortion is not the problem, sexual education and its lack of beneficial information is.
I do not support abortion and I would like to make it iligal.
Why abortion should be legal
I think that unless a woman is raped or the baby will harm her, she should have the baby.
My goal in this letter is to announce my reasons on why I personally think that abortion is a cruel thing to do and shouldn't be legal.
Should abortion be legal?
Women are entitled to make their own decisions when it comes to their own bodies. The government should not be able to force a woman to do anything...
We need to stop bullying around the world for good because people are getting hurt world wide
Abortion should be illegal
We need more laws to ensure guns don't end up in the wrong hands.
I am not a person with very political views. I come from a household where current events are not talked about around the dinner table. However, on...
Abortion is not ok because it's murder of a child, who has the potential to change our world.
Bullying is a problem that affects millions of students, and it has everyone worried, not just the kids.
Abortion is inhumane, unsafe, and goes against any rational persons morals.
Abortions should be Illegal
Abortion laws should be changed for the better and not be allowed to harm an innocent child.
Our country should improve education on this topic.
The debate over abortion has been an issue for a long time. There's pro-life and pro-choice, what side will you choose?
Abortions take place all over the world. There are many safe abortion clinics in the United States, but there are some people who wish to take thos...
Babies are not part of a mother's body.
This letter is about Abortion, and how abortion needs to be stopped. It also gives examples on how the government can encourage people not to get a...
Abortion should be legal.
If a future president were to make abortion illegal than these people that could have done it are probably bringing the baby in a really tough worl...
Abortion needs to stay legal. Women die from illegal abortions.
My opinion on abstinence, abortion, and adoption.
Dear President of the United States of America, Picture this. A woman gives birth to a sweet, beautiful, innocent baby who smiles at the world. Th...
Lawmakers should not be allowed to defund Planned Parenthood.
Too many innocent lives are being taken away. There are other answers better than this.
The letter contains information about making Abortion Illegal. By having abortions it is making it harder for our country to repopulate. Abortions...
I have an issue with bullying.
Abortion is a very controversial topic. This paper discusses positives and pro choice opinions while also stating facts and showing how abortion is...
Women employed through many professional work places are expected to choose between having children and working. This expectation is not only unfai...
There are too many lives being taken. Illegalized abortion and let there voices be heard.
Many people believe that woman should have the option of abortion because of an unplanned pregnancy or unwanted pregnancy, this is a great debate.
Texting while driving laws should be more enforced because it distracts the driver and puts lives at risk.
My letter is about making abortion illegal again, in order to help out those children who deserve to live.
I believe abortion should be illegal.
Why abortion is wrong.
The choice is ultimately the woman's.
Abortion kills over a million innocent babies in the United States each year. These human beings are denied the right to life, which America claims...
I think abortion is okay in some circumstances. It really just depends. These are my thoughts.
The government is slowly trying to wrongfully take away people's guns and are encroaching in on the second amendment.
Abortion should be illegal because it denies the fetus its natural rights to live, and some may think it is a form of contraception.
Killing an innocent human being that can not defend itself is not only cruel, unjust, and unfair but it is depriving the unborn of living a life th...
Abortion has been a big issue for so many years. There's about 50 million abortions per year. Nearly half of pregnancies in women were unintended ...
the lack of trust the public has for law enforcement.
Abortion can prevent lives of misery all over the nation
This letter encourages the fundamentals of choice and allowing women the right to choose abortion over an unwanted pregnancy. To many, this is a ve...
Bullying is a problem in schools and need to be stop.
It is hard to believe why many Americans believe in pro-choice values.
Bullying is one of the major reason teens commit suicide.
I think we should ban Abortion unless absolutely necessary.
This letter gives a brief insight as to how funding abortions would benefit women, specifically those who live in poverty.
Planned Parenthood offers affordable quality health care to both men and women, therefore it should continue to be funded by the government.
This is my letter regarding the Pro-Life/Pro-Choice debate.
Christians do not have religous equality in America and worldwide.
We need to stop bullying in America now.
Abortion should continue to be legal for the safety of women, the future of girls, and rape victims with unwanted pregnancies
Women should not be forced to keep a baby if they aren't ready. The woman who is carrying the baby should have the decision if she wants an abortio...
I am talking about how we should not have abortion in this world.
Abortion is a crime that should be illegal.
Abortions shouldn't be legal
We want a future with less STD’s, fewer unwanted pregnancies and abortions, and a better understanding and acceptance of sexuality.
Let us focus on a future of peace. Making everyone feel great with their own individuality.
In this letter I have composed several issues that America faces today. This includes the lack of respect towards rape survivors and the debate ove...
Abortion Is and Should Be Legal.
Prohibiting abortion after we as a nation have come so far to support a woman's right to choose is simply regressive. It is forcing one of the most...
Cyber Bullying is ruining kids lives. Many people don't understand how harmful it actually is.
My name is Avery and I am a freshman in high school. I believe in pro-choice and I think that the mother should have the right to chose whether she...
Women are judged upon what we do. It's our body, not yours or his.
Abortion must be stop, the change starts with you.
I can give several reasons out of a billion bullying is effective to individuals like us. I causes self harms, depression, and lack of self love.
Everyone is equal, and the new president needs to enforce that more strongly. Also we need to solve the whole cops and black people situation. Anot...
Abortion to babies are wrong
The threat from those who want to make abortion illegal is growing stronger and we need to work to make sure that abortion stays legal.
What I think about abortion.
Abortion should be kept legal and safe for every woman who needs it.
There is a huge issue in today's America with women's rights and equality. Currently, women are not fully equal to men and this needs to change whe...
Why abortion should be illegal.
Abortion is a woman's right.
Today, abortion is one of the most controversial topics in America.
This letter is about how abortion is wrong and how it needs to be stopped.
The topic of abortion has caused numerous debates throughout history, and is still in debate today. It seems as if you are either supportive of it,...
My thoughts on abortion and why it should be illegal with very few exceptions.
Included are some of the most important reasons why planned parenthood should continue to be funded through the federal government
Many problems occur in this world, one of them being abortion and people wanting abortion to be illegal. If this were to happen it would have a neg...
Dear Next President, I have been noticing a many problems with bullying in high school and in public. Though it is hard to see, it happens way to...
A Letter by Angelly
Abortion is the choice of the mother and no one can tell her what to do with her body. It is a basic human right to have control over your body, th...
I wrote a letter to the next president concerning abortion laws.
We need to protect LGBTQ+ youth from bullying
Just because you have the power to end a life doesn't mean you have to use and abuse that power. People are out here buying guns then selling them...
Some problems, solutions, and suggestions to benefit the people of the United States of America.