The U.S is lacking behind in education polls and we need to fix this.
Women in the U.S.A have the option of being educated,however some women around the world don't.
I don't know who the ext president will be, but all in all, it doesn't matter. Things are crumbling, and the thing that's crumbling the most isn't ...
The letter focuses on the issue of the increasing costs of college education and its negative impact on the economy, both now and in the future, if...
This letter addresses the next president and how Americans need college education.
The education system in the United States must be reform in order for children to compete at a competitive level. The next President of the United ...
The real nightmare all students have to face and why we should put an end to it.
The liberal arts are more than just the myth of guaranteed unemployment, and it's time that the US education system understood that.
students are not getting the education they need to succeed and will lead to our countries downfall.
Dear Next President: Should the government fund higher education? With rising costs in college education, the answer is YES! This infographic provi...
how inflexible teachers are when they teach while just assuming that the flexible students are slow, when its themselves.
Persuasive letter to the next President opposing standardized testing.
Education should move away from standardized testing. America, compared to other countries, has a poor educational system.
So many jobs go unfilled because Americans are not qualified for them. At a time when there is a seismic shift in our economy, people need ways to...
Our country should improve education on this topic.
People including teens should get free school therapy just like how pregnant teens can go to a free clinic without their parents knowing.
I think we should end standardized testing for various reasons.
I think that the education system in America is terrible and unfair. I think we should change what we are learning, how long we are going to school...
Taxes are scewed to benefit the wealthy
This letter details the problems with criminal justice system of America and other problems that follow because of it.
Political Candidates support education for the masses, but do not send their children to public school.
Students should not have to wear school uniforms
Dear Future President, The student education should be taken seriously. If students have to pay every year for college and textbooks and they do...
I am writing to you as I am very concerned about the increasing cost of higher education.
Our schools need healthier lunches for the future of our country.
Gun control needs to be controlled more heavily.
Funding for schools is unfair and leaves many children disadvantaged. How can we solve this issue?
We deserve to have the help we need.
The voice of a person with dyslexia.What needs to change and what needs to happen to help people with dyslexia.
Students in America are falling behind in subjects like math, science, and reading. We are below average in math and reading and just barely making...
Standardized tests do not measure a child's true intelligence. They prevent children from real life experiences and any fun in school.
The wage cuts upon teachers.
Shall we Americans have the right to bear arms?
Mandatory or readily available education about addiction is not only helpful but increasingly necessary.
National debt is an issue that our government is facing right now. If we don't try to fix it, then we will always be in debt.
Students get too much homework, and it's affecting their grades and stress levels. Students go to school for 6-8 hours a day and then get 1-4 hours...
My story is about how school days should be shorter, we should have no homework. We should just have time to be kids.
Students of different ethnicities are not receiving the same opportunity for success through our current education system.
recommendations about education.
Student should not have homework
The average start time for public schools in the U.S. is 8:03 am, too early for students to properly learn.
I think the education in this country can improve. Spending more money, upgrading our standards, and simply spreading the idea that education is im...
To fix education for the greater good of our country. Kids need better education.
The U.S. government is in debt to foreign countries. College students and graduates suffer from debt in the U.S.
With my letter I want to bring a new problem to our new president with a fair solution.
We do not need uniforms to express equality.
I want the education in the United States to be better and for college tuition to be free so children can get access to education easily when they ...
Many people can't afford a college education. This effects the economy and the person's lifestyle negatively. College should be free for everyone. ...
We live in a time where things we do can heavily impact both our future, and that of others. It´s the things we do every day that people seem to st...
Youth are the key to a successful country to come. If we youth are not educated to our capacity, the nation drops to our level. We are not prepared...
In this brief letter, I am just going to talk about how college tuition is skyrocketing and how college is becoming less affordable.
Not everyone learns the same. Still, public school systems do not teach in comprehensive, engaging, and creative ways. I believe that there should ...
Teachers in this country are less respected than teachers in other country's. In this argumentative essay I wrote about why teachers should be high...
Excessive testing can hinder a student's education. What steps can be taken to solve this problem?
The only way to fix our country's financial troubles is to teach our youth about money.
The issue I would like to address is educational inequalities also known as educational segregation. Educational segregation needs to be addressed ...
For many years, our economy has been digging itself deeper and deeper into a mountain of debt. With our lives submerged far under this mountain, it...
Persuasive letter to the next President to better fund technological infrastructure in schools and school districts.
Medical debt is a major issue in the United States. It has made some people to go bankrupt and lose their homes.
18 year old high school student writes to explain how the education system holds people back from pursuing their passions and leaves room for long ...
College tuition is really expensive now and the government should try to lower the costs.
Many undocumented students in the US. are denied financial aid and in some cases college acceptance due to their legal status.
“6 in 10, in a student body of 1,100, are failing to meet grade-level standards” (Simon). I want to bring to your attention a standard that is curr...
Bring the production back to America and decrease our dependence on China to get rid of the National Debt.
Economy Debt Money
In the United States, the sex education we have for adolescents can be remodified to be ideal and more effective than the one we have today.
Global Warming is a Real thing with REAL effects on us and on our earth. We need a change right now, before its to late.
Persuasive letter to the next President to get rid of the standardize testing.
Many college students are incapable of living on their own at college because high schools throughout the country do not fully prepare them for the...
Not everyone in America has an equal education, which you, Future President, need to change so that American Youths continue to be the next preside...
What does the future hold for NASA? It depends on the next president.
This letter serves to raise awareness for the often overlooked major health concern of childhood obesity. It discusses the negative impacts of obes...
Kids have too much homework.Read on to see how it hurts us.
Everyone wants to get a higher education.
This is about the education issue. Donald Trump V.S. Hillary Clinton
The current costs for colleges around the nation are too high.
we could save them by saying just yes
Post-Secondary education is becoming more in demand, people need to adapt to the change and efficiently increase knowledge and motivation.
Hi, I'm just a boy who wants to not fix, but evolve our current education system into something better.
Students and families aren't able to afford education because of how expensive it is.
Debt, terrorism, racism, and gun violence.
Students struggle, and get worse every year in our current education program. My letter adresses my concerns with the current system in our country...
The next US President needs to enhance America’s schooling system by assuring a good, high quality, efficient, balanced education for everyone; gra...
People across the globe need to have access to knowledge on how they can keep our earth healthy.
How schools have been breaking the First Amendment of the Constitution for decades without anyone knowing it by teaching evolution to their students.
Current classes in school do not fully prepare students for life after high school.
Redos and Retakes on homework and tests are hurting to students that are going to college.
Persuasive Letter with reasons to have Free College Education.
Our education system is becoming less and less effective, we need to make changes now!
Students take so many state tests that it stresses them out and makes it hard for them to be children.
Schools across the United States should be more aware of how to help students who struggle with this learning disability. If we find a way to have...
Education in general is important. Women's education is severely undervalued compared to a man's education. Come find out the consequences of not g...
Here I will write about College Expenses to our next president.
The Education system does not support minority students in honors classes. This is a problem which many people fail to realize due to the increase...
Sex ed should be added to daily education. Because there is such a large percentage of under age pregnancies, HIVS/STDS etc.
The Common Core has been in place for three years, but it is not making our students any smarter.
Public education is an issue that needs to be solved. Our nation's standards and methods in regards to our educational system need to be examined a...
Abortion is a touchy subject because of it's wide array of views that cannot necessarily be centered by any religion, race, or sexuality. It is a c...
Free college: a realistic plan that stimulates the economy and supports Americans' right to an education.