Americans have been fooled into believing that gun control works.
Letter to the next president covering gun control and similar topics
Gun control will destroy America
Oppression against minorities and social changes that must be made.
I think that we should be concerned with guns and figure out this gun control problem.
Guns shouldn't be banned or restricted furthermore
In this letter I talk About gun Violence. This is a serious matter we need to establish.
This letter is about police brutality and the use of excessive and/or unnecessary force by police when dealing with civilians.
Bang! The last sound a 12 year-old heard as his life was cut short by a stray bullet shot from somewhere off in the distant. His life ended. His li...
I believe teachers should be armed.
Police brutality needs to be resolved quickly.
Is police brutality a major problem in the United States?
It is about the violence in the city that people go to far to kill someone with a gun.
As a President, there needs to be more education about all of what goes on with a gun, instead of having an ignorant viewpoint on guns. An educati...
Many leftist politicians want to take away our right to bear arms in an attempt to end gun violence. This won't work. The second amendment is gua...
Guns for the public should be limited.
Though gun violence has taken a toll on our day to day lives, expanding our gun laws may not be the resolution.
Its a letter
Police Brutality
Gun control affects many people as guns affect many people. There is too much gun violence in the US, and this letter will discuss the effects of g...
Gun control in America should not be up for debate, it is our right and responsibility to hold and keep guns.
Gun violence is bad
More Gun Control would reduce more deaths
My view on the excessive use of guns recently in the United States.
I am for Gun Control.
There is many problems but I am here to focus on one, on police brutality. Police need to know that the first thing to do is not to shoot. They ass...
Gun control and violence is becoming a big problem in the United States of America. read this essay to find out why and how to help.
Gun control is the idea that guns and gun related sales should be regulated by the government
The solution for gun violence is here, with our new background checks when purchasing a firearm.
how the next president will deal with gun control for the U.S.
How Gun Control is Detrimental to Our Country
A lot of problems around the U.S. have been occuring witch include a lot of violence and terrorism. I believe we can still make a change and try to...
There should be stricter laws on gun control in the United States
For the past couple decades in the United States, gun violence has become an alarming problem. There is no way to completely end gun violence, or a...
Police officers are not required to have a college degree. In the U.S. we have too much police violence and racism. This may be caused by their lac...
This piece is about how we should have background checks on gun purchasers to lower the danger of homicide in America.
This letter focuses on the problem of gun control laws and how this has caused a divided nation.
This passage is about why there should be stricter gun control laws. I will give off tons of evidence that should prove that gun control laws shoul...
Children should only be able to shoot or handle a firearm with the supervision of a parent or someone of age to keep a close eye on them. Children ...
Why we need to reevaluate gun laws in America.
This letter is about gun control and the issues the United States faces with it and how it could be limited.
I think that there are big flaws in our police systems that need to be addressed.
We need more restrictions on gun control for the safety of our citizens
Police brutality has increased a lot this year.
Throughout history, we have faced many hardships to becoming what others would refer to us as "the greatest country in the world," but in my opinio...
Far too many people, especially those of color, are dying or becoming severely injured because of the police.
How we should keep guns out of the wrong hands, along with a better screening process to keep guns in the right minds. The statistics of how many c...
I will talk about gun violence.
Recently, there is lots of tension between the police and the community they are serving mainly because police are shooting black African Americans...
Guns should not have more restrictions or limitations.
How gun control effects the United states.
My essay is about how the president should handle the recent outbreak of police brutalities and black lives matter protests.
Gun control is no longer a question of if, but how much. A hard-line approach to the matter that incorporates the ideologies of both of the nation'...
gun control and it's effects on the United States
Police Brutality across the United States of America is out of control and it is mainly targeting Black lives. As a nation, we need to stop these ...
Pro-gun control
Stop the Gangs
The cops can't protect the people by killing the people, and the people can't expect the cops to stop killing people if we keep killing each other....
Now I will not get all radical on you, the reader, and tell you that everything I say is right. This is a simple representation of what I believe in.
Gun violence is a major problem in the United States today. It is unacceptable to ignore it.
Our police force has been viewed as corrupt and racist to many. Social media, news outlets, and statistics all show what some officers have done to...
Gun Control is strict enough as it is and it doesn't need to be even more strict, it should stay how it is.
As citizens living in America, one of the most concerning and deadly problems we face is gun violence. This issue has been brought up through and ...
In this letter, I assert that gun violence is a horrible and tragic problem in our country. The U.S has the most frequent deaths due to gun violenc...
These are some facts that the liberal media has gotten wrong about the issue with our 2nd amendment right.
How to satisfy the American public, without encroaching upon our rights to carry.
The Dark Web is a dangerous place for dangerous people. The government must find a way to shut it down before more people get hurt or killed.
This police brutality needs to be stopped in this country. But what shoud we do about this?
African American people are being killed by police and we are looking for ways to stop this .
Guns are very dangerous, and are being used in the wrong ways.
The country needs the laws to limit the uses of guns.
The government should increase gun control to save thousands of lives.
gun control should not be a thing because people use guns to defend themselves.
Gun control should get stricter to decrease death, and other forms of violence which affect communities negatively.
With all of the gun violence occurring in our nation, something must be done to prevent the loss of innocent lives. We need to take a fresh look at...
The importance of better gun control and regulations.
I like to address some issues I feel are important. Mostly for the younger people since they will be taking over the generation of adults soon. I f...
Gun are getting out of control,this is what i have to say
Why are police officers killing black African-Americans?
Keep us safe, but don't take our guns away.
Why we don't need to have more gun control
My letter is about the gun rights the citizens of the United States hold, and how we are getting our guns rights stolen away from us.
This letter discusses the dangers and potential solutions for the increasing amount of gun violence in the United States.
outlaw fully automatic rifles and handguns/ weapons in general
Gun Control letter to the future president
Pertains to our 2nd amendment and how much good firearms actually are.
Police need to be more carfule on what they do they are the ones that need to protect us we should not feel scared
We should put more laws on guns but still be able to use them for protection.
taking away guns will not stop gun crimes and violence. guns don't kill people, people kill people.
If you have any kind of a strong opinion on gun control, read my letter.
This country is falling to pieces and we can avoid this just think back...
This is an anti-gun letter addressed to the next president of the United States of America.
I am concerned about a lot of things in our country, but what frightens me the most is seeing that police officers or young African Americans were ...
What is the biggest threat to the U.S. right now? Guns.
Police Brutality in America
How Baltimore's homicide rate is affecting the city.
Gun Control is something that must be handled immediately
Police get a bad reputation because of the media. They put a video for example and make the cop look bad and people think that's all cops are -bad....
Dear Future President,
Someone new gets hurt everyday. Why isn't anyone speaking up and putting a stop to it? Do they want us all to be at risk? Anything can happen, even...