The U.S.A was created for freedom not for violence.
With more terrorist acts happening more every year, we need to seek a permanent strategy that can prevent it from happening.
What I am going to be talking about is gun control. Gun control is really getting out of hand because people are getting injured and killed for no ...
We can't get rid of the 2nd amendment, but we can stop a violent situation from escalating in the first place.
The citizens of the United States deserve to protect themselves. We all have the right to bear arms. Assault weapons have no reason to be taken awa...
Why Black Lives Matter
Though it is evident that the majority of cops uphold the law to appropriate standards, lack of police training and the prevalence of racial profil...
People think guns can protect them from bad people, but more people use guns to do bad things to other people. We need to control the sale of guns ...
Requirements for becoming a police officer include the minimum of a high school diploma or a GED. With recent police brutality cases and the Black ...
Gun control is a very complicated issue because although gun violence is a huge problem, banning guns might not be the fix.
Police Brutality
2nd Amendment: Americans have the right to bear arms. Guns do not kill people, people do.
I believe gun rights in the United States is people should be able to have guns and even in The Bill of Rights in the second amendment it states "t...
Guns play a role in citizens lives everyday from protection, hunting, and sport; therefore, putting a ban on guns will remove the right to bear arms.
Gun violence is one of the most serious issues in the USA right now.
Mr. or Mrs. president of the United States there should be policies on Gun Control. The reasons for this is because people who have a violent backg...
My family has many firearms that were easy to purchase. If it was so easy for us to purchase them what is stopping someone else from purchasing one...
A short explanation of the facts for gun laws and the second amendment and why it shouldn't be taken out of the constitution
Gun control affects many people as guns affect many people. There is too much gun violence in the US, and this letter will discuss the effects of g...
This letter addresses the argument of gun control, and how we should enforce stricter laws, and more safety measures during the process of purchasi...
I wrote a letter addressing police brutality.
Police violence is hitting too close to home
Guns being restricted not taken away.
There is a gun show loophole in the US, and criminals can take advantage of it.
What a president should be and how they should act as they look at education, gun control, and minor group decisions.
While some Americans believe the second amendment gives citizens the unrestricted right to bear arms, the majority of us do feel that some restric...
gun control
Too many people are being killed each day. Two ways that we can prevent unnecessary killings is by always performing background checks when guns ar...
Gun Violence
Gun violence is a huge issue in America, and I would like to help put an end to it.
A movement worldwide.
Concealed handguns keep many people from getting hurt or killed and without them the world would be a horrific place.
Police Brutality has gone viral over social media and the news. This problem is happening everyday and it needs to be stopped.
With all of the gun violence occurring in our nation, something must be done to prevent the loss of innocent lives. We need to take a fresh look at...
A lot of problems around the U.S. have been occuring witch include a lot of violence and terrorism. I believe we can still make a change and try to...
We need to get rid of all gun control laws.
This is directed at the major candidates, Hillary and Donald. They need to address this.
This letter is about the Second Amendment and the right to protect ourselves, along with a second-hand perspective of an immigrant.
thoughts From A hunter.
There is a severe lack of regulation and laws relating to firearms and it is causing tragedy and the death of citizens. Along with that, other cou...
Gun law needs to be taken in action because around the United States there are other states that are forcing new laws upon areas into gun free zone...
Allowing guns in schools and colleges is a serious issue, as it can be the cause of horrific things, such as deaths, injuries, accidental shootings...
We have to watch out, weapons are on the loose. We are being attacked from every corner possible with out stopping it. What would happen if someb...
Guns, drugs are bad, social security, and jobs are good
Gun violence has become one of the main issues in the United States which is why the future president needs to take action before it gets too late.
There should be tighter gun control in the US
Recently police brutality has been blasted all over social media, creating a rift between the public and police. Can it be fixed? Can we end the un...
Gun control laws should be changed to lessen the amount of deaths a year.
This letter outlines the issues amongst the homeless population throughout the US.
This is my letter on the issue of violence in our country.
The policemen are here to protect the people, NOT to kill them!
How is gun violence decreasing safety in the United States? Find out here.
NBA Players Against Police Brutality
I think gun control is going outrageous.
Terrorism continues to grow around the world. It is time for us to make stopping global terrorism a priority.
These are some facts that the liberal media has gotten wrong about the issue with our 2nd amendment right.
A call for unity.
Gun laws aren't strict enough, and the level of gun violence has increased tremendously.
Gun control should be put to an end. Everyone who is mentally capable of owning a firearm should own one. The death rate would go down, and this co...
Police Brutality is wrong and it must stop!
Gun control laws must be changed to prevent putting innocent civilians in danger.
Need to Increase regulations on guns
The next president needs to pass stricter gun laws to protect American citizens.
Effects of guns and what our country needs to change
The second amendment is needed to protect people from threats, and must not be repealed.
Time to look at both sides. Do you think police brutality is a problem?
Police brutality on black people should be forced to an end
Cops need to be chosen correctly or trained properly, so they can do the job right.
It is time to end police brutality.
Its not about race.
This letter is on the topic of police brutality, and the killing of our families. This is America and i don't feel safe when i should. So Mr/Mrs. P...
Over the past few years, police brutality has become a major issue in the United States. Unfortunately it continues to grow and some major changes ...
America needs stricter gun laws.
One very controversial topic right now in our country is gun control. I personally do not think guns should be that big of an issue. There are gun ...
I am going to be talking about how to be safe with guns! You can be safe with a gun by currying a gun with liesons and with a holster .You should ...
A overview of gun control, mental health, and hatred. The main topic: The people.
This is an important issue that needs to be handled immediately. We need to stop police brutality.
Firearms have been too frequent as a cause of death. Those that fall victim under the crimes committed by those in possession of firearms are only ...
We need to keep guns out of the hands of people with criminal records.
What both male and female teens don’t seem to notice is how life threatening the gang culture can be as their need for attention and acceptance dom...
Racism will remain the biggest issue in this country until we are all clear on how serious the situation is.
Gun control
Citizens of all races feel unsafe & some uncared for. We need to trust one another and care for each other to keep families and friends safe.
Police Brutality is often triggered by Racism. People are often judged, mistreated and stereotyped due to ethnicity and due to the color of skin.
Valentina Pavolini
Gun control is a big issue in America and it needs to be solved.
This letter is about how we need a stronger gun restrictions and how we need a new law to keep guns away from little kids.
The country's safety and future is in the hands of our law enforcement like police officers, firefighters, lawyers and sheriffs. Is the power goin...
should guns be regulated? If so there could be big consequences.
For decades there have been issues over races, religion, and gender. But recently, there have been issues concerning law enforcement and the commun...
This is a letter to the next president about gun control.
Police brutality is a big issue in the United states. Something has to be done. People do not trust the law anymore.
Gun Control Dear Future President, My name is Dante, and I live in the suburbs of Cleveland. The United States needs more gun laws. There are a lo...
Gun control is strict enough as is and should not be changed.
Gun violence is an epidemic in the United Sates and needs to get put under control. Millions have died over the years from people having access to ...
How immigrants should be treated in the U.S .
Gun control in america affects everyone even if you don't own a gun.
Watching news everyday on TV and newspapers, I realized that United States has so many shootings everywhere, including schools and malls where mos...
Improved gun control and regulations are necessary, but should not be banned.