Liberty is vital to the American promise and should be protected. I find liberty to invlude social mobility, security, and free will. We must educa...
This letter helps to share my opinion on the way the immigrant student's education should be handled. It helps to voice my concerns on why low-inco...
Books are being banned for terrible reasons, and something needs to be done about it!
Raising the questions for minority history in classrooms.
A lot of people all around the world lack or don't have any education at all I have always been interested in this topic because I believe that it ...
Homework should be banned because it can have extremely negative effects for students, it is unclear whether it is actually helpful, and it takes t...
The U.S educational system has been having a hard time over the last few years, with unprepared students, high priced colleges, and many lousy teac...
Education is very important, and I want the best for my future. In order to do this we need to create strong education policies.
College tuition needs to stop rising, so that everybody can have a bright future ahead.
To fix education for the greater good of our country. Kids need better education.
Only a positive learning environment and sufficient resources can help achieve the real goal of education.
The thoughts of a current highschool junior about the status of education in this country.
This is for my home boi mr o'shell
So this are my reasons for writing this passage
We need to provide the diversity courses for students and spend money to support education.
Students of color are unevenly distributed throughout education
Although its not a major topic in any presidential discussions, the problems with our education is something that should be given more attention to.
Things need to change in the schools
Give children in the United States the right to the education they need and deserve.
Standardized tests are inaccurate portrayals of learning at best, and actively detrimental at worst.
Asian students face racism in schools.
All kid should have a chance at attending school.
For students who are not of the minimum age but are intelligent far beyond their age, I firmly believe they should be offered a better opportunity ...
Homelessness is a very important issue that has gone on for many years. Many lives have ended early because of the causes of homelessness, and the ...
SAT's have been an important score for every college applicant, but do they really represent the student?
Education is one of the most important parts of just about every American child's life. Unfortunately, the students of today are involved in a brok...
I believe that college should be affordable and debt free for everyone.
Every public school needs to have an art program accessible for students.
The cost of college is affecting our future and the people who want to go to college but can't afford it.
Nationwide economics education can help prepare our citizens for the future.
Kids all over our country aren't able to go to school because they are in poverty. There education matters because that is what is going to make th...
Why education is important and needed in kids' lives
Education is the most important thing in our society, and it needs to be made a focus.
Discrepancies between low-income and high-income students in American public schools
My name is Zachary Rogers, I’m a high school student in Westport, Connecticut, and I’m proud to say that I will vote in the next presidential elect...
Everyday about 5,760 children are being given up or put in foster care and orphanages . So clearly things aren't getting better . There are way to...
The brains of Americans are sick. It is time to put a stop to mental illness through education.
The burden of being raped, sexually harassed, or sexual abused is not understood in America, leading to problems with our justice system and rapist...
Teaching and learning foreign language is important for schools and students.
The education system needs to modified greatly.
We need to help support the people who are suffering with a Mental problem. We can help get medication and therapy to those who need it most. We ne...
Lower income students are being educated in schools with poor conditions and it has a terrible effect on their learning.
People are not aware of the frequency of suicide.
This letter is about the ways education is received and how it needs to be changed to adapt to the learner.
Why marijuana should be legalized in the United States
A plea for more funding for mental health treatment in our country.
This is my letter to the next president about mental illnesses.
we need to learn to love.
Regarding my support for the Pace Promise nationwide for students.
Shay Hardwick hopes to see arts education take on a higher priority in the next presidential administration.
Students are hard workers and tend to work to push themselves beyond their limits. Sometimes going past their limit proves to be worse for a studen...
In a world where a lack of knowledge causes fear, slashing through misconceptions about vaccinations can be difficult. However, by examining the...
I believe that there is a gap in the quality of education that should be closed to create equal opportunities for all students across the nation.
A discussion of the importance of education in America
Standardized testing should not be the way to evaluate whether a student should move on or not.
We need to put our heads together on how to handle guns.
We need to do more to prevent bullying because it affects victims’ school achievement.
The biggest issue in america needs to be fixed by our next president.
The mentally ill- most misunderstood and socially inept and should be studied so we can prevent them from being both segregated from society and ha...
With my letter I want to bring a new problem to our new president with a fair solution.
Food is taken for granted, but do we really have that right?
Hello, my name is Rose Eski-Ayala. Education is important because it helps you in life. It allows you the opportunity to get a better job and a b...
Children with autism are not getting the correct treatment in public schools, therefore teachers should be better taught on how to handle autistic ...
Charter Schools: Another Education Option
Too much homework given in schools.
A letter to the president that addresses the problem of classist education in America.
Education throughout America needs to be changed drastically. There are many students with disadvantages in education, and they can't grow up, go t...
Mental illness is a common problem in the US that is highly ignored. I ask the future president to spread awareness of these diseases and increase ...
This is about how urgent mental illnesses are and how we as people should know that they aren't just "crazy" people, but just misunderstood.
Many states in this country have a problem with their sexual curriculum, if they have it at all.
In this essay I will talk about the issue of gun control and how we can possibly fix the problem. There are many tragedies that are caused by guns ...
Access to not only the classrooms and dorms but also access to the education, such as accommodation is important because if we don’t understand wha...
The cost of higher education is preventing many from participating
Although a college degree is almost required to be successful in today's day and age, many youth cannot afford the cost or will be saddled with hug...
Predominantly black schools in the US aren't given the same educational tools and resources as predominantly white schools.
What are your plans after school ? What do you want to be when you grow up ? What college do you plan on going to ?
Why we should lower the cost of college tuition.
This letter to the president is about mental health and how if effects people.
This article expains on how many students need to have a better education and today how focusing is difficult.
Students should have enough homework to learn but should not be as stressed. They should learn more real life skills, rather than stressing ou...
Technology is the solution to many things including our education.
Fixing the American Educational System
Spread the message and stop the stigma
looking at the problems of our mental health facilities, how we treat our mentally diseased Americans.
schools start too early for students to properly learn
Schools need to provide free hot lunches
The emotions that us teens hold within that we cannot control affect our school life daily. It's time to remove the wall that's not allowing the ge...
Suicide rates in the United States are at an all-time high and something needs to be done about it.
LGBTQ+ youth are at an all time high for suicide rates due to the overwhelming stresses of being themselves.
This is a letter to the next president about what I think should happen to make America great again and how to better the country
Affirmative action gives people a false sense of diversity. In an attempt to achieve equality, universities have only created more unfair circumsta...
Some ways we could improve education for minorities and every student.
Mental health care today is much too expensive and unrealistic in some respects.
Why are we not trying more to stop suicide and save lives?
Depression is a national issue that needs more attention.
There are many important issues surrounding education that could be critical in determining the future in many young people. We all need to jump in...
I recently was scrolling through a video which explained how so many things have changed in a hundred years, but the school system hasn't changed m...
costs to pursue a education should be lowered or taken away
My letter expains the injustice we do to our teachers through their lack of pay. They provide so much for everyone else, so it's our chance to prov...