A short video showing the issues that Muslims face for following their religion and why the next President should take action.
We are the people who face the struggles of America and the struggles of immigration itself.
Immigration has been a matter that has not been addressed much in the presidential debate. As the new president, you are able to make better choice...
Why does the United States have an Increase in flow of immigrants to this country? It's because the United States offers so many beneficial things ...
It's time that we work together to fix an issue that is long overdue. And act like adults while we do it, please.
While immigration laws do keep harmful people out of our country, the strictness of these laws is keeping people who can benefit our country out as...
People of all types deserve Equal rights
This article addresses how immigration needs to be fixed. However, I feel that Undocumented Immigrants should have a path to citizenship.
I wrote about a plan for illegal immigrants and what to do with them
I think that the president should illegal immigrants become U.S citizens.I
I strongly believe that immigration is one of the biggest problems in our country. There are over 11 million immigrants at the moment! This is a ma...
Let's discuss legalization of immigrants in the United States.
The good and bad of immigration
Bring the production back to America and decrease our dependence on China to get rid of the National Debt.
Immigration and how unaccompanied children come to the United States and have many obstacles to overcome to live a better life.
America is recognized for its diversity, yet we still feed the need to discriminate each other due to racial or economic differences. A major insta...
The safety of Americans is being put at risk when we let Syrian refugees into our country.
Together we can all stop the deportation today if we work together!!!
Should we build bridges to America and not walls? Or should we build walls and not bridges? We should build both, keep out illegal immigrants and a...
One of many wonderful reasons for not cutting the wings to many of our dreamers.
This is a letter concerning the growing issue about police brutality throughout the United States.
Immigration is a disdained problem in the U.S., but can also be beneficial for our economy.
This letter is based on the bad effects of deportation which focused on the Central American kids who were undocumented and came to the USA. I am ...
As a high school student who comes from hard-working, undocumented people, I am concerned about the solutions that 2016 candidates running for Pre...
Immigration is a very controversial topic because of the danger it poses, but is that stopping us from helping the people who need us?
My letter to the future president.......
Without even knowing it, many social media sites and articles are helping terrorists. Here's how to stop it.
Will building the wall and mass deporting immigrants benefit or destroy the country? Will it save us money or put the country in even more debt?
Mexican Immigration to the US
Racial discrimination has been a problem for a long time- but right now it is at its peak. If we don't take action now, we may never overcome it.
Immigration is a major problem in America, and we need to fix it.
I think that the president should illegal immigrants become U.S.citizen.
This letter provides evidence that racism still exists in America.
Not all undocumented immigrants should be deported
Immigrants are getting disrespected in many ways and should be helped more. They have to escape they country and all we do is just disrespect them....
Illegal immigration has been a problem in the US for a while now, it is affecting our economy and breaking our laws.
Illegal Immigrants should be deported home, if they want to come back they should come back as legals and apply for a green card.
Everyone deserves a chance to have the opportunities that being a U.S. citizen provides.
This is my view on immigration and what I think should be done in order to keep it under control.
Our current immigration policies affect poverty, separation of family, and stereotyping.
Homeland Security is becoming a more significant threat day after day, and I am wondering what you will do to prevent it.
A problem that is happening now and cannot stop and we need to do something about it :)
I believe that America should take time to analyze the majority of reasons for immigration, illegal or otherwise, and understand the circumstances...
Better ways to handle the problem of immigration.
to Hilary
One of the biggest controversies in America is Immigration and how it should be handled. Legal Immigration truly defines our country and makes us t...
Immigrants come to the United States for a better life not to be a target of discrimination or to cause problems. They come to provide for their fa...
immigration to come live in foreign country preeminently
Hello future president, my name is Sean Rodriguez. I am from West Milford, New Jersey, and I attend West Milford High School. I would like to speak...
This is a letter to our next presumptuous President, Hillary Rodham Clinton.
I think that the president should allow illegal immigrants to become U.S. citizens.
Can you help the children at the border?
This letter is about the issue of immigration. No human is illegal. Leading our nation means being a leader of the world, and as such you have an o...
Although I myself am not an immigrant, both of my parents are, and I feel that immigration is a key topic that, as President, you have to address ...
Hunger in America has become a timeless issue that effects too many citizens. It's a problem withers away at our people and needs to be addressed w...
My letter is about the rights that immigrants should have in the Untited States.
This letter tells about how kids are getting taken away from their immigrant family. And how getting deported is not the the solution.
That we should do something about all of the illegal immigrants
Illegal immigration is a threat to our national security and the safety of our country’s citizens.
Our debates no longer allow the people to know the candidates' plan when they have this country. We need to stop their bickering so the people can ...
Immigration is a very important issue right now because everyone is immigrating to the United States.
People who immigrate to the US should be given the opportunity to become legal because they are trying to have a better life for them and their fam...
A physical wall that by its very existence separates you? A new policy is what we need; we are still the America based on immigration.
My letter is about how through history, immigration has been similar, but it has progressed slightly since then.
A letter supporting immigrants
What would happen if immigrants were to be deported.
Immigrants should be treated equally
The problem with Illegal Immigrants
We don't need a Wall of Separation, we need a Gate of Progression.
Importance of immigration policies for Americans.
Illegal immigration is an issue in the United States for many reasons. Changes need to be made before more damage is done to our country's economy.
Many children are emigrating from their countries to U.S because they are suffering.
Immigrants in America
I think that the president should allow illegal immigrants to stay in the U.S. A.
The American Dream is slowly dying.
I think that the president should allow illegal immigrants to stay in the US citizens.
Immigration should be made easier for parents to enter the US with citizen children already here.
How Donald Trumps views on Muslims are corrupt
Muslim people are most likely to get stereotyped and bullied. They get judged by the way they look. Muslims want everyone to have empathy so they c...
This letter is about a possible solution to the immigration issue we are currently having in the United States. The President has the responsibilit...
Immigration is a serious matter in our country and needs to be taken care of in a sensible and responsible way. Immigration is an issue in the Unit...
I would like to congratulate you on your induction into the office. It is a special honor and I wish you the best of luck. These are some foreign p...
I believe that immigration in the United States wouldn’t be a bad thing, if people need to start fresh, I would let them in our protected and wealt...
This is a paper about how we can solve and what is wrong with Illegal Immigration
War, genocide, loss of homes; about every heinous crime out there. In the middle of all the fighting, families are losing their homes. How can we...
This letter entails my opinion on the way immigration should be handled. It voices my concerns about deportation and the devastating effect it has ...
Racial Inequality is a prominent occurrence, even in 2016. How will the future president work to unite black and white American citizens?
Our country does too much for other people..
Can you help the child immigrants?
Most immigrants in the Unites States took a risk on leaving their families to have better lives and chances toward their future.
A Letter by Angelly
Colin Kaepernick refusing to stand during the national anthem disrespects all veterans. This is why racial problems need to be solved or America co...
Immigration should be a way to take those who do wrong, and not to separate families and deport those who make America better.
In our country we need a better border to protect the citizens of the United States of America
Times have changed, and we can't ignores the facts any longer.
I have a request regarding undocumented immigrants, the wall, and America's Judicial system.
Instead of rushing to make a decision regarding immigration, the American government should wait and see what happens.