College debt is a very serious problem because it is increasing yearly, leaving students swimming in debt when they get out of college. With this b...
classes unneeded for future
What we need to do in order to make college education more affordable and accessible to everyone
College costs stress out families and put them in a tough financial situation.
Colleges across the U.S. aren't handling sexual assault on their campuses responsibly. In order to protect the image of the university, schools are...
My letter is to speak up about the issue in students having to struggle on paying for their college tuition. I am writing this to call for an atten...
Although many people are suffering from the high tuition needed to attend college, we mustn't focus on this fact alone. We need to open our eyes an...
My name is Evan Schwarzenbach and I am a 16 year old living in Lafayette Louisiana. I am worried about the future of free speech in the U.S., espec...
college tuition should be lowered so that all families can have a chance to send their kids to college.
Paying for College
Colleges prices have been raising throughout the years, and causing a lot of stress because of the debt.
The cost of college tuition is a huge problem, and it's leave many in post-graduate difficulties.
Over time, the cost of college tuition has dramatically increased and is becoming a major worry for our future generations.
Around 20 million students attend college each year, which is about 68% of high school graduates. Why don't the other 32% attend? Most of it has to...
After 4 years of working hard in high school, I deserve to go to the college of my choice regardless of my family's economic standing.
Today the average American can't nearly afford college and the employment rate is going down because of it, so please help the people of America an...
Why are so many people in debt? How much do they owe in student loans? What can be done to help them? Find out how this can be put to an end!
The amount it costs to go to college she be reduced. Many people can't afford to further their education because of this cost.
Students are constantly in debt and constantly worried about their financial status because of college tuition.
In this letter, I will be talking about the increasing of college tuition and how it needs to be stopped quickly.
I do not think that college should be free.
College tuition prices are too high.
The number one reason high school graduates do not bother to think about the idea of going to college is the fact that the costs of college are too...
The consequences of the increase of college tuition.
The amount of sexual abuse on college campuses, and in general, is overwhelmingly large and is overlooked.
lowering college tuiton
College tuition costs more than it should and we should do something about it.
Are college students money machines? Do they go to college for education or to pay off their college tuition debts? Is going to a good college real...
My letter is about creating a new scholarship for college students who's financial aid has ran out.
Here I will write about College Expenses to our next president.
Proposing the idea of a class for high school students that will help reduce College debt.
College tuition is a huge issue in America and something needs to be done about it.
Colleges in this country are too expensive for most of those applying. Providing more financial aid options across the United States, as well as s...
This letter provides ideas of ways to lower college tuition in the future.
Colleges charge their students money every credit per hour. For example Western Michigan University is charging the students in the business colleg...
A large amount of students today plan on attending college after graduating high school, but some students with low-income, may not have the chance...
My hopes for the economy, and topics on abortion and women's rights.
November 4th, 2016 Dear Future President, have you ever had a problem with money and had a hard time not being stressed? Well, imagine that as ...
college should be available for everyone and affordable.
College cost a lot of money for some people. I believe that education is very important and it is not fair for some people that really care about e...
Unless we lower the price of college, high school students won't be able to pay off the debt.
We should make college education affordable and accessible to all high school graduates.
The cost of college is way too high.
Article on my thoughts and research on college tuition.
Free college will not provide the benefits needed to make the investment worthwhile.
funding education rather then prisons
I hope you will consider passing a bill for all the states to require a program for free community college for all the states, or some sort of prog...
A college education is key for success in the USA and should be made affordable for everyone.
The cost of college is outrageous! This is an important issue on everyone's mind.
Rape is everywhere so why would it not be at college.
People not getting enough education, causing them to have no jobs and money.
Reducing College Tuition Prices
College tuition is causing students not to further their education and drowning families in loads of debt.
College tuition has been rising and it is becoming increasingly difficult for average families to pay for it. People who want education are not abl...
College, a place divided by two types of people- those looking for years of experimentation, and those who go into college with a set idea of what ...
This letter addresses the issue of wealth inequality in America and how it affects many other problems that face our country. My belief is that the...
College tuition is intensively rising and the price is becoming too high
We should be lowering the price of college especially if the value of our degree is decreasing.
College athletes earn money for their school. Also, they have to still do schooling and pay for their schooling, so they should be paid.
College athletes are some of the hardest workers on their college campus, but do they really deserve to be paid?
I am writing to you as I am very concerned about the increasing cost of higher education.
As a citizen of the United States, it sincerely concerns me that college tuition is very high and very unreasonable.
This letter is about the tuition fees of college, and how they affect people.
I hope this letter will impact your view on college tuition costs.
College needs to be cheaper for people to attend to. I believe that the next president can do something about this.
College prices need to decrease or disappear altogether, as they burden our youth
College Prices MUST go down to get students out of student loan debt.
Ever since public funding was cut from colleges, the cost of college has risen up to $40,000. If we add technology into schools by having online bo...
College Tuition is becoming too high for working class families, and something needs to be done.
College tuition is constantly increasing, and college grad will often live in massive student debt for a large part of their lives.
Every year high school seniors look to go to college the next fall. For some, that cannot happen because of the high prices of college.
College tuition has been getting out of control. Some students don't even go to college because the tuition is too high. College tuition keeps risi...
College costs way too much. It's time that we did something about it.
The costs of college tuition is rapidly increasing causing a college degree to become harder to achieve.
This letter addresses the next president and how Americans need college education.
Dear Mr. or Mrs. President, I would like to bring to your attention the incredibly high university tuition rate.
This essay is about how expensive college is and if it's actually worth paying for, or in other cases why people can't afford to go.
Most kids don’t get to decide where they go to school; it’s based on where they live or where their parents want them to go. This not only affects...
The cost of college is rising fast, what can you do to help?
This letter is how college tuition around the world should be lowered. College education shouldn't be this high of a price.
College Tuition is creating an uncrossible gap in education between the poor and the rest of society.
We need to limit how much college is.
College Student Athletes work very hard to be great at a sport and handle school, but they aren't getting compensated.
Programs in high school will help high school students discover what career path is right for them, decrease the average student debt, and help stu...
As the price of going to college keeps rising, more and more students are getting left behind. College should be made affordable to everyone.
During the previous years in the US there have been more shootings and bombings, racial discrimination, conflicts between authorities and other peo...
The cost of college for today's teenagers is outrageously high, and there needs to be a reduction made by the federal government.
College prices should be eradicated or decreased.
In this letter I will share why college tuition costs should be reduced.
College expenses are overwhelming and something needs to be done about it and soon.
College athletes should not be paid.
Students with visa's who have spent a major part of their educational lives in America, should be treated equally when it comes to paying for colle...
College tuition needs to be affordable for all students.
College costs are causing problems felt all over the country.
Imagine being in trial for a crime and being found guilty, despite the substantial evidence pointing towards your innocence. This is the feeling th...
Why college should not be free.
The ever growing epidemic of sexual assault on college campuses. What are we doing wrong?
I care about how much college may cost me.
This letter covers why it is important to not only put emphasis on skilled jobs, but why the mentality of a 4 year school is becoming dangerous.
A letter to the future president about the cost of college.