Many people can't afford a college education. This effects the economy and the person's lifestyle negatively. College should be free for everyone. ...
Have you thought about the future of our great nation? It depends on this generation. And this generation deserves a phenomenal education opportuni...
While in the white house please make sure that you make us get out of the debt. As much as Obama was a good president, even though you are bet...
College costs are causing problems felt all over the country.
The price college tuition is rising and it is becoming increasingly hard for students to handle.
College tuition costs have gone up an outrageous amount in the United States. ...
College tuition is intensively rising and the price is becoming too high
College Tuition is becoming too high for working class families, and something needs to be done.
Politicians are mostly to blame for the deep debt that our country is in.
How we can get rid of our debt.
The cost of college is rising fast, what can you do to help?
Debt, terrorism, racism, and gun violence.
We need fair tuition so students can go to and afford college.
College is essential for anyone who wants to get and maintain a job... or at least a good job. However, college isn't affordable for everyone who w...
I am informing the president that the majority of students want to go to college. But the price for college if very high leaving them to question ...
College tuition is the main reason many can't go to college. It's overpriced.
College is a once in a lifetime opportunity, please don’t deprive us from a chance in a lifetime.
Every year more and more people end up in debt for the simple act of seeking an education. They are in this debt because of college costs.
National debt is an issue that our government is facing right now. If we don't try to fix it, then we will always be in debt.
This letter provides ideas of ways to lower college tuition in the future.
Student Loan debt is a growing problem and needs to be addressed
How much is too much? Higher education costs putting your family under a financial strain.
Education is important to everyone. Most people, however, can't afford to go to a good school or college purely because they lack the funds to att...
High college tuition prices are hurting our present and soon, our future.
Medical debt is a major issue in the United States. It has made some people to go bankrupt and lose their homes.
A change needs to be made in the American college application process.
Although many people are suffering from the high tuition needed to attend college, we mustn't focus on this fact alone. We need to open our eyes an...
Around 20 million students attend college each year, which is about 68% of high school graduates. Why don't the other 32% attend? Most of it has to...
Today the average American can't nearly afford college and the employment rate is going down because of it, so please help the people of America an...
Students with visa's who have spent a major part of their educational lives in America, should be treated equally when it comes to paying for colle...
The federal minimum wage needs to be raised in order for US citizens to prosper and have a more fulfilling life.
I am writing to you as I am very concerned about the increasing cost of higher education.
Imagine being in trial for a crime and being found guilty, despite the substantial evidence pointing towards your innocence. This is the feeling th...
Getting more kids into college will educate our country and make America more successful and generally happy.
This letter addresses the next president and how Americans need college education.
The price of college is way too expensive for students fresh out of high school.
College have lead many people to success in life, but with tuition and the risk of having student loan debt can change one's lives.
In this brief letter, I am just going to talk about how college tuition is skyrocketing and how college is becoming less affordable.
Such high expectations are put on all students in the United States--they're all expected to be smart and live successful lives. However, not every...
Persuasive Letter to the next President to make college more affordable.
The overwhelming emphasis on college has become a large aspect of our modern day society. The ever climbing prices of college tuition is affecting ...
Dear Mr/Mrs. President College is a great thing and it can hel...
Economy Debt Money
Nowadays, college tuition is way too expensive. Students are paying off loans for decades after they graduate. This is a huge problem in our societ...
For many years, our economy has been digging itself deeper and deeper into a mountain of debt. With our lives submerged far under this mountain, it...
Millions of people are in crippling debt in this country, and that's something we need to fix.
Bring the production back to America and decrease our dependence on China to get rid of the National Debt.
Colleges' need to take the extra measures to handle and prevent rape and sexual assault from happening on campus, in order to make students feel sa...
reasons to make college free Dear mrs Clinton, In your first one-hundred d...
We live in a time where things we do can heavily impact both our future, and that of others. It´s the things we do every day that people seem to st...
College is constantly on high school students' minds, and more importantly the price. Time and time again, the price of college has been brought t...
College expenses are overwhelming and something needs to be done about it and soon.
Want a better economy? Tuition-free college is the way to go!
In order to protect the people and their children, more gun regulations need to be enacted.
College tuition is too high. College loan debt is ruining lives.
Sexual Assault on College Campuses
All students deserve the right to an education. Students should not be denied access to the education they deserve because of their financial situa...
Everyone wants to get a higher education.
College tuition fees need to be DROPPED!
Americas debt is going to be a big problem and if America does nothing about it, America's debt is going to . In this essay, three solutions are gi...
Sexual assault is a problem on college campuses, and we aren't doing enough to stop it.
College prices should be eradicated or decreased.
This letter details the problems with criminal justice system of America and other problems that follow because of it.
Most people have no clue how new money is created in the US and the reality is that banks create new currency every time a loan is made. This debt-...
Dear Future President of the United States, The costs of college severely affects the way students view their potential education coming from the...
People are going too far into debt.
Students pay too much for college. Education should be accessible to everyone.
This letter discusses the issue of rising college tuition prices. Providing statistics and evidence to prove that this topic is in fact real. ...
Here I will write about College Expenses to our next president.
Sexual assault on college campuses is a problem we should take more serious and put an effort to make an end to it.
Many peolpe say that college cost to much they are right colleges do need to lower how much peolpe need to pay just to go to college.
We are owing too many debts to others. We owe trillions of money to other countries which may create problems later on. So, we need to stop owing m...
This essay is about how expensive college is and if it's actually worth paying for, or in other cases why people can't afford to go.
The rising cost of tuition in Oregon has increased over the past years and has become an issue for some high school graduates going into college. W...
Students and families aren't able to afford education because of how expensive it is.
As a seventeen year old female, who is about to go to college this coming fall, I, along with many of my classmates, am worried about the growing s...
College tuition prices are way to high for any student to pay. Many students will leave college in a huge amount of debt. There is almost $1.2 tril...
If the college tuition decreased there would be more educated individuals that would go to college, so there would be more jobs, which would help t...
This article goes over how the price of college is putting students in the "danger zone".
College tuition is outrageously high and should be lowered.
Colleges across the U.S. aren't handling sexual assault on their campuses responsibly. In order to protect the image of the university, schools are...
Our Education Depends On It, You Can Change It.
The U.S. government is in debt to foreign countries. College students and graduates suffer from debt in the U.S.
The costs of college tuition is rapidly increasing causing a college degree to become harder to achieve.
Ever since public funding was cut from colleges, the cost of college has risen up to $40,000. If we add technology into schools by having online bo...
This essay shows how people are struggling with medical debt today. They have very little money and most of them don't have the money to support t...
College Tuition should be decreasing in price so more people have the opportunities to get a degree.
Students today are facing way too much debt from getting a higher education and it is time to do something about it.